Virgo – The Female

Virgo is the sixth sign, which completes the half circle of the zodiac. It represents a complete female human form. In Virgo, we see a mature woman who has not experienced her womanhood or sex and is completely chaste. A woman who is waiting to become complete and willing to experience the fullness of her youth, if all her expectations are fulfilled.

Since Virgo completes half the circle of the zodiac, it indicates that humanity takes the upper hand and service to mankind is sparkling trait. Virgos are full of servitude and are firm believers in relationships. Virgos are extremely selective in relationships and take their own time to get involved. Perhaps, they are aware of that elusive truth that getting into a relationship is easier than parting. For a Virgo, parting is very difficult since the of  goes deep into their system, they will go to great lengths for people they are involved with.

Virgos are generally evolved souls or at least they make genuine efforts to grow spiritually. There is an inner desire in them, not only to be humane but to be constant givers. However, when Virgos are negatively charged, then they become selfish and use all possible reasoning and logic for their own benefit. Since their mental faculty is in good reckoning always, they have the advantage to use it either way, to suit themselves. Once they are on the destructive path, then they can destroy many along with themselves.

The adult, mature female as the Virgo sign, indicates future dreams. Virgos are full of new ideas; they are highly innovative and have absolute confidence in their creativity. A true-blooded Virgo will do proper homework, use all possible pre-analytical tools available, before expressing ideas. Virgos are blessed with the flair of expression. They have flawless and charismatic ways of expressing themselves with which they can keep an audience spellbound.

Virgos are also fully aware of their limitations. They can produce very good results as subordinates. They are the best guides available. They love to go into the minutest details of projects. They can be good scholars, advisors, counselors, etc. One inherent difficulty with Virgos is that they try too hard at too many things and hence, cannot master any one thing. If somehow they can learn the art of discrimination, they can also become very good bosses.

Virgos are very good at personal hygiene. But sometimes they go to extremes in certain things, including personal relationships. A Virgo can attempt to do everything for the other person, invariably robbing the other of his own independence.

Leo – The Lion

The fifth sign of the zodiac is Leo. When we look at the sky, the constellation of stars looks very much like a lion, the king of the jungle. Leos are competent, self-assertive, bold and ready to accept challenges without worrying much about the consequences. Authority comes to them so naturally that they tend to dominate without even realizing. But on the other hand they can be wonderful protectors. Once someone accepts their supremacy or loves them, they will act as saviours. If a Leo is accepted as a godfather, then he or she can go to any length to provide every security to his or her dependent.

Leos dislike enemies who dare to provoke them. If a Leo is provoked, then he or she will erupt as a volcano, leaving no stone unturned, till the opponent is destroyed completely. Leos can be ruthless as well as merciless if their authority is not accepted. But once you surrender, a Leo will pardon with great generosity. This plus point of a Leo can then be manipulated by opponents, who want to avenge themselves.

Leos are born actors. They think this world is a stage and they are great performers. Invariably, Leos will search for a stage in life, where they can dramatically present themselves to the whole world.

It is difficult to imitate a Leo because like everything else, their entrance and exit are remarkable. They have an inborn tendency to make their presence felt without any extra effort. The inner confidence of Leos is so strong that it helps them stand apart in a crowd. Leos are great inspirers. Brimming with confidence, they are always ready to explore the unknown, which enables them to face the challenges of life squarely.

Leos know that they are the lords and masters and expect others to take orders from them. This personality trait often creates confusion in the minds of others, making the latter wary of their behavior. Leos need to be more demonstrative in their approach than to be authoritative all the time. However, a true Leo is kind, generous and helpful. The generosity of a Leo knows no boundaries. Sometimes their pride is misunderstood as ego or arrogance but in case of true Leos, this is only a misconception.

Cancer – The Crab

In the fourth sign of the zodiac, the picture in the sky we see resembles a crab. The crab is a very industrious animal and works like a one-man army. It can hide itself well on the surface as well as under water.Water plays an important role in astrology because it represents emotions and feelings. When they want to, Cancerians can display their feelings so powerfully that they can mesmerize others. But at the same time, they have also mastered the art of hiding their true feelings and emotions with perfection. So, they behave according to the demands of the situation.

The crab is known for carrying his home back on his back. Cancerians are extremely resourceful and have a special affinity with their home and folks. Most of their time and energy are invested in creating nice and comfortable home. They are overprotective about their near and dear ones. This trait invariably frustrates other people around them. Cancerians are natural parents/guardians. They can cross any limit to look after their children with the utmost sense of duty; they are natural providers.

Emotions play a very deep role in the personality and make-up of Cancerians. Their emotional perception of people and situations is more or less perfect. However, they suffer from occasional bouts of anxiety and at times even become hysterical if they lose perception. They can also get easily carried away. At times they get influenced by wrong judgements and suffer heavily.

Cancer is the sign of feeling. Cancerians are marvellous with their anecdotes and story-telling abilities. Their past also plays an important role in their lives. They recollect past events with a great sense of joy and one can see a sparkle in them when they elaborate a short story into a long one. They also have the ability to arouse emotions, feelings, drama and an element of surprise here and there. However, they are very strong in their considerations. In a love situation they turn out to be great givers. Normally they avoid committing themselves but, once they do commit, they try to fulfill their promise. The emotive side of their personalities is very strong and they have the rarest of abilities to ease out the emotional stress and burden of others with no problem at all. At times, their presence creates a powerful aura, which is not easily explainable. Some of them have the innate talent to become natural psychic healers.

Cancerians are goal-oriented. At times, they may give the impression that they are wasting time, but as a matter of fact, they are only biding time. When the right opportunity strikes, they too strike and strike very hard. The only danger is that they should not miscalculate and refrain themselves from wrong moves.

Gemini – The Union of Male and Female

Third sign of the zodiac indicates extension of oneself. In Gemini, the picture seen in the sky comprises two-and-a-quarter constellations looking as if two human beings are embracing each other. Seen closely, this picture gives us an impression of two persons, a male and a female, involved in perfect union or copulation.

In Gemini, energy has taken human firm and is poised to create. The two human beings of Gemini are in the copulative position, that of sexual union. An act of copulation is also in some way a declaration of adulthood. Sex is one of the most essential part of our lives and the sex witnessed in the Gemini sign is in its purest form. Therefore, Geminis have inherent desire to reach out to the world with different forms of communication. A symbol of sexual union clearly indicates that creation (an offspring) is round the corner. This is the position where both the male and female energies, the yin and yang, Shiva and Parvati, come together. The union of two different poles is indicator of creation. Therefore, Geminis are full of new ideas, concepts and innovation. Once they are struck with a thought, they will not rest till their thought starts taking the form of action. Once they get entangled in their own web, then even non-practicality may take over and the results can be quite disheartening.

An innovative mind knows no boundaries. Those who are imaginative or capable of creation, tend to get rigid with the thought process.  A Gemini person can tend to be rigid and behave stubbornly on certain occasions. Gemini is also a sign of duality. This duality is purposeful, only if the analytical faculty of the mind is used. Duality can provide a penetrative view of issue, bestowing the person with fine perception. However, at times duality creates confusion and irrational approaches too.

Amongst the many advantages of duality is that it gives a knack of mastery in many arts at the same time. A true Gemini enjoys getting involved in multifarious activities at the same time. He or she may be involved in 10 activities and aiming at and eleven simultaneously. There is no doubt that Geminis are experts in their attempts, but at times they end up messing up and seldom know how to get out of it.

Geminis are known to possess uncanny intuition. Intuition comes under the category of sixth sense. It is a sense which enables the seeker to know the things before their occurrence, without making any visual effort. Intuition does play a key role in the lives of Geminis, and can be cultivated; it is a great gift indeed!

Taurus – The Bull

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. The two-and-a-quarter constellations assigned to this sign make a visible picture in the sky, which resembles bull. In each civilization, through the evolution of man, a bull like the cow and the horse have been like helping hands throughout existence. In its own way, the bull has played an important role in the growth of humanity.

Man being a clever animal has known right from the beginning that to use energy of the bull, it needs to tame it. There is a basic difference in an ox or a bull. The bull brims with raw explosive energy. If it takes the path of devastation, then it is difficult to control it.

If a Taurean knows how to utilize its energy, then he can do wonders, otherwise his own force can  him. Contrary to the bull, the ox is dutiful, systematic, less demanding and unconcerned about trifle matters. These are big traits of a great personality. A dutiful person can become successful by achieving and by inspiring others. To reach the zenith in any field, one needs to organize oneself into a system. We call the computer a ‘system’ because it works on certain principles. If you are less demanding or have limited needs, then it is an added asset of your personality. If one is unconcerned about the world and concentrates solely on oneself, the remarkable results can be obtained.

Basically, the ox is a passive form of the bull. All the obvious traits of the bull are dormant in the ox. The verve and dynamism of energy have to be ingrained in the ox. Besides this, the real use of bull’s energy lies in taming and exercising restraint over that raw energy. Taureans live through this danger throughout their lives.

Over centuries, human being may have tamed the ox from being a ferocious bull, but practically in real life, all Taureans need to search for the ox within them if they want to make the best use of their sign.

Aries – The Ram

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It looks like the ram. If we observe a ram, we will notice abundant raw energy in it. It looks innocent alright, but it is always ready to explore anything new or fascinating, as if it has no patience or inkling to discriminate between right and wrong, loss or profit. Often, action is its only choice. When thought is absent, action can create wonders. Sometimes, there are demanding situations in life, where pure thought can only produce disastrous results and action is the lone savior. In emergencies, or where thin line of difference exists between life and death, only action can produce desirable results. In the midst of a crisis, intuitive action is the best solution. If actions are governed by intuitive wisdom, then they have the potential to produce instant results too.

Arians are action oriented people. They are bestowed with leadership qualities. These qualities are those that are required to face squarely the challenges of life. Challenges get thrown in our way all the time, yet every human being is not willing to accept them. In actuality, only a few of us are real dare devils, willing to call a spade a spade; most of us prefer to remain mere spectators. Arians take the bull by the horn, instead of looking for the tail.

The ram’s basic weapons of fight and self-defense are its horns. One of the primitive weapons of fighting and warfare horns, claws, teeth, etc. as the horns are located on the head, therefore, it becomes a necessity to fight not only with horns, but also with the head. Those who are in the habit of fighting with their heads will fight in totality and will not have even a moment to think of using their intelligence. There will be no real effort to save oneself, since the only option they look for is to do or die. Those who are ruled by this sign seldom think about the consequences. If it is their day, they may be winners; while at other times, they may be losers.

This is the basic danger that Arians carry throughout their lives. As it is, intuition and illusion are separated by a very fine line of difference. Intuition is governed by higher intelligence, which cannot be reasonable all the time, whereas illusion is wrong judgement and lacks the discriminating ability.

If Arian can be little more rational, then they can protect themselves from many untoward situations which they keep facing in life at various intervals. Rationality is contrary to the basic nature of the Arians. All of us are bestowed with instincts, but Aries being the first sign of the zodiac and the ram being a (primitive) force, has a killer instinct in it. The need is to make use of this hidden faculty to the optimum.