Pisces – The Fishes

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. The constellations put together resemble a fish. Water is the habitat of fish, and water itself denotes life. All sorts of emotions, feelings or instincts are primarily ruled by the water element. Water is the universal solvent, capable of dissolving most things. This sign has a deep understanding of human behavior. Fish is considered gentle, considerate, kind and full of empathy towards others. Therefore it is not surprising to find Pisceans compassionate and willing to go all out for those who are close to them.

Their ideology for society, nation, religion or sect is very clear as they believe there should be unity and oneness not only at a material level, but at spiritual level too. They prefer to work at places where larger issues of society are being tackled. Invariably, their concern and understanding about others is deep on the emotional level. They are well-groomed and resourceful. They are also willing to explore the new areas of human psychology, for better understanding of the masses. Pisceans are excellent observers and can be very good administrators. Since they possess the knack to communicate with others on an emotional level, it helps them to extract the best from the colleagues and subordinates. They are rather authoritarian, but only on a subtle level. Sometimes it is difficult to understand their real modus operandi.

Pisceans need to spend time with themselves. At times they tend to absorb the thoughts and feelings of others, which can then start telling upon them. Therefore, it is always better if they seek a break or solitude at periodical intervals. It would do them a world of good to retreat and recharge themselves.

Pisceans are psychic and extremely kind towards their friends, near and dear ones, so much so that sometimes they lose their discriminating faculty. It has been noticed that many times, undeserving people get close to them and take advantage of their generosity. Endowed with powerful imagination, they are actually powerful people as most of the time they operate from their subconscious mind. The psychic side of their personality enables them to come out with innovative ideas, which can be useful for the community. There is a very fine thread-like difference between intuition and illusion. Normally Pisceans are good with intuitive wisdom. But at times, they tend to get carried away, thus confusing their illusion with intuition and commit blunders. They need to master the art of discrimination.

Aquarius – The Cosmic Man

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. Constellations of this sign depict the picture of a man carrying an urn on his shoulder, with the water overflowing. It is a sign of abundance or fulfillment and of the fact that there is no scarcity of knowledge or compassion. Water is the nectar of life. Aquarians are full of humanity and have deep concern about the less privileged and try their best to help in any manner, whatever is possible.

Aquarius is also a sign of communication. There is a great urge in Aquarians to communicate their ideas to others. Normally an Aquarian would try to be systematic and adopt a pragmatic approach while communicating his thoughts. Once his ideas have been give shape, he would go all out to see that they are implemented. Aquarians love to be vocal, always striving for something new. At times they tend to get carried away with their crusade against something which they do not approve of and then can be quite ruthless. There is always the danger of going overboard and side-tracking the real issue.

Aquarians are multi-faceted personalities and would try to do many things which may not have the sanction of tradition or society. A true Aquarian does not believe in nationalist boundaries. For them, the human being is a liberated soul and should be able to experience life the way he desires; there should not be any sort of pressure, whether legal or social. It is because of the idealistic views, that they find themselves maladjusted to society.

A true Aquarian is of the opinion that certain restrictions are fine as long as they are not brutally imposed. A man should be made aware of the positive and negative points and no judgement should be forced on him. They also believe that real knowledge comes from within and that time does not spare anyone. When time punishes someone, then only real understanding sinks in.

Aquarius is assign of growth and development. It is believed that we are in now in the Aquarian Age, an age of scientific invention. The mantra of Aquarian Age is that when man seeks the outside world, he gets scientific answers; but when he looks within for answers, het get spiritual answers. Therefore, the Age of Aquarius is a bridge between science and religion. There was a time when spiritualism touched the zenith and now is, perhaps, the time when science will be on the pinnacle of glory. A true Aquarian always strives for a scientific temper with a spiritualistic understanding.

Capricorn – The Goat

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac. The Capricornian is a serious, business-minded person, overtly jolly and does not get easily carried away. Some of them may be witty but at the core of their being, they remain methodical. They believe that if one has to grow in stature, total devotion is required. Most of them are firm believers in the saying that ‘Rome was not built in a day’. However, there are exceptions everywhere and a rare Capricornian may be a day-dreamer, who hasn’t learnt a lesson despite the shattering of many dreams.

Their true feelings are buried inside them and they seldom express them. Even in the worst of eventualities, they are capable of maintaining their cool, without demonstrating their inner feelings. In relationships too, they suffer due to lack of verbal or physical expression. Invariably, they are misunderstood and face the wrath of people close to them. Capricornians worry too much, with the result that a vacuum is created inside them, which later becomes difficult to shed. A certain amount of pessimism is set deep inside them, which does not allow them to open up. However, whenever this vacuum becomes too heavy, then the Capricornian may look for the right kind of friend to share his woes with.

Capricornians work with a missionary zeal towards power and authority. Their modus operandi is secretive and they keep all their cards close to their heart. They are more at ease when they do not have to lead from the front. They would rather take charge of the situation from behind. They are not very fond of working hard on intimate relationships. They can easily dissociate themselves from anyone who tries to come too close.

Capricornians have a subtle urge to control the lives of others. This trait can’t be easily perceived as their outer image is something else. They are also good organizers or event managers. They are hard working and dedicated. Once they take up a task, they will do their best to complete it. People easily depend upon them. However, on the surface they do it with pure intention, but the hidden desire remains to gain control over others.

Capricornians are easily impressed by material possession or power. With the have-nots they will behave snobbishly and in a condescending manner. With those who are affluent, they will be subservient. This double-facedness is sometimes seen as a Capricornian trait. They are good manipulators; they can not only influence others but take advantage of them too.

Sagittarius – The Archer

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. The constellations of this sign give a picture of an archer who is aiming without a clear goal. The symbol clearly indicates fire, passion or craving to reach out, without any physical move. The archer is half-man and half-horse and its legs are hidden. It indicates that Sagittarians try out many things or explore various areas.

If Sagittarians remain involved with the larger issues of life, then they can do wonders. They have a desire to do something meaningful for society. They get turned off by seeing the pain and misery of the world. A true Sagittarian will try his level best to change the course of events within his range. On the other hand if he gets confined to petty issues, then he tends to develop selfish or irresponsible behavior. Sometimes he commits many social blunders due to lack of empathy.

A Sagittarian is bold, courageous and outspoken; he is restless till he achieves his goals. He is charged with tremendous energy, which keeps him on his feet all the time. Normally he does not get tired easily. At times his habit of being outspoken can land him in embarrassing situations. Sometimes in his quest for self-fulfillment, he tends to cross all limits. There are constant efforts of self-projection, which invariably annoy people around him. A Sagittarian can have a narrow-minded mentality at times. Another difficulty with the archer is that he always wants something more and is never satisfied. Since a Sagittarian pursues power recklessly, there is the danger of his becoming a dictator. If he is on philosophical trip, then he will never be at rest and if he is fired with nationalism, then he would not hesitate to become a martyr.

There is a powerful desire in an archer to be perfect. He will spend a lot of energy to explore new dimensions to his personality. Primarily his aim is to master the art which beckons him. Since an archer is hard working and lives with never-say-die spirit, chances are he will obtain his goal ultimately.

Sagittarian in invariably sacred of taking personal responsibility; however, he will prefer many uncommitted relationships. He is quite aware of his freedom and does not want to surrender to one person. Due to various reasons, the sex life of a Sagittarian is rather mechanical, than emotional. A Sagittarian would rather be linked to the larger perspective than be trapped in small issues. He would like to be a philosopher, writer, painter or a scientist. Given the platform of social structure, a Sagittarian’s positive personality can manifest fully.

Scorpio – The Scorpion

This is the eighth sign of the zodiac which signifies two things boldly – sex and death. Scorpios are extremely secretive in nature; they may even go to the extent of mysticism. Sex is an essential part of their being and many phases of life revolve around sex. Sex not only attracts indulgence but can also help people transcend it. It is strange and pathetic that millions of people get trapped only in lust, which is just one aspect of sex. The other important facet of sex is its sacredness. A general tendency to veil things from each other gives a mysterious aspect to the whole act. In sex, two people try to merge with each other, but they also transcend it and reach another beautiful, indefinable realm.

Scorpios are blessed since they can understand the deeper meaning of their psychic personality by knowing the act (of sex) fully. Awareness about the process of sex can enable man to transcend it completely. There are many tantric methods which help man to use this energy for transcendentalism. Enlightenment can also be achieved by understanding sexual energy.

The other important feature of the Scorpio sign is death. There are a thousand fears in this world, but each of them in inextricably linked to the fear of death. Death is an irreplaceable loss. Death also involves mystery about the soul – where it goes to and where it comes from? Is there life after death? The sign of Scorpio teaches us to understand the unknown and Scorpio can decipher the hidden meaning of life as well as death.

Life flows out of the claws of death. In a strange way, life and death are synonymous. Scorpios understand this misery and pain of life. Invariably, they have the minds of psychologists, who can even understand the pain and agony of others and help them come out of it. They can work to destroy other people’s emotional blocks and self destructive tendencies by providing them the right outlets. As a matter of fact, the Scorpio personality can lead up to two types, or two extremes. He can either be a healer who helps another person in times of misery; or, he could become psychopath, capable of running the peace of another. The positive side is that a Scorpio is the illuminating light which can take away the darkness of others. On the other hand, the same person can be a self-destructive force as well.

Hatred and love are two passionate extremes which Scorpio are sensitive to. No other sign is parallel to this sign. In the process of hatred, a Scorpio can get trapped into enmity and a confrontationist approach. They are extremists – whether they are in love or whether they hate.

Libra – The Balance

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and from here onwards the sojourn of the six remaining signs begins. Libra is considered a perfect scale to weigh, measure and ultimately arrive at a perfect balance. Therefore, it is not surprising to see a Libran balancing life. Balance is a keyword in a Libran’s life and he strives until he arrives at it. A Libran also keeps working hard to create a balance between personal and professional life. There would be times when he may stake all his energies to strike a perfect balance between worldly and spiritual life and this is seen in various spheres of a Libran’s life.

There is a natural attraction of Librans towards the opposite sex. Librans are born charmers; they instinctively know how to make their partner feel desirable. They are well versed in the art of love-making. Their wonder lies in making their partners feel comfortable and arouse them at the optimum level with their artistic approach.

One of the greatest gifts Librans are blessed with is to be able to notice the talent of others and promote them to the hilt. Librans can be great social organisers or event managers. They can be excellent showmen and know how to play their cards to the best of their abilities. The creative ability of Librans surprises others from time to time.

A Libran can also be a great leader, capable of praiseworthy sacrifices. Contradictorily enough, a Libran will not bother promoting others or giving them importance till he gets due recognition. There is a subtle desire not only to act, but also to mesmerize others with his acting skill. Since this sign represents balance, it has been noticed that the Libran can be a very balanced leader. Neither applause nor discouragement can carry him away. They remain cool and calm even in the midst of crises.

Librans have two basic conflicts within their personality. They can become pleasure-seeking, leaving no stone unturned to pursue personal happiness, even at the cost of others. Once a Libran is on this kind of spree, then he does not know where to stop and it could be counter-productive to his entire personality, which is otherwise, in principle, based on balance. At times he can get influenced by pseudo-spiritualism, which can do more harm than good.

If ever a Libran finds himself in an unwanted relationship, then he will make sure that the burden of the break-up does not fall on his shoulders. In his heart of hearts, a Libran is scared of a split but, nevertheless, wants to play safe and will do everything to emerge unscathed from a relationship. Even this indicates the bottomline of the Libran personality – balance.