The glyph of Virgo is rather complex. There are thee vertical lines which are joined at the top with each other and there is one more line which resembles a serpent whose tail forms a cross with the last vertical line.

This geometrical symbol resembles the small ‘m’ of the English alphabet. But, it has been coiled by an additional, which is tucked into the tail of the last vertical line. The symbol of this sign represents energy, which is flowing in certain directions, but it is the tucked-in tail which creates confusion. There seems to be a desire to perceive the world differently. A youthful innocence is quite apparent, but the additional coiled line makes Virgo the virgin quite skeptical. This phenomenon is so deeply rooted in Virgo that it does not allow him to open up. They always have a wait-and-watch attitude. Looking more closely at the symbol, a pattern of continuity is present since all the vertical lines are interconnected with each other. This indicates that constant efforts are put in with total awareness, without getting perturbed by failures or criticisms. The inner desire to experience something new is so intense that it does not end without tasting the ultimate, the consequences notwithstanding.

The Virgo is depicted as a virgin, who is in a state of readiness to give away her virginity so that she can experience womanhood. Once virginity is lost, there is the possibility of motherhood. Virgo is the only human sign of the zodiac. It represents female energy in totality. It is fully ripe and ready to yield fruit. But it takes very long for her to find her destination, because she has to address her reasoning before she accepts new challenges. Her curiosity has to be totally satisfied. Nothing seems to be easy for her as she will not compromise until a perfect balance is achieved. Once her confidence is restored, questioning ceases and Virgo flows on.

In this glyph of Virgo, we notice that the coil ends, forming a small cross at its tail. This is an indication that Virgos do not take very long to start losing interest in worldly pleasures. They start taking a deep interest in spiritual pursuits. This also suggests that nothing seems to be easy for them and a constant conflict is inherent. If a person belonging to the sign of Virgo gets entangled with any logical fallacy or some sort of pseudo intellectualism, he or she starts losing his or her inborn creativity. On the spiritual plane also, the Virgo tends to be extremely precise and loves to go into minute details, exploring all the hidden facts and is keen to share his or wisdom. Virgos should beware of over-indulgence as it can do more damage than any significant gain.


Observing the geometrical symbol of Leo, we notice a complete circle attached to an upward, slightly slanting arc which at the end, curves a little to the right. This glyph begins with the circle going upward in a musical rhythm and comes down to end in a flourish of an upward trend. It depicts a life-force, which has realized truth. In the end, it bends completely, but its force is still independent and unchallenged. If we look more closely, we will notice that something is bending on its own, just as a branch laden with heavy fruits starts touching the ground.

The circle can be interpreted in many ways. It indicates that some phenomenon has achieved its optimum. In mathematics, a circle is represented by the zero, which has an infinite role. As a matter of fact, nothingness is the beginning of a great sojourn of something. The nothingness (zero) is necessary because only then it evolves and becomes infinite. Once the hidden treasure is understood, then zero becomes hero. A true Leo goes through this process and only then his life begins. The total glyph of this sign indicates someone very determined, someone who has achieved the target and then his energy begins to flow as an independent stream, without any demand or aim.

Leo is the fifth of the zodiac and is governed by the Sun. its universal symbol is the lion. The lion has been associated with the psyche of man for a long time. It is the ultimate force to reckon with, which rules not only the jungle but our hearts as well. Its tremendous power denotes that subsequently all of us are looking for a position of omnipotence and the lion metaphorically fulfills most of our hidden desires. The geometrical symbol of this sign also shows that the energy of Leo is not totally self-directed. At times of destruction, a Leo likes to devastate others and exhibits uncontrolled ego. Since the symbol is not in even shape, it indicates that if a Leo needs to employ the wrong methods to achieve and maintain supremacy, he may do so without much hesitation. As long as the objectives are realized, the means are not of great significance. Also, rise and fall are very much a part of a Leo’s life, depending on which wavelength his energy is flowing.


The geometrical symbol of Cancer is of two complete circles forming two arcs and making a semi-circle, one of which is turned upward and the other faces down. Look closely and you will see that the first impression this glyph gives is merging of male sperms with the ovum. It denotes a pulsating life force, on the verge of fertilization. As it is, Cancer is considered a cosmic womb, which is in the position of readiness to create a new and different world. Cancer also denotes the sign of growth because it represents universal motherhood, the main aim that the ongoing process of life should not stop at any time.

The glyph of Cancer, made up of two small circles attached with a semi-circle, can be easily depicted as breasts. Breasts are commonly associated with two dentations: one is attractiveness and the other is related to growth. Beauty and attractiveness apart, breast is a potent symbol of life-giving energy. It signifies ‘giving’. Since the initial task of a giver is to collect or create, there is a tendency to accumulate. The best donation may be to distribute joy and happiness. An empathetic heart should be overwhelming with feeling, desire and energy that constantly flow outward. Cancerians work for the well-being of others as a protective force.

The crab is another symbol of the Cancer sign of the zodiac. A certain amount of complexity and mystery is involved with this small creature. Being aquatic, it has in it the water element. Water deals with the emotive side of a human being. The crab is also quite comfortable on land, since it keeps a perfect balance between the emotional and practical sides of its personality. The glyph also suggests the attempt at balance. The eyes of a crab shine. This represents aspirations, besides many other things. From certain angles, the glyph also looks like a pair of binoculars or spectacles. It is said that a crab keeps shedding the hard crust of its body. This phenomenon denotes that Cancerians are always on the lookout for new ideas and keep reinventing themselves. The inherent desire for change is so intense that it keeps them on their toes throughout their lives. Just as one school of thought believes that change is a philosophy of life, flowing with the stream is always a great way to live.

If we look more closely at the Cancer symbol, we find that the shape in which the energy moves is oval and it is not very smooth. Uneven energy indicates inherent uncertainty. Although essentially Cancerians direct their energy towards their goal, but if they are not able to zero in to the destination, then they allow it to go waste. If the desired target is not achieved, uncertainty looms large; almost becoming a behavior pattern. A certain lack of interest and deviation from the target can be noticed easily in Cancerians. Since the level of their energy does not diminish, new outlets are searched for and a new force is induced. This inherent spirit of never-say-die is an inbuilt characteristic, which enables Cancerians to find a new path all the time.


The glyph of Gemini contains two vertical lines which are covered horizontally at the top and the bottom. These vertical lines resemble two universal forces, i.e. positive and negative. There seems to be a compelling need to connect with each other. If we look more attentively, then the two different forces symbolize a man and woman, as if ready to unite with each other. Although there seems to be a reasonable gap between both these forces, their eagerness to merge into each other is certain. Gemini also denotes a male and a female in a position of readiness to embrace each other.

These two forces can easily be depicted as Shiva and Shakti or as yin and yang. In the science of occult, Shiva and Shakti represent the ultimate force or energy of a man and woman. They become complete once they are together.

Whenever male and female energies have a deep urge to reach out to each other, it makes the union extremely meaningful. There is basic need in all of us to reach out to the world and express ourselves in totality. Gemini is the first sign of the Universe where the inherent need to communicate with others is tremendous. We find a deeper meaning to this glyph of two vertical lines which represents two human forms and which clearly suggests that both of them are in a position of readiness to express their subconscious mind, which could be full of feelings and emotions. To understand something from the core of the heart, one needs to share it with someone who is equally understanding. There cannot be any better geometric symbol than these two vertical lines, which represent adult energies of the male and the female. Perfect communication cannot take place unless two people are on a perfect wavelength and vibe beautifully even on the psychic level.

The irony of communication is that it implies both the positive and the negative aspects; therefore, a certain duality occupies centre stage. Duality creates the possibility of interpretation and so it never allows a perfect communication despite the best efforts and intentions of each other. A Gemini struggles throughout life to reach out to the world but within himself, the person is constantly in conflict. Despite constant efforts to polarize the different forces of attraction and repulsion, duality persists forever. The symbol of Gemini also looks like the Roman numerical two – II. This itself defines the duality of the sign where inconsistency can be seen in feelings, ideas and certain reactions. This leads to a conflict between objectivity and subjectivity. So, a constant war continues between the conscious effort to reach out to the outside world and the inner mind. Despite all this, Geminis make valiant attempts to remain objective.

The vertical lines of this sign are closed horizontally on both ends. These lines indicate possibilities which are infinite, whereas the closed horizontal lines denote the finite. So the tremendous possibilities always have a limitation. If Geminis understand the meaning of this glyph, they can infuse a lot of practicality into their lives.

Gemini, the third sign of the zodiac, is of dual nature and it is governed by the flamboyant Mercury. Gemini is a very important sign of the zodiac because it rules over communication. The basic desire of Gemini is not only to share his experiences with others, but enrich them also with his vibrant imagination. The glyph of this sign where the two vertical exist, denotes this instinct. If we observe the glyph, there are two human beings standing extremely close to each other, wanting to share the physical, mental and spiritual levels with each other.


The geometrical symbol of Taurus is a complete circle and on top of it an arc is attached. The circle is an important symbol, which has been used in various forms, right from time immemorial and can be interpreted in many ways. The circle represents the wheel or movement of time. Since there is no point or atom-like force involved in this sign, it clearly indicates the material side of a human being. The absence of an atom in or around it does not bestow it with divinity, selflessness.

The growth of any civilization is directly related to the invention of the wheel, which has made a huge impact in development of the world. It is difficult to imagine the world without a wheel, because then life would have been stagnant and unmoving. With the invention of the wheel, a momentum was induced and from then onwards, life kept gaining rhythm and pace. A wheel is capable of carrying big loads by using a minimum amount of energy. A wheel also makes life musical and poetic.

Another symbol of this sign is the mighty bull. Look at the glyph: it resembles a face with horns on the head. A bull can carry heavy weights from one destination to another. A circle may look complete but a lot of training, imagination, system and organization are required to make it perfect and useful. A circle has the capacity to generate a tremendous amount of energy but only after the mechanism is understood and then put to use. In the same way, a bull is a disciplined force once its energy is unified. A bull can do wonders if its force is properly channelized. The basic nature of energy is to move outwards and, if directed well, it flows towards accumulation or materialism.

The other important feature of this glyph is the arc attached on the top of the circle. This resembles two horns. In symbolic representation: any vertical line or arc directed towards the sky, has a special meaning. Whenever energy starts flowing towards the heavens, it does not remain personal any longer, because special kind of universal force starts emerging out of it. If we look attentively at the entire symbol of this sign, it represents the face of the bull with two horns. The horns not only make the bull look beautiful; they are also his might, which make him aggressive. For the bull, the horns are the weapons of attack as well as defence. Very seldom does a bull get into fight, but once he does, he will fight with all his might and energy, unmindful of the consequences.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and its symbol is the bull. The lord of this sign is Venus. In the scheme of the zodiac, Taurus holds a key position, because it is not as rash as Aries. Its force is a disciplined and organized form of energy. Also, a circle indicates nothingness, an absence of energy but once it takes on the role of a wheel, it transforms not only itself, but the entire world around it too and has a tremendous impact on humanity.

Taureans need to transform their energy into an extraordinary force to achieve higher ambitions and goals. Basically, Taurus represents self-awareness or the conscious state of our being, denoting the formative side of our life. A Taureen has no problem in focusing on a specific goal to achieve by the end of the day by amassing position, strength, wealth, etc. he also believes that real security comes from accumulation. The horns at the top of the circle of the glyph indicate that the bull is not in a hurry, because it possesses strength and a disciplined approach. Materialism is the keyword for a Taurean; he believes in first attaining something and then enjoying it. Sex has a special appeal for Taureans because they have a special place in the scheme of the zodiac.


The ram is the universal symbol of the sign Aries, whose geometrical symbol can be interpreted in many ways. If we look at the glyph of this sign, it is a vertical line which goes up towards the sky and is then bifurcated on top, covering an equal distance on both sides. It looks like a pair of horns of a ram or a goat. If we analyse it, we will find that there are many details which give us valuable insight into the real nature of the ram.

The vertical line which goes upward and is then bifurcated equally on the left and right, denotes two basic forces of the Universe – positive and negative. The germinating seed lies in the latent force of friction which contains negative and positive energy.

At the very outset, this sign gives an indication that the basic forces of the Universe are at work and there is readiness of energy to create something new. The vertical line which gets bifurcated on the top represents the initial stage of germination or sprouting.

The two arcs, spreading out on either side of the vertical line in a semi-arc, also look like a hook, an anchor or a fork. The hook has multiple uses and is extremely essential in the initial stage of the development of man. A hook can lift heavy objects, using a stable, perfect technique and least force. Mountaineers use it to scale heights, without using much force and with the maximum of safety. If thrown upwards, it digs itself into mountainous land, enabling the climber to haul himself up on the rope. The anchor provides a base to a mighty ship; it is the symbol of stability and rest.

The symbol also resembles a fountain: the two arcs being the water being sprayed outwards. A fountain could be interpreted in many ways, but the inherent purpose of a fountain is to release something from its latent base on to the surface with tremendous force. There seems to be an abundance of desire to bring joy and happiness with its newfound glory. Here, glory is conveyed through action. The fountain also has the capacity to create a new environment and engulf the atmosphere by its pure energy.

In other words, this sign denotes growth and development taking place. The basic impulse of life lies in an ongoing process where energy is in abundance, waiting to express itself in different forms of creation. The energy seems to be having an inherent struggle to liberate itself from a dormant situation. What better way to express itself other than growth and development?

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and its universal symbol is the ram. This sign is ruled by the dynamic planet Mars. If we match the glyph of this sign with other characteristics of Mars, then the symbol of Aries gives us a clearer picture of an Aries person. There is a basic desire in such people to give their best. An Aries person will strive throughout life to create something new and meaningful and carve niche for himself. The vertical line of the sign, which goes up and then gets bifurcated on both sides, speaks volumes of this inner desire. The glyph of this sign, which also resembles a hook, indicates that Aries represents the initial impulse of the human mind. An Arian consciously needs to express himself through action. For him, the beginning of something is more important than its consequences. The hooks are very significant because they symbolize that an Arian can help himself and be of great help to others as well.

This hook has to be used very cautiously, otherwise it could create disaster. When we take this symbol to represent a fountain, it gives us a clue that Arians have an inherent quality of spreading joy and happiness all around. They work throughout their lives to make people comfortable by creating a congenial atmosphere, and taking care of others’ needs. Basically, most Arians are innocent and innovative alongwith being aggressive and dynamic in their approach. Growth is a mantra for the Arian. Arians are always brimming with confidence and courage because they have tremendous energy.