The glyph of Pisces is composed of two half-circles united by a straight line. These two arcs represent the two different polarities, which are symbolically connected with a straight line.

One arc of this glyph represents the limited consciousness of man; the other arc denotes the unlimited consciousness of the Universe, which can also be called ‘cosmic consciousnesses’. The different polarities suggest the material side of the human being and the spiritual side of the cosmos. There is a distinct gap between these two arcs, indicating that man is born with tremendous possibilities, provided he understands the finite consciousness of his being.

The line which cuts the two different poles denotes that without a deeper understanding of oneself and the cosmic consciousness, one cannot complete his sojourn successfully. If we pay a little more attention to these two different arcs, we notice that these two arcs face different directions. Perhaps, this is the reason that man lives on diverging currents and unending battles go on inside him. If one is eager to attain cosmic consciousness, one needs to sacrifice one’s personal wishes. The stream of these two different arcs is strong and completely absorbing, but it rarely happens that one can build a bridge and dissolve the polarities once and for all. This symbol suggests that materialism and spiritualism can be achieved simultaneously if one does not get entangled, but remains a pure witness to the consequences. This is possible because the horizontal line is connected from the middle of the two arcs suggesting, perhaps, that a middle path can act as a bridge between the finite and infinite. The other emblem of this sign is of two fishes entangled with each other by their tails. They enjoy freedom in the vastness of the ocean.

Water is necessary to life and it is assumed that the beginning and the end of life is directly and deeply associated with water. Perhaps this is the reason that in all the religions and philosophies of the world, water symbolizes mysticism in the sojourn of mankind. Fish is considered auspicious; it is a symbol of fertility. Water is where the seed gets an opportunity to flourish and continue the journey into the future. The beauty of this sign lies in the oceanic water and the fishes, which represent creation, prosperity, happiness and auspiciousness, where the divine will enjoy effortless creation. The compulsion and culmination of the past karmas are of no consequence. It is believed in most religions of the world that creation started taking place when the Creator was in absolute bliss. The oceanic water of Pisces and two fishes which are clinging to each other by their tails suggest that duality has ceased and man’s ego has surrendered to the Almighty and merged in infinite depth (water).


The geometrical symbol of Aquarius is very simple. It represents two independent waves and pictorially, the symbol is represented by a pitcher from which the water is overflowing. The Sanskrit word for this sign is kumbha, which literally means a ‘pitcher’.

The glyph of Aquarius does not denote a still pond. The waves ripple over the water. Actually it is the winds which result in waves and is a clear suggestion of movement. Modern science believes that the electrical particles convert themselves into waves, which control the Universe. Scientists also say that the human brain receives and sends messages via electrical charges. All the communications functioning through air waves and electrical impulses are deeply associated with the Aquarius sign, be it a satellite communication, radio, telegraph, telephone, television, internet, etc. there is an inherent desire in man to have an objective view of the world. The beauty of this sign is that it enables man to be one with the world. The best way is to associate with one another and to become humane, sensitive, lovable and compassionate with each other’s needs and requirements. Perhaps, this is the reason that the sign of Aquarius is known for humanity, where one cannot discriminate blindly.

The pictorial symbol of this sign is that of a pitcher which is overflowing with water. Water is the basic need; that is why it is considered nectar throughout the world. It is impossible to imagine a life without water. The overflowing of water from the pitcher is suggestive of a deep-rooted desire to share joy and happiness with others. It is very interesting to note that whenever anybody is brimming with joy and happiness, it is just not possible to be quiet and not share the joy with others. It is possible and rather easy when one is depressed or sad, as one can hide himself from the world by becoming a recluse. Symbolically, the pitcher is directly connected with knowledge, creation and intuitive wisdom. There is an inherent and universal desire that whenever one unravels any mystery of this world, he wants to share it with the rest of the world. The sojourn of knowledge is based on this principle and one is filled with compassion towards others. In most cases it so happens that one stops seeing other as different to oneself. Perhaps this is the reason that those who have attained knowledge in the past or have done so in the present or will acquire in future will keep on sharing and making this world a happier place. That is why the sign of Aquarius stands for humanity.


From the top, the geometrical emblem of Capricorn resembles the horns and head of an animal. This continues into a horizontal extended loop, followed by an arc which goes downward. The curve also looks like a scaly fish-tail.

Before we understand the phenomenon of a goat vis-à-vis the sign of Capricorn, we shall attempt to analyse the hidden meaning of this sign. The front shape of this sign, which represents the horns and head of an animal, clearly indicates that to achieve something significant, one has to bring oneself to the surface to rise. At the same time, it is not easy to focus on the aim without getting totally absorbed. The head and horns also indicate an inner urge to bring one’s ego to the highest level and prove a point. To fight with all his might, man has to come to the surface of his being. Capricorn is the tenth house of the zodiac which rules over karma (action) of man. This house has a lot to do with one’s apparent ego, which is manifested over the period of sojourn of this planet.

This happens when an individual wants to prove something to himself as well as to the world by achieving extraordinary objectives. One has to go through the pangs of pain and frustration before realizing one’s ambition. The adjoining loop, with the horns which turn downward towards the right, denotes that man’s ego goes through a tremendous karmic test and turmoil before achieving the target. This downward arc also indicates there are many trials and tribulations before one achieves perfection. A constant struggle has to be waged to remain at the helm of affairs. The loop also suggests it is just not possible to remain on top forever and that fall is imminent. The apparent ego of man can help him remain at the top till he has the capacity to prove himself constantly. A slight deviation or lack of concentration and we see him sliding down, because the downward loop is extremely powerful with a devastating gravitational pull.

Capricorn is represented by a mountain goat. However, with a slight variation it is also understood as a sea-goat. The basic characteristic of a mountain goat is its ability to balance itself while walking on perilous rocks and cliffs. There is a constant struggle because its legs are extremely thin, but its hoofs are firmly planted on the uneven rocks, keeping a perfect balance. It has learned this art after a great struggle of thousands of years and has evolved a method of scaling up and down, height after height, exploring the ever-rising mountains in the firm belief and undying but firm action. The search of material substance becomes so important and dear that he does not leave anything to chance. The mountain goat continues ascending or descending towards its target without getting tired at all. Each footstep is based on perfect calculation; impulsiveness has to be discarded, otherwise the target can become illusive and the goat could tumble down. Although the goat is anxious, it takes his own time and is never in a hurry. One needs to overcome outward hunger, if need be, while inwardly planning the next move in the assault on the mountains.

If we look at the glyph of Capricorn and compare it with a mountain goat and do a comprehensive study, we realize that a sense of personal prowess is quite apparent in this sign and a factor of uncertainty is also an entwined phenomenon. The very awareness of these two different qualities creates a path of self chosen identity. Therefore, it becomes very important to safeguard one’s position and look for security. Perhaps, this is the reason that material security is so highly valued by them and a disassociation of thought gives rise to vulnerability. Acquisition of power or a new chosen identity takes a central place in their scheme of things and they stop identifying with less than that. Once identification with status and respect is established, it becomes almost impossible to conceive of oneself otherwise. Self-centeredness plays a big part in a Capricornian’s life. Sometimes, they do not see beyond themselves – a negative trait and, if not checked in time, leads to disorientation of their personality.


The Sagittarius geometrical symbol is the simplest one. The glyph of this sign, consisting of an arrow with a cross attached to its lower part, makes it essentially special in the parlance of the symbols of the twelve signs.

The arrow of Sagittarius indicates a basic conflict between the mental and physical powers and the dilemma of wanting to aim perfectly. The glyph of Sagittarius denotes that there is an immense inherent force which can either be used for construction or destruction, depending upon the situation.

Sagittarians are often at a loss, because the inner battle of positive and negative forces is so intense that it seldom leaves them with energy to target the bull’s eye. Sagittarius also indicates the state of human development in which man has learnt to utilize his inner strength to optimum. Sagittarius is ever-ready to impregnate others (society) with his thought and imagination because he is a habitual shooter.

There is an inner desire of a strong self-statement which is so intense that the mind and body work in perfect co-ordination to explore the unknown. The direction of the arrow is towards a higher destination. Man is willing to use his latent energy to achieve the greater aim. At this stage of evolution, man is not willing to leave any stone unturned to achieve the target. The cross attached to the arrow is an indication that if he puts all energy on the bow and directs the arrow to the target with tremendous force, there is every possibility that the cross will enter the target and make the job complete. This cross also provides the arrow with extra force, enabling it to penetrate into the deeper layers of the target. However, at times there seems to be a great urgency to prove a point without achieving any perfection. If somehow or the other, inner harmony can be achieved, then it is not difficult to achieve the target without encountering any problem.

The pictorial emblem of this sign is quite interesting and provides a new meaning to the entire glyph of the arrow. The lower portion of the archer is not visible from the trunk downwards; it has been covered by a half-horse whose legs are visible. In other words, this sign beautifully depicts half-animal, half-man. The archer is made of two energies – one of an animal and the other of a human being. The legs of the horse are firmly grounded and the archer is using his total force to achieve the target. The raw energy of the animal suggests that man has travelled down the ages and has had various experiences while achieving difficult targets in his life. There is a long association between the horse and man and without the help of the horse, man could have never progressed or emerged as a conqueror. In this emblem, we also notice that the hind part of the animal provides a solid base on the ground. The front part, which depicts a man with an arrow, is clearly indicative that man is capable as well as free to decide and achieve the target. To be a perfect archer, one needs a lot of energy, a composed mind, and thoughtful and steady action.

On the surface, it looks like the archer works for himself but when we observe minutely, we notice that he has an inner desire to serve mankind. Perhaps this is the reason that Sagittarius stands for knowledge and wisdom, which ultimately man wants to share with others. To achieve great heights in life, one needs to sacrifice personal needs and perform deeds for others.


The glyph of Scorpio is represented by three vertical lines, which can be depicted as the coil of a serpent. This glyph ends with an arrow. The poisonous fangs are ready to inflict poison, once provoked. This is also a symbol for accumulated tension in the sexual organs of a male in a state of excitement. It contains a new life force which has latent energy for procreation.

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac and rules over the most important aspects of human life, i.e. sex and death. As a matter of fact, sex and death are deeply interconnected with each other. Right since the birth of mankind, these two aspects of life are highly misunderstood and are as mysterious in nature. Sex is directly related to the beginning of life but death also has a subtle beginning in it, but not without the present form. The glyph of Scorpio represents two poisonous reptiles – one snake and the other a scorpion. The basic nature of a scorpion is to hide itself in a hole or cavity and once it comes out of its hiding place, it behaves impulsively and is ready to sting anyone who tries to come close to it. The basic nature of sex is just like a scorpion, but man has changed his behavior because of culture, knowledge and other considerations. The glyph of this sign, which ends with an arrow, clearly indicates the hidden nature of a scorpion.

The glyph and depiction of the Scorpio sign itself is full of secrecy and a lot of mysticism is involved in it. This sign is also known as a sign of the occult and is directly linked to death. The few who have understood the subtleties of death become fearless forever. Death and fear are interrelated. The fear of death is so intense that many people go into a coma or become unconscious when death stares then in the face. It has also been observed that many of those who have died of non-poisonous snake-bites have died merely because of fear. Spirituality has taught us that if one can embrace death, then one becomes free of death forever. Religion is of the opinion that death is just like changing old clothes and getting into new ones. In the same way, we get rid of an old, non-supportive body and enter a new one. There are three vertical lines in the glyph which end with an arrow.

There are three major concepts which make life complete and this has been known to different religions since ancient times. Eastern religion is based on three symbolic figureheads – Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Christianity also believes in the Holy Trinity. The further division of the same principle also has three natures, i.e. sat, raj and tam. The same phenomenon is present in our body as energy in the form of ida, pingla, sushmna nadis. If we go deep inside ourselves, then we need to locate the sushmna nadi, which is hidden in between ida and pingla. This concept also holds true for the three rivers: Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati. It is worth noting that Saraswati is not a visible river as is Ganges or Yamuna, but once the duality of self is known, the life force starts flowing through sushmna. Sushmna is a state of trance which can be achieved once a person overcomes his duality of thought and action.


Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Its glyph is rather unique. There is an independent, horizontal line above which is a semi-circle with two short lines attached to both ends. These two half lines form a loop, canopy or a nicely formed semi-circle bulging upward. It looks like a face, beneath which are outstretched arms. This upper part of the glyph denotes the higher state of the mind, where the imagination process wants to touch the sky. The higher power of the mind does not want to be confined to any known boundaries, because limiting the thought process is death, equal to killing someone physically. It has to be spontaneous. The semi-circle is well connected with the two halves at both ends, which form two small horizontal lines. Beneath this, the perfect horizontal line provides total support; an unquestionable base. The semi-circle along with the two halves represent the universal mind and the horizontal line below stands in perfect support, enabling the mind to contemplate that which is almost impossible. However, to achieve a balance of the self is not an easy task at all. That is why a Libran constantly strives to achieve balance despite meeting failures often. Since the inherent drive is so intense, it keeps force and energy intact until the target is achieved.

The glyph of this sign also resembles a hat. In order to keep the foodgrain free from pesticides and destruction, people in the village make a special clay cover so that the grain can be preserved for long. The geometrical sign of Libra shows duality at the psychological level where conflict between the personal and social level is apparent. If we dig a little deeper, the same conflict becomes more serious between the practical and spiritual aspects of life. The semi-arc which resembles a hat is a clear indication that mental faculties are used to the optimum. The human mind is the real source of all knowledge. It is believed that the zodiac is full of information, which penetrates the human mind right from birth. Therefore, at one point, the mind is set to take a quantum leap into the unknown horizon in a bid to get all the information available. The horizontal line beneath it is the root which represents the practical side of the world. If we look at the hat, this horizontal line can be interpreted as the human body from the neck downwards, connected to a firm base. It is exactly like a clay cover that covers the grain used by villagers to protect grain and is in contact with the ground, but is slightly raised to ensure that the grain is kept intact, providing oxygen, light and fresh air. The glyph clearly indicates the duality – reaching for the sky while keeping the feet firmly planted on the ground. It is an art which requires a lot of skill, patience, endurance and experience before one perfects it.