Pisces – Duality of Water

The last sign of the zodiac is Pisces and the element here is water. This is a dual sign. Water as an element is present in Cancer and Scorpio too. In Cancer, water means emotion. In Scorpio we imagined a huge pond and in Pisces it is water of the ocean, but with duality.

The lord of this sign is Jupiter. When the water is in dual form, what does it mean? How and why could water be dual? What is the psychic phenomenon implied here? Is there water or it isn’t? Water is a nectar as we know and when the water is dual, it refers to the emotions present in Cancer with tremendous force, because the sign is a moveable one; that tremendous force goes deep down in the system in Scorpio, but in Pisces it becomes dual, because all the emotions which get transformed in due course of time is very much related with Pisces. Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, also teaches us that nothing remains constant and we must not remain in one kind of situation or emotion because emotions are bound to change from time to time.

The ocean of Pisces enables all humanity to submerge in water everything that is ruled by the heart. The heart is the ultimate destination of all relationships, achievement, research of evolvement. However, with emotion, the difficulty is that it is governed by the Moon, which is constantly changing; that is what we understood in Cancer. The Moon is the lord of Cancer. In the second water sign, Scorpio, the emotion goes deep down. Bad feelings, good feelings, these are very intense in Scorpio whose ruler is Mars which gives very deep-rooted feelings, whether of hurt or of triumph. The Mars of Scorpio makes a person an extremist. But in Pisces, the water is dual and the lord of this sign is Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet of wisdom. Here the element water teaches that whatever the feelings may be, they need to be synchronized. In Scorpio, the emotions can get dangerous and very complicated too, but when we come to Pisces, judgment is clear. There is honesty in situations and one understands the meaning of ‘forgiving and forgetting’.

Aquarius – Air Beyond Self

The eleventh sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. Here the element is air; it is fixed and the lord of this sign is Saturn. In Gemini, the air has duality where thought being created in space and remaining dual and in Libra, thought or imagination is very balanced. Aquarius being a global sign, takes care of the humane element of a human being, helping him to cross all the boundaries of self. A feeling of selflessness starts taking place and nothing remains personal. As a matter of fact, all personal agendas lose their meaning when the real meaning of life starts unfolding. The air element of Aquarius, which has no boundaries, suddenly makes his approach universal and the element of humanity opens up new horizons within. A beautiful state of selflessness starts setting in, deep in his being.

The Aquarius sign is full of abundance and fulfillment. Development and growth take place. This is also the Age of Aquarius. This Aquarian Age is of science on one hand and spirituality, on the other. So we find both science and spirituality get wedded to each other. When we analyze the element air in Aquarius, it is fixed. Aquarius is a sign which rules over huge space. It looks fixed from the outer boundaries but within itself, it is on the move and everything is well connected.

In Aquarius, the planet is Saturn is very pleased, happy and in a good mood because Saturn is the planet for mankind, for the masses, where everything should be in abundance. It is a slow-moving planet; it is rather stingy, giving very little in the beginning but once it starts showering, then there is no limit. In that sense, the element air is very useful, very meaningful when we talk of Aquarius. People born in the Aquarius sign have a fertile mind, openness and globalization is their mantra. They live up to the optimum, but sometimes they get jittery; sometimes they get worried about others and even themselves, and, when it comes to themselves, they do not know how to cope. However, on the whole, this is a beautiful sign and the element air is on its zenith.

Capricorn – Grounded Earthness

Capricorn is a cardinal sign, a moveable sign. The element is earth. The earth is dual; everything happening in this world has duality, as day and night, good and bad, man and woman. Here the element earth is on the move. When this happens, things start changing rapidly, nothing remains constant. Everything is on the move and everything is changeable. The moment things become unchangeable or static they start decaying. If there is no movement, then life comes to an end. Capricorn being an earthly element is also cardinal, making man global and flourishing his growth. He becomes more practical, business-like, systematic and organized in his general approach. Suddenly he looks at the vastness in him, which directly corresponds to the vastness of the sign. He starts believing in himself and is well equipped with the ground realities of life.

The lord of this sign is Saturn. Saturn looks after the practical side of our being and Capricorn helps Saturn to establish his grip on this world because of its element, the earth. Earth is a planet and when earth is the element as well, we must recognize and accept everything is happening on earth. We build our houses on the earth, we get food from the earth and we are connected to the earth. Considering the utility of the earth, it is of paramount importance. So Capricorn, being the tenth sign of the zodiac, can help mankind to make the best use of possibilities, the environment and the situations.

Sagittarius – Learned Fire

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. It is a dual nature sign and fire is the element. Primarily, fire means putting all energies in one direction, and aiming correctly with total determination. At times, the duality of the sign creates confusion in the mind, because duality of purpose can hamper getting the right kind of results one expects from the fire element. The moment we come across fire which is dual, then it creates suspicion in the mind as to what kind of fire it could be. Before we talk more about it, we need to understand what kind of fire it could be; why this fire has duality.

The lord of this sign is Jupiter. Jupiter is a teacher, a master, a guru who knows everything. Whatsoever we learn, we learn from the guru. So, just imagine a situation where a guru is teaching and disciple is not paying enough attention. As a consequence, the guru gets angry with his disciple and punishes him. But in his heart, the guru does not want to give to his disciple any punishment. Both are unhappy, but the guru knows that this punishment is for betterment. Fire has an in-built quality to mould and to transform. Positive anger can also yield the same result. This is the basic change we see in this particular sign.

The symbol of Sagittarius is of a man who has grounded himself perfectly and is aiming with a bow and arrow, keeping the target in mind. An arrow also indicates the future, because the arrow is leaving the bow and the archer somewhere behind, when finding an aim. If the real meaning to self is to be found, then one has to go beyond himself and be totally detached. In this sign, we notice that the feet of the archer are hidden and deeply-rooted in the ground. The fire element in Sagittarius is very sacred, very well-controlled, willing to transform a person at his own will. In Aries it’s a primitive fire, in Leo it’s a self controlled fire and in Sagittarius it’s a fire which can be kindled and used according to the situation. The fire in Sagittarius is very meaningful; the duality of the fire makes this sign mysterious. Initially it may look suspicious, but when we investigate further, we find this fire to be a very sacred fire which wants to transform but takes its own time to do so.

Scorpio – Still Waters Run Deep

Scorpio is a watery, fixed sign. Water has a lot to do with our emotion, feelings, pleasure and pain. In the Scorpio sign we can imagine a huge pond full of water, which in the surface looks very quiet, but deep down contains all the mysteries of the world. Water and growth are interwoven. Growth of human beings, plants and animals is not possible without water. A child also develops in the womb which comprises amniotic fluid. There is mystery in the creation of child. It needs darkness, warmth, and water. The element water also deals with our deep-rooted emotions and in this sign, we start understanding the joys and sorrows of relationships. Another beautiful characteristic of water is that it makes us aware of our hidden potential. In astrology, Scorpio is the eighth sign, which also rules over genitals. Anatomically, the genitals are in the middle of the human body, hidden to a certain extent by Nature. Creation maintains its secrecy that is the way child grows in the womb and remains a secret till it starts taking shape. In the same way, a seed grows in darkness and an element of secrecy is maintained.

In Scorpio water remains quiet on the surface but moves intensely in the layers deep down. Mars rules it and Mars is a fiery, hot planet. In Scorpio we come across a different kind of heat. In Aries it is apparent heat but in Scorpio it is latent heat. This fire is mysterious. Therefore, if you are born under this sign you are honest, straightforward, kind, full of humanity, gentle like water, but once provoked there is no limit that you will not cross because of the latent heat.

Libra – Balance in Air

The seventh sign of the zodiac is Libra; its element is air. It is a cardinal or movable sign, its primary characteristic being balanced in nature. Air is always moving; it represents thought, imagination and to some extent fantasy. Here the thought process, finds a balance because Libra is a balanced sign and the thought process is on the perfect plane not getting motivated, not getting inspired by its negative or positive overtones. Therefore, perfection is being created and maintained. The importance of the element air comes here, in Libra, which gives expansion and growth to a rational mind and provides it with a new, hitherto unknown world. The cardinal air of Libra also has a tremendous force in it and this kind of lauded thought process needs the support of air to reach out. Like Taurus the lord of Libra is Venus.

In astrology, Venus is considered the planet of love. It is also considered to be a planet of abundance. However, this abundance is achieved only through hard work, which is the significance of Taurus when tremendous efforts are made. People who are born under Libra are organized, know their target and are decisive, calculative, and intelligent. Once they make up their mind, it is difficult to shake them from their path. Nothing on the whole earth can stop them, but, sometimes they get overcharged by worldly pleasures; they make mistakes and start falling from grace.