Venus: The Source of Beauty

The glyph of Venus is fairly simple. There is a complete circle and below the circle hangs a cross. There is a great significance within the simplicity of the symbol of Venus. In life, whatever seems very simple turns out to be complex once looked at with analytical eye. The circle is an extension of an atom. Everything on this planet moves in a circle, whether it is life or the universe. Although, at times it may seem as though no two things or events have any similarity, once observed very closely, they are connected internally and this chain ultimately ends up in a circle. Perhaps, this is the reason when the eastern people first invented the zero (the circle): it gave a new dimension to the sphere of mathematics. The zero has the capacity to add value to the optimum and subtract it to nothingness. The value of zero in arithmetic opens up a Pandora’s Box of materialism and if the value is taken off, the sojourn of spiritualism begins. There could be many ways of self-realisation, but the best method is to enjoy the worldly pleasures to the optimum, then drop them one day and go beyond. In astrological parlance, Venus rules over sensuous pleasures and enables man to experience them at every level of his being and see the worthlessness of it one day. Then is the time to look for the ultimate pleasure which is beyond the senses.

The glyph of Venus is extremely significant and the positioning of the cross hanging downward adds a colour to the entire symbol. Whenever there is a cross hanging downward with any symbol, it provides extra importance at a very personal or subjective level. Whosever has performed any great feat, either in the materialistic or spiritual world, has first thought of himself. The world and mankind have followed later. Venus is the planet of love, enjoyment, feeling, talent, art, music, dance, poetry and all kinds of creative activity, which make the world more beautiful and attractive. Venus is also known to crave for the best things of this world and possess them ultimately. If somebody wants to build a beautiful house, mansion, palace or anything luxurious or comfortable, then he is thinking of himself. If you want to have a beautiful wife or handsome son, then it indicates purely subjective aspirations. Similarly, you want to own a beautiful car, garden or anything which adds new lustre to your life, then it is only for you, not for anybody else. It is altogether a different thing that your beautiful house, car, garden, wife, son, etc. also attract the world. Beauty is meant to be appreciated by everybody. The importance of the cross makes the glyph of Venus extremely significant because primarily you want to be owner of the best things on earth, but they attract everybody and ultimately become the property of this world; so nothing remains personal forever. Perhaps, that is why they say, a thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Jupiter: The Source of Wisdom

The glyph of Jupiter is extremely important in the parlance of astrological symbolism. The pictogram of Jupiter can be divided into three parts. The upper part which is like a crescent is connected horizontally to the left side. In the second part, just below the arc, there is a cuplike shape and the third part is of a prominent cross which we have noticed earlier in Mercury’s glyph too.

In astrology, Jupiter stands for knowledge, wisdom, justice, compassion, nobility, kindness, growth and development. The glyph of Jupiter depicts all the wonderful qualities of its magnanimous self in such a beautiful way that it does not need any lengthy description. If we divide the geometrical symbol of Jupiter into three parts, each part speaks volumes about the greatness of the guru. The first part of this pictogram is an arc, which resembles the glyph of the Moon. While understanding the glyph of the Moon, we have noticed that it was independent and free from all liabilities. Whenever the mind enjoys total freedom, there is a possibility of revolution as well as destruction. On most occasions, the mind will settle down for the latter because it is easier. In the glyph of Jupiter, we notice that the crescent is beautifully connected with the cup. The cup is extremely significant for various reasons and represents life, because it can hold nectar. The very nature of the cup is to provide life and energy to others and serve humanity. The arc which represents the glyph of the Moon is firmly connected with the cup, indicating that the mind is busy with the concerns of others. In the initial stage, Jupiter needs to gain knowledge, wisdom and use his mind completely. It is very important that all thought and imagination should be with a purpose, and have a long-lasting impact.

Interpreting the third part of this glyph gives a different meaning altogether to this pictogram. We have already explained earlier the importance of the cross and its universal appeal. The significance of the cross keeps on gaining importance with every new situation and circumstance. Basically, a cross stands for experiencing whatsoever is good or bad in this world. To acquire a certain knowledge and experience of life at different levels, one needs to learn a lot. There cannot be any hesitation if the path is full of thorns or one faces obstacles at each step. Nor can one stop until the goal is achieved. The cross suggests that once something significant is achieved, whether it is knowledge or material gain, then it has to be distributed among fellow-beings without any discrimination. Material gains are insignificant if one is not spiritually enriched. The real as well as the hidden meaning of the cross is to achieve enlightenment, be it in this birth or in future reincarnations.

Three things stand out in the glyph of Jupiter. To acquire worldly knowledge and spiritual understanding, one needs the intuitive understanding of the Moon. If the Moon (mind) has a purpose, it can fill all the empty cups and reach higher state of consciousness. The cross connected with the cup indicates that whenever your cup starts overflowing, you become the endowed one and the only alternative is to distribute the nectar freely.

Mercury: The Source of Communication

The geometrical symbol of Mercury can be divided into three parts. In the centre is a circle. On these circles are two spectacular antennas, coming from different directions. Below the circle is a perfect cross.

This glyph provides ample food for thought and it can be interpreted in many ways. While interpreting the unparalleled authority of the Sun, we have realized that the dot which represents atom, has given unassuming power to the Sun. The same atom has also bestowed Mars with tremendous energy. In the glyph of Mercury, one notices that the atom remains large as in the case of Mars, but with a radical difference. It is very important to keep in mind that through the symbolic science of different signs and planets, the aim is to understand universal impulses of the different signs and symbols and the latent energy involved therein. Here the atom has become large and taken the shape of a circle and on top of it the two antennas are attached. It is believed, right from time immemorial, that all ideas, plans, schemes, thoughts and imagination are directly connected with the sky. If one has to catch the waves, vibrations or electromagnetic currents from space, the perfect receiver is the antenna. It is very strange that even in this age of scientific temper, antennas are the primary source of communication as they were in ancient times.

Basically, Mercury, the planet of logs and reasoning, has taken the burden of carrying out all communication that happens in this universe. The two antennas which are marvelously synchronized in their sizes and shapes, represents two different patterns of logic and reasoning: the positive and the negative. The glyph of Mercury depicts this phenomenon through these two different antennas.

Another important factor of the Mercury glyph is the cross which is attached just below the circle, right in its centre. The cross has a spiritual meaning. The importance of the cross has been realised by mankind right from the beginning and it is being used by many religions and civilisations with minor but subtle differences in size and shape. There are two different, universally binding factors in mankind – one which belongs to sound and the other which belongs to symbols. The sound of Aum and the cross are universally recognised and accepted. The greatest example is of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ and the cross are so interwoven that by just looking at the cross, one feels peace within and a sense of deeply imbedded spirituality. The cross represents humanity, compassion, kindness, completeness, and if one delves deeper, then also salvation. In temples as well as mosques, the same symbol is used but with a slight difference. Other religions of the world have also used the cross in various, often subtle ways. It has been used as a sign of distress and help. Ambulances have used this symbol and so have the doctors and health institutions. Whenever man is in distress, either physically or spiritually, the cross can help regain lost energy and faith. In a war situation, a cross is used as a symbol of cease-fire as well as a force to fight a fatal epidemic. The attachment of the cross below the circle provides great value to the entire glyph of Mercury since the cross has a multifaceted significance. Whenever somebody gives importance to his views and airs them, he is defending himself or wants to be heard by others. This is because he understands the finer points of his own logic. Perhaps, at the deeper level of his being, he thinks that his understanding shall not contradict that of others. If logic and reasoning are used, arguments may cease at some stage or the other, and wisdom will take over the reins in a conflict-ridden mind.

Mars: The Source of Energy

The symbol of Mars is of a circle with an arrow emerging, aiming towards infinity. Primarily, the symbols of signs and planets are indicative of different forms of universal energies. Each symbol is perfect in all respect and brings out the hidden positive and negative inherent qualities of that planet. These symbols are not ordinary and cannot be casually interpreted.

The symbol of the Sun has a dot in the centre of the circle, which can be interpreted as an atom. This makes the entire glyph extraordinary. In the present symbol of Mars, the atom has become enlarged and taken the shape of a circle with an arrow jutting out. The arrow could not be of any major consequence had it not been attached to the atom. It gains tremendous energy once it is supported by the atom. The arrow is aimlessly directed towards the sky and is poised at penetrating or influencing anything that comes in its way. The arrow is also in a position of readiness to take on any challenges, which it may come across. Astrologically, the planet Mars is an ultimate force to reckon with. It has been blessed with two universal forces – the positive and the negative. If energy is used positively, then it turns out to be a life-saver. On the other hand, if energy goes into the hands of a negative source, then it becomes destructive. The symbol of Mars speaks volumes on its unlimited force, which can be used for the well being of the world if correctly directed. Nevertheless, one should not forget that it has a devastating force which needs to be checked well before triggering it off.

The arrow upwardly directed towards space gives an impression that energy is ready to break the shell and move towards externalisation and carve a permanent and independent niche. The cosmic impulse, which emerges from the planet in the shape of this glyph, suggests that this energy is being used for non-personal purposes. The pointed arrow is also indicative that should there be a need, the energy is ready to bring about a paradigm shift with its scissor-shaped knife. An apparent aggression seems to be involved in the whole process. It can happen in mundane, everyday affairs or can achieve definite divinity in the realm of a spiritual path. The ultimate goal of Mars is to bring out the new out of the old decadent system and that is what the glyph depicts.

Moon: The Source of Mind

The symbol of the Moon is a semi-circle. We all know that the Moon derives light and energy from the Sun and illuminates the world. If the Sun is the lord of the day, then the night belongs to the beautiful Moon. The Sun denotes the infinite source of light and energy, whereas the Moon represents the finite source of the same. In astrology, the Moon represents the mind or subconscious being. The night is beautiful, serene, comfortable, peaceful, silent, harmonious and glorious by itself and does not need to compete or try to become like the day. The half arc of the Moon clearly indicates that night is making all the efforts and losing its harmony in trying to be a day. The inherent tension of the half arc is to become full. Perhaps this is the reason that most human beings are restless, perturbed and unhappy with their circumstances, wanting to become something which is not possible. The Moon represents this restless mind. But the trouble with the human mind is that it is most uncomfortable in the present circumstances and always aspires for something else, something far off, that which may be unattainable. The mind is the source of all imagination and creation. This enables man to enrich himself with an unending thought process. The phases of the Moon denote change and suggest that every thought can culminate in completion, provided it is nourished and nurtured. The manner in which the new Moon starts its journey, till it becomes a full Moon, is an indication that all ambitions and aspirations can be realized.

The Moon is the most mesmerizing and mystical planet, deeply connected with the psychic development of an individual. The psyche of man works on varied dynamics. On the one hand, he is deeply attracted towards power and materialism and puts his total energy into accumulating as much as possible. There is a deep-rooted lust in him, which never allows him to be happy with his achievements; he always craves for more and more. Perhaps discontentment is the nature of mankind. The arc of the Moon’s symbol has two different points – one goes upwards towards the sky and the other points downwards. Worldly pleasures, gains and materialism can be attributed to the lower arc of the symbol. However, the ever-rising higher point indicates the inner desire of the mind to cool down, be at rest and understand the divinity involved.  The spiritual urge is another fantastic need of the mind. There is an inherent desire of the mind to operate on these two different levels: one is worldly and the other is spiritual. The ever-changing phases of the Moon do have a deeper impact on human psyche; it is very difficult to focus on a single issue for a long time. Due to this drawback, the mind keeps wandering and seldom achieves the target towards which total focus and energy had been concentrated. Since the phases of the Moon are ever-changing, vulnerability of the mind is invariably exposed. If one can control the fickleness of the mind, a lot can be managed in life. The same formula is applied on the sojourn of spiritualism; if one can go beyond the mind, moksha can be achieved in one single birth.

Sun: The Source of Light

The symbol of the Sun consists of a circle and right in the middle of this circle is a perfect spot. The circle is extremely important because it represents nothingness, which is also referred to as zero. The beauty of a circle is that it can be interpreted in many ways. It can be called a state of completion where nothing can be added or subtracted from. There are two different schools of thought. One, which interprets the world of nothingness and the other, which believes that the world is the only platform which provides plenty of opportunities to fulfill all ambitions and desires.

The symbol, which is a circle with a perfect dot in the centre, represents an atom. The presence of an atom in the centre of the symbol gives a different meaning to the glyph of the Sun. The Universe is made up of atoms and these are the sources of energy and life. If the glyph of the Sun consisted of only the circle, then it would be confusing, but the atom present in it makes it very potent. It is a known scientific fact that life revolves around the atom, and in astrology, we believe that life is possible in areas where the Sun’s rays penetrate the earth. Perhaps that is why the Vedas treated the Sun as a god. It is difficult to find any ancient culture or civilization in the world where the Sun is not praised or worshipped. The symbol of the Sun, the circle, represents the absolute; therefore, the Sun should be referred to as an absolute manifestation of the world. Kings, heads of states and administrators of various regions come under the influence of the Sun. Without the blessings of the Sun, it is not possible for anybody to remain at the helm of affairs for long. The Sun has the capacity to instill tremendous confidence and courage in a person to face challenges squarely.

Under the influence of the Sun, a person develops an inner understanding and is able to realise a psychological harmony within. The moment one realises that he is capable of conquering the world, then a feeling of inner satisfaction starts creeping in, which frees man from all psychological bondage. The circle is also the symbol for infinity, in perfect shape, without a beginning or an end.  The real achiever puts forth all his life energy to reach the target, without bothering the consequences. Once he reaches the zenith of his achievements, he wants to create a universal harmony. It is also strange that winning the world remains the target but once one has achieved that, real satisfaction remains elusive. Spiritualism can be an answer to this feeling of a vacuum. At this point, more than anywhere else, the symbol of the Sun that comprises of a circle which denotes nothingness, becomes most meaningful and one starts striving towards being a fraction of infinity.