Krittika : [26°40’ Aries – 10°0’ Taurus]


Krittika is the third nakshatra of the zodiac which extends from 26°40’ minute to 40°0’ and resides in the two constellations of Ram and Bull. The first quarter of nakshatra up 30°0’ of the zodiac comes under Aries ruled by Mars while the remaining three quarters fall under the sign Taurus ruled by Venus. The ruling planet of the asterism is the Sun. The deity of nakshatra is Agni, the god of fire. The symbol of nakshatra is a razor. The attribute of nakshatra is rajas or activity on both primary and secondary level and sattva at a tertiary level. The primary motivation of asterism is kama or desire.

Krittika is made up of six visible brightest stars and the seventh one is invisible. These stars are also known as the constellation of Pleiades. The combination of these seven stars is also known as seven sisters which are believed to be the wives of seven great seers who also figure astronomically as the seven stars of Ursa Major, the Big Dipper. Their connection with the ancient rishis shows the importance for the evolution of our planet with their guiding energy.


The ruling deity of Krittika is Agni, the fire god. The importance of fire has been established in all the Vedic literatures. Fire has been used in all its possible forms. The primary source of fire is the Sun. The purest form of fire is the light which is very important for the existence of the world. When this light is converted into lightening, it starts creating many hidden minerals, metals in the deepest layers of the earth. Agni or fire is capable of construction and destruction of anything on this earth. It itself remains imperishable. When it is burning it can consume anything which comes within its range. Fire also operates as a great purificator of this universe. Without fire in the belly the process of digestion cannot take place. When it converts itself into heat it gives warmth, when it maintains temperature then life starts taking shape on this planet. Latent heat is very essential in the process of manifestation of life in the womb or hidden form. In other words fire is the essential part of life force or the existence. The cessation of fire is also the end of existence. The seven flames of fire provide seven planes of existence to manifest. The fire god is deeply connected with this constellation and operates on atmic principles. Krittika also stands for total transformation of the being.

It is also believed that the seventh or invisible star of the nakshatra or seven sisters is married to Dhruv or the Pole star. The entire globe rotates around the Pole and Krittika provides the guiding force and through its seven fold manifestation life happens on the earth. Therefore the connectivity between Krittika and the Pole star establishes the importance of a central and hidden principle from which the laws of life establish themselves.


Your Strengths: Krittika – Sun – Mars provide a deep-rooted confidence and firmness of character to achieve greatness. Invariably, a person from this constellation fights for a social cause and could easily be termed as a spiritual warrior. The person has an inherent search for truth and possesses an inner fire which starts burning for literal transformation. The negative side of this nakshatra could be a stubborn and aggressive attitude. Sometimes, a destructive tendency could be quite shocking.

Krittika, Sun and Venus suggest a nervous energy, extremely keen to express itself and experience a fresh manifestation. People born with this combination invariably direct their passion towards their goal and their pursuit remains unemotional till the desired results are obtained. Your basic impulse is to strive for creativity which you strongly believe you possess. It takes quite a while before you can prove your worth to yourself as well as to the world. Being practical and disciplined, you channelize your energy in a particular direction with certain objectives in mind. You neither remain in a state of euphoria nor anticipate results till they start happening in reality. You are skeptical of you success since you have worked very hard from the beginning, but you enjoy living with hope. This attitude helps you achieve your goal and emerge as a winner.

You are blessed with constructive as well as destructive energy. Essentially, you believe that creating something different is more valuable than taking the wrong side. The constructive aspect of life is so deep in you that you literally devote yourself to social causes. You cannot remain selfish for a long time because whatever you experience after putting in tremendous efforts, you are always willing to pass it on to others. As you are aware of your potential, you work on it and bring it to a higher level. There is an inherent desire to help others who find difficulty in organizing themselves and in staying focused. You are blessed with the sharpness of a doctor’s scalpel who uses this knife for the benefit of mankind. The influence of your nakshatra, Krittika, is so huge that a divine quality automatically builds within you. It is reflected in your selflessness as the basic nature of divinity is impersonal.

You are extremely missionary in your approach, right from the beginning. You operate with a single objective in mind and make sure you achieve it with dignity. You organize and channelize your energy in such a way that it starts giving maximum results. Perhaps, by being methodical and disciplined, you can do wonders with your thought process. You are a practical person and prefer helping people rather than forcing them to do something. It does not matter whether they are related to you or not, but they should be genuine seekers and you will help them to the best of your abilities. Once you are convinced of their credibility you can go to any extent to help them. Your magnanimity does not know limits as you do not expect anything in return.

Your Drawbacks: The destructive side of your personality can also be force to reckon with if it ever takes root. On the rampage to destruction, you can, to a great extent, even destroy the possibility of revolutionary forces. It has the capability of affecting not only an individual but also a community. You need to understand this destructive force of your which is equally powerful.

Suspicion and jealousy are two areas which can wreak havoc with your personality. Once you are on the warpath with your negative thought process you can easily head towards destruction. At times, lust also plays a negative role. Therefore, these traits should be checked well in time lest they contribute to your downfall.

Bharani : [13°20’ – 26°40’ Aries]


Bharani is the second nakshatra of the zodiac which extends from 13°20’ to 26°40’ degrees and resides in Aries. Both the nakshatra Ashwini and Bharani reside completely within the sign Aries ruled by Mars. The lord of Bharani nakshatra is Venus. Mars represents the male energy and Venus denotes the feminine aspect of it. Due to the intersection of feminine and masculine energy, creative potential of existence is felt in this sign. The basic attribute of Bharani nakshatra is rajas and activities can be seen on primary as well as secondary level. However the tertiary level is governed by tamas. The primary motivation of nakshatra is Arth directed activity. This nakshatra has three hidden meanings. The symbol of nakshatra is yoni or female reproductive organ. On the second level Shakti Tattva or energy resides here. At the third level the deity of this nakshatra is Yama, the god of death. Bharani is made of three faint stars in the sign of Ram.


The word Bharani means she who bears or she who nourishes. The female reproductive organ, yoni is also known as Bhag. According to Vedic philosophy yoni or bhag has been given special importance in many Indian rituals. On the surface of it, it may look like a symbol of sensual pleasure but in the deeper sense it operates on the cosmic principle that transports soul (people) from one shore to another. Another meaning of bhag is auspicious which indicates that Bharani is a conduit through which divine energy flows to nourish the manifestation. According to Vedantic philosophy there are two primary forces of manifestation which Shiva-Tattva and Shakti-Tattva. They are active and passive principles of the universe. Ashwini represents the Shiva energy and Bharani denotes shakti (energy). Ashwini is ruled by Ketu and Bharani is governed by Venus. These planets play a very important role to generate evolutionary impulse. Ketu operates at mental level and has the understanding of the world through intuitive wisdom. Therefore Ashwini understands the intricacies of life at only the psychological level, however, Venus operates at the physical level and nothing remains impersonal because without being interpersonal and physical one cannot experience how life manifests on this planet.

Yama, the god of death is the presiding deity of Bharani. The primary job of Yama is to take the departed soul and provide him the kind of support, shelter till this soul starts its new journey. The name of Yama may be creating terror in people’s mind but Yama plays a very important role because he cleanses the environment and does not leave the souls wandering unnecessarily till they begin their new manifestation. As a matter of fact, Yama was among one the ancient ancestors of man.

The other meaning of Yama is widely used in yogic kriyas (terms). Under Yama discipline one has to perform many kriyas or process to purify the energy channel. The basic conducts of Yama are non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, brahmacharya and leading a life of purity. When a seeker follows these conducts then he directs life-force towards a new birth for the soul. Similarly, when the body becomes weak and cannot carry the burden of soul any longer then Yama, the god of death enables it to detach from the old form to assume the new one. Yama as a deity provides suitable passage for the more efficient flow of life energy.


Your Strengths: The lord of Bharani nakshatra is Venus and the sign Aries is ruled by Mars. The element of this sign is fire and symbol is a ‘Ram’. The Sun remains exalted in this sign.

Bharani, Venus and Mars provide infinite potential; it is capable of creating the necessary environment from where a unique kind of life force starts engaging. This combination also indicates that big dreams or desires can be converted into reality if the concept is clear. Once the seed is sown and is about to germinate, it has the capacity to become a tree, provided it is nourished properly. The mind tends to get automatically focused because you are not deprived of the fruits of labour for long. The taste of initial success paves the way for the long and impossible journey ahead. There is some mysticism involved in the actualization of a dream and once this mysticism overpowers man, then success starts following the person. Their authority, leadership quality and power make them almost invincible.

You are kind and generous. People may take advantage of this; not easily though, since you have a very shrewd mind and quickly grasp what is in the offing. Your own family will get a lot of your attention, but your love and affection remains undemonstrated and this could sometimes be misunderstood. A very hygiene conscious person, you love a neat and clean house. Love for antiques will help you to decorate your house with rare artifacts. You get highly emotional when you get to know of somebody’s miseries or pain. People do take advantage of your sincerity, but it does not bother you at all. You help people to rejuvenate and re-invent themselves and you apply the same formula for yourself as well.

Your Drawbacks: You are extremely sensitive. You do not easily forget the good and bad done to you by anybody. You can go up to any extreme in both the situations. When you are good there is no limit to your goodness, and if you are ruthless, then god bless the others! You are often restless, impatient and uncharitable to those who did not endorse your activities or ideas. Try not to stretch your ideas to an extreme because this can turn out to be your greatest weakness.

Ashwini : [0°0’ – 13°20’ Aries]


Ashwini is the first nakshatra of the zodiac which covers 0°0’ to 13°20’ degrees. It consists of three stars in the form of a horse. Ashwini played a big role to the activation of the primordial energy from its state of latency. The first nakshatra is concerned with the resurrection of these egos and putting them in order of new cycle. The lord of this nakshatra is Ketu, the northern node of the Moon. Ketu, considered a planet of wisdom, rules over impulses and Ashwini was chosen as the first nakshatra to provide the impulse required for the beginning of the cosmic cycle. The phenomenon is taking place in the sign of Aries which is represented by the Ram who is full of raw energy and ready to explode with his full might. The needed force and energy is provided by the dynamic sign lord Mars.


The birth story of Ashwini is quite interesting and reveals its cosmic power also. According to mythology, radiance of the Sun god was so strong that nobody could bear it due to his effulgence. He was left alone and had nobody to share life with him. Marriage seemed impossible. Aditi, mother of the Sun approached her husband Kashyap to do something about it. Kashyap divided Sun into 12 parts and made each a Sun in its own realm. The Sun of our universe was married to Sangya, the daughter of Tvashtra, also known as Vishwakarma, the celestial architect. Sangya was not able to bear the heat (Fire) of the Sun therefore she went to the jungle for penance because she could not perform the duty of a wife. Before she left the place she instructed her handmaid Chhaya (shadow) to look after her husband.

Sun could not distinguish between the real wife or shadow and started living with Chhaya as a husband. After sometime Sangya came back to the Sun and was very angry to know what was going on behind her back. In her temper she leaves the Sun once again and goes back to the jungle and takes the form of a mare and starts hiding in the jungle from the Sun. when Sun came to know about his real wife, he started following her in the jungle and took the form of a horse and mating took place. This allegory further describes the beginning of solar evolution and provides a hint to the mysterious process of activating the primordial force. Out of this union Ashwini Kumars were born. Ashwinis were blessed with a rejuvenating power and they are the great healers of the cosmos.

Besides its association with power and energy Ashwini is also connected with the seven channels of evolution flaws. The septenary energy channels are described in the Vedas as the seven rivers, sapta sindhus, sapta rishis and seven flames of sacrificial fire though Ashwini operates as the main aquaduct through which the seven channels flowed to the world or manifestation. Ashwini also provides necessary environment for Shiva-Shakti-Tattva to plat its role at manifestation level. Ashwini asterism represents the Shiva-Tattva while the Shakti-Tattva is represented by the second asterism i.e., Bharani.

There is another story attached with Ashwnis. There was a rishi called Chyavan, who was very old and wanted to marry young princesses. Rishi Chyavan approached Ashwini Kumars and requested them to make him young once again. As the story goes, Ashwini Kumars obliged the rishi. Ashwini Kumars are nature’s physicians who are capable of restoring latent live force without following the ethics of it. They are also involved with cyclic order of manifestation. This nakshatra is a source of huge solar energy which is capable of activating new creation. Creative process is deeply related with Ashwini’s impulse. Though Ashwini represents the keenness to involve itself in creative mission, it does not have a clear road map which becomes a handicap at times. This is the big drawback which also comes to the fore in the life of people born under Ashwini nakshatra.


Your Strengths: Ashwini, Ketu and Mars provide a dynamic environment to the person in which it can cultivate its fierce activities and from the where the thirst for life can get manifested. Here, energies are in the process of unification, so it provides a perfect platform for the awakening of consciousness in a particular direction. The Sun becomes exalted in this constellation and hence there is an apparent desire in the subject to establish his authority and leadership.

You are blessed with a dauntless spirit which likes to explore many new dimensions of your personality. Being playful and childlike in nature, you can experience many things that come your way. You are very kind and generous towards people whom you love immensely. You give importance to your family and friends. You are also very protective about them and the idea of losing them can scare you. Should you sense that you are about to lose them, you throw yourself in pursuing and sustaining the relationship at all cost. At times, you may appear brash in your behavior to others, but this is only an outcome of loneliness and a sense of insecurity as far as relationship are concerned.

Your Drawbacks: Uncontrollable aggression, impulsiveness, lust and a lack of concern for others are your great weakness. At times your arrogance and stubbornness can cross all limits, which can definitely land you in trouble. In some cases, a person of this sign follows the path of destruction and brings misery to the lives of innumerable people. You tend to have a fatal attraction towards the opposite sex which could easily bring about your downfall.

Ketu: The Source of Spiritualism

The glyph of Ketu is made of the same patterns as that of Rahu, but it differs in direction. In the case of Ketu, the arc which is connected with two complete circles goes downward. Although Rahu and Ketu originated from one glyph, they differ in content and quality. The glyph of Ketu explains the real and complete nature of Ketu by the lobe which hangs downwards. The two complete circles on which the arc of Ketu is attached makes it extraordinarily significant, because these two full circles are only two atoms. The presence of the atom has empowered the glyph with energy and strength. As it is in astrology, Ketu is understood as a planet of intuition/illusion and religious fundamentalism. Also it is the one which enables the man to attain super consciousness. Psychologists believe that there is an extremely thin line between illusion and intuition. The roots of illusion lie on certain inhibitions and confusions which persist all the time and surface in the form of illusions. However, on the contrary, intuition could be derivative of higher intelligence or wisdom, which guides the individual at the right moment. A rigid or confused mind tends to make a mockery of religion and leads the person towards religious fundamentalism. This kind of person is always biased and is rarely able to see things in black and white. The moment one starts living with total awareness, the duality of the world ceases to strike. This leads to removal of the difference between happiness and pain and an eternal harmony starts emerging, leading the way towards a state of super consciousness. In astrology, Ketu is the planet of salvation or moksha. The glyph of Ketu which goes downward and makes an arc indicates that if one is willing to search a new Universe inside him, it can bring about an eternal romance.

Rahu: The Source of Practicality

The symbol of Rahu (dragon’s head) and Ketu (dragon’s tail) are similar to each other but differ only in their directions. There are two circles and arc-type lobes. The one which goes towards the sky represents Rahu and the other lobe which points downwards is the symbol of Ketu. In astrology, they are called the two different nodes of the Moon, where Rahu is the northern node and Ketu, the southern node. It is quite difficult to interpret them as both are karmic planets and rule over the right and wrong deeds committed by an individual in his previous life.

The glyph of Rahu has two equal circles at the base, which are connected with an arc looking towards the sky. In our earlier interpretation we have observed that a dot represents an atom, which is the ultimate recognized force and energy of this Universe and fully capable of making or devastating the world as need be. In the case of Rahu, there are two circles on both the sides which are connected with a semi-circle. The whole glyph of Rahu looks like a missile in trajectory, which is in a position of readiness to explode and cover the entire sky with its sheer force and energy. In astrology, Rahu is considered a planet of materialism, which has a penetrating vision and is bestowed with manipulative and diplomatic skills to take advantage of a situation. If required, it can create a supportive atmosphere and be a beneficiary. In esoteric astrology, it is believed that Rahu has conquered all the six hidden shaktis (forces) of this Universe. They are: para shakti, gyan shakti, ichchha shakti, kriya shakti, kundalini shakti and mantra shakti. All the para-psychological and supernatural phenomena come under the range of para shakti. The right of knowledge which becomes an automatic force to reckon with and is useful in all eventualities is known as gyan shakti. When the total concentration is put behind one single thought, it becomes like a weapon which is known as ichchha shakti. When total existence of man is nothing else but an action only, then he is empowered with kriya shakti.

There are seven chakras in the body, right from the base of the spinal cord and reaching the top of the skull and if one can relocate or recharge the latent force, he can understand the kundalini shakti. Words are capable of penetrating the Universe provided they are rightly organized and flawlessly sung, and these come under the category of mantra shakti.

The two circles attached to the lobe are positioned at equal distances. To our understanding, the circle is an extension of the dot, which is represented by an atom. In this case, there are two atoms, which make the glyph of Rahu a powerful one. It is understood that if you want to gain money, power, honour and position, you need to begin a very long and meaningful search. In the same way, if you desire to attain supernatural power, you have to make valiant attempts and focus all your concentration and energy. The entire glyph of Rahu suggests that if you are willing to make extraordinary attempts, then you can achieve what you desire.

Saturn: The Source of Selflessness

The glyph of Saturn is exactly the same as that of Jupiter, but it is just the opposite to Jupiter. It can also be divided into three parts. Instead of dividing these three parts from the top, let’s start from the bottom of the glyph. Towards the last portion of the bottom, we see a glyph hanging like the Moon. The second part is of a cup, which has been emptied because it is hanging in the opposite direction. The third division of the glyph can be made of a cross, which is attached to the top of the symbol.

In astrology, Saturn is understood as a planet of renunciation. Out of the many characteristics of Saturn, some are pessimism, pettiness, skepticism, fatalism, suspicion, heartlessness, obstinacy, inaccessibility and a self-conscious attitude. Some other properties of Saturn are loyalty, introspection, patience and a deeper understanding of pain, misery, misery and anguish that one faces in life, from time to time. There are a few finer qualities as well, which are attributed to this great planet and these are self-control, perseverance, earnestness, proficiency, diligence, accuracy, sense of duty and sacrifice.

The glyph of Saturn can be divided into three parts. If we observe the glyph from the bottom, then we clearly see the glyph of the Moon which is attached to the cup. While observing Jupiter’s glyph we see the same phenomenon but the glyph of the Moon was on the top as far as Jupiter was concerned. On the other hand, in the glyph of Saturn, the attachment of the arc with the emptied cup, makes the entire glyph important. In the absence of any fulfillment of desire, the mind gets distressed and anguished, leading to frustration. Saturn, being the planet of renunciation, understands that unless and until the mind has emptied itself of all material expectations, it can never taste the fruit of spiritualism. It is very important that the mind should go through all sorts of pain and unhappiness to see the worthlessness of all desire. Only then it can start a sojourn on the higher plane. The hanging glyph of the Moon with the entire glyph of Saturn underlines the importance of harbouring no desires and expectations on the path to self-realisation.

The second division of the glyph is of a cup which is upside down. The importance of the cup lies only when it is placed correctly. The moment the cup is emptied, it loses all its value as far as worldly affairs are concerned. Primarily, the cup denotes life, knowledge and wisdom. However, the empty cup is an indication of deeper understanding of self-denial where nothingness takes the centre stage. The empty cup also adds new spiritual dimensions to this glyph. If man wants to get rid of all worldly miseries and pain which keep following him like a shadow throughout life, then he needs to empty the cup of all worldly desires and expectations.

The third part of this glyph is a cross, which is attached on top of the symbol. Whenever a cross is attached with any symbol downwards, it becomes very subjective in the beginning, but later on objectivity takes over. The attachment of the cross to any symbol towards the sky is a clear indication that worldly temptations have come to cease and nothing on this earth moves the man at a personal level. The energy has synchronized and is now ready to become impersonal. The moment one achieves this deeper level of understanding, all miseries, frustration and anguish drop immediately. The entire glyph of Saturn suggests that if one is willing to understand the intricacies of desires and pains of the mind, one starts moving towards the higher goals of his being. Once the tragic phenomenon of temptation is understood, then at the second stage one needs to empty the cup and enrich his soul. The moment you become empty, then the magic of this cross begins, with its blessings getting showered and making you fresh forever.