Mrigashira : [23°20’ Taurus – 6°40’ Gemini]


Mrigashira is the fifth nakshatra of the zodiac which can be found within the constellation of Taurus and Gemini which extends from 53°20’ to 66°40 of the zodiac. The nakshatra consists of three stars of the head of Orion. The asterism stands for searching star and establishing new relationships. The first half of nakshatra is ruled by Venus and the second half of nakshatra is governed by Mercury. The mansion itself is ruled by dynamic planet Mars. Its basic attribute is rajas, action and secondary and tertiary level it is tamas. The deity of Mrigashira is Som (Moon god) who imparts divinity and enlightenment with the help of mystic nectar. The primary motivation of Mrigashira is moksha, i.e., liberation.


The literal meaning of Mrigashira is Antelope’s head. Mriga means the Antelope and Shira stands for head. The other meaning of Mrigashira is to strive, seek and search which could be aimed materialistically or spiritually. Mrigashira also means starting of a new journey or manifestation. Lord Krishna is also associated with this nakshatra when he said in Bhagavad Gita that among the months I am the Margashirsha. The present Dark Age or Kaliyug began with the vernal equinox in Mrigashira. It is also mentioned in many occult sciences that shift of earth from North Pole to South Pole or vice versa brings radical zoological changes and new evolutionary impulses take place. It is also believed that the last global phenomenon which is connected with present age or yug happens in Mrigashira. Lord Krishna also says in the Bhagavad Gita that the beginning and end of this universe happens due to my presence but I remain the non-involved one. Perhaps he was referring to this phenomenon.

Many auspicious stories are associated with this asterism. It has been mentioned in Shiva Purana that Uma, consort of Shiva was born in this nakshatra and later on Shiva and Uma got married in this nakshatra. The lord of Mrigashira nakshatra is the Moon god, Som who represents nectar that was distributed among the people who performed puja, prayer, yagya and meditation.


Your Strengths: The Mrigashira – Mars – Venus combination provides an environment from where growth can take place both inwardly and outwardly. There is a great urge to penetrate the realm of materialism and evaluate its pros and cons according to ones own understanding. It is very important to understand as well as investigate that worldly impact of possessions on the life of an individual. For the people born under this nakshatra, there is a tendency towards possessiveness. However, you feel a deeper urge to get out of this worldliness and understand the total phenomenon as a mirage; you soon get dissatisfied and look for inner consolation. Illusions and confusions clear with passage of time.

Mrigashira – Mars – Mercury prompts an individual to discriminate his thought process and come out with a clear cut picture of his future plans. The person is overcharged with futuristic thoughts and puts in all his energy without weighing the real worth of his thoughts. Mars – Mercury combination helps him to overcome his flaws. Mrigashira blesses him with positive energy so that the mission is accomplished.

You are blessed with tremendous energy and it takes you a while to channelize this reservoir. You are absolutely focused and work towards creativity. You understand that your perceptions have the potential to create a new world on their own. Once your thought process is clear to you then you put in all your efforts to achieve your goals. Primarily, you believe in yourself which is why you concentrate on your priorities and you hesitate to take support from others because deep down you know that you have the ability and potential to achieve your targets. The moment you conquer the heights, you are willing to provide total support to anyone else who wishes to do so.

There is a tremendous urge in you to always experience something new in life. There is an inherent dissatisfaction with your existence and disorientation is created by devastating events. Therefore, your entire energy works for corrective measures vis-à-vis different situations or events. You understand intuitively that a meaningful life can only be achieved by going through the process of duality. Once you find a path for yourself, you want to help those who matter to you.

Your Drawbacks: on the negative side of your personality is overindulgence in pleasures. If you are on this path, then your craving and need for seeking more comforts and pleasure could lead you towards a chaotic life. Sensory attachments become so deep that they also create a big problem for you.

You are over-sensitive and touchy about small issues and make a mountain out of a molehill. Sometimes, your fickle nature can also create serious problems. Seeking pleasure is like a mirage for you; you are not satisfied with what you get and it remains a chaser. Craving for materialism can have a negative impact.

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