Uttara Ashadha : [26°40’ Sagittarius – 10°0’ Capricorn]


Uttara Ashadha is the twenty first nakshatra of the zodiac consisting of two stars in the breast of archer and extends from 266°40’ to 280°0’ of the zodiac. Uttara Ashadha extends from 26°40’ to 30°0’ in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter and from 0°0’ to 10°0’ in Capricorn ruled by Saturn. In other words first quarter of the asterism lies in Sagittarius and the rest three quarters are spread in Capricorn. The nakshatra is ruled by the Sun. The presiding deity of the asterism is Vishwedevas, the universal god. The primary and tertiary attributes of the asterism are sattvas, harmony however secondary attribute is rajas, action. Its primary motivation is moksha, i.e., liberation. The symbol of the asterism is Planks of Bed.


As a matter of fact Uttara Ashadha is an extension of Purva Ashadha, previous asterism but its nature is entirely different than the earlier asterism. Most of the impulses which are active at this level initially influence the psychological aspect of an individual. Previous asterism denotes the inner reality of an individual is hiding within the outer physical clothing which he is trying to purify and spiritualize. However the realization of inner understanding has to be absorbed and assimilated in the person’s psychic nature only then true understanding can take place. The moment this realization dawns the universal laws of nature begin to manifest to the individual. The perception of life is seen in a different light with this kind of understanding and a person’s concept of life becomes different altogether. He no longer perceives himself different from the entire universe. The Vishwedevas, the universal gods help him to understand this great phenomenon.

The symbol of the asterism is Planks of a Bed. The role of the planks is to give support to the bed. This symbol also implies that the planks have provided a provisional arrangement for sitting and resting. All these things are happening at a psychological level so one can understand the universal phenomenon behind it. Until and unless one is not psychologically ready for spiritual journey then he cannot make much advancement on that path. Due to the influence of this asterism those hidden qualities of an individual start surfacing which can lead him towards the path of moksha or liberation.

The nakshatra itself is ruled by the Sun. the first quarter of nakshatra falls in Sagittarius which is ruled by Jupiter and rest three quarters are spread in the Capricorn sign ruled by Saturn. The Sun and Jupiter enjoy the greatest harmony of the entire cosmos. The Sun rules over soul and Jupiter being a guru of all the devtas provides the maximum support to the soul on the path of realization. Those born under this asterism have the fullest blessings of the benevolent Jupiter. The same is not true for the remaining three quarters of the asterism which falls under Capricorn sign ruled by Saturn. Saturn is a bitter enemy of the Sun but primary a highly spiritual planet himself. If the individual is on the path of self-realization then Saturn acts as a friend and removes all those impediments which are either stopping the process or creating problems. However if soul is still in an indulgent mode due to ignorance then Saturn will induce all kinds of pain, trial and turbulence so soul can perceive its reality and drops ignorance instantly. The Vishwedevas, the universal gods are there to help the soul to be a light unto itself.


Your Strengths: The Uttara Ashadha – Sun – Jupiter combination denotes that you perceive life very differently right from the beginning. With this sort of understanding, you try to leave a pattern which has a universal appeal. It takes rather long for you to make up your mind but once the objectives are clear, you approach them in a systematic and disciplined way. There is a deep humanitarian concern and a feeling of justice in your nature for one and all. You are a hard taskmaster and do not leave any stone unturned unless you become a master yourself. Your dedication eventually creates a beautiful passage for you and you find your rightful place in this world. Failure does not desist you from your goal; on the contrary, it strengthens your resilience to achieve it with more vigour.

Uttara Ashadha – Sun – Saturn combination indicates that you are willing to suffer in isolation provided you can project yourself on a bigger canvas to prove some hidden points to yourself. The supreme deity of your being is that you are capable of going beyond restrictions and can destroy any establishment which does not have a universal appeal. There is a greater urge in you to develop your intellect at par with the intellectuals and socialize with them. You are well ahead of time and a pathfinder for others. Whatever pain and difficulties you suffer at a personal level enables you to empathize with others who are going through the same. You are thoroughly practical in your approach and understand the ground realities well. There is a strong tendency to translate most of your ideas into action.

You prefer to be active all the time. The experiences gained with constant activities help you to readjust at a psychological level. At times you do not mind suffering personal pain in lieu of understanding the real meaning of life which helps you to become internally strong. You can easily sacrifice your personal pleasure to help others if need be. You have an inherent concern for others which makes you popular among peer and friends. At a deeper level of your being, you are a friend of humanity and want to contribute it in a big way, but without making much fuss about it.

You are blessed with great insight, are balanced in approach and develop an aggression which can be used as the situation demands. You can be focused and can penetrate anything that you undertake with your vision. You acquire practical knowledge on your own and this helps in developing leadership qualities. You can relate very easily with people and this helps you to accomplish your mission in this life. You are persistent and never leave any stone unturned until you achieve success. You are idealistic and always set big goals for yourself. Your virtues are always refined. If you follow the right path then success can never be far from you.

Your Drawbacks: Your main flaw is that you are too rigid in your approach. Very seldom do you make amendments, which can put off even your friends. Sometimes you are over-cautious and reluctant to budge from your pre-determined stand which creates problems for you. You pay more emphasis to the end rather than the journey and in the way, the process becomes painful.

You may face failures early in life, but later on you meet with success. You need to learn the importance of patience while confronting adverse situations in life your excessive activism can take a toll on your personality. If you are not fully responsible for any project then you contribute half-heartedly. Do not leave a task undone because it will have a bad impact on your character. You are self-centred and stubborn which can create problems for you.

Purva Ashadha : [13°20’ – 26°40’ Sagittarius]


Purva Ashadha is the twentieth asterism of the zodiac which extends from 253°20’ to 266°40’ and resides entirely within the constellation of Sagittarius and consists of two stars which looks like archer’s bow. The sign Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. The nakshatra itself is governed by Venus. Purva Ashadha means ‘The Invincible’ or undefeated star. The Vedic deity of nakshatra is Apas, the water goddess. Its primary attribute is sattva, purity with rajas, action at secondary and tamas, inertia at tertiary level. The primary motivation of the nakshatra is moksha. The symbol of the nakshatra is Elephant’s Tusk.


Purva Ashadha provides a conductive spiritual environment for the soul to dwell in. the symbol of the asterism is Elephant’s Tusk which also provides a lot of hidden clues. The elephant looks to be a happy-go-lucky animal who is just unconcerned about his surroundings. If proper direction is given and his hidden potentials are aroused then he is capable of going in the middle of war and taking on opponents. The same way if an individual is provoked a right kind of spiritual environment then he can know his real self i.e., atma. Elephant’s Tusk, the real symbol of the asterism is extremely valuable. Elephant’s Tusk is more precious than the entire body of the elephant. If tusk is cut then it has the capacity to grow again.

The kind of wisdom that grows under the influence of Purva Ashadha is of great practical significance. The Vedic deity of the asterism is Apas i.e., water. Vedic sages have given a lot of importance to water. Besides life sustaining force, water has a lot of roles to play on this planet. It has the capacity to remove impurities, diseases and destroy all kind of poisons in the atmosphere with its presence. It is also known as the eternal source of energy. The Sun and Moon, two vital planets generate polarized energy impulses, which in turn protect water to support and nourish all kinds of manifestations. The same way Purva Ashadha produces a congenial environment for an individual to grow, sustain, nourish and become more creative.

The lord of nakshatra is Venus who is the presiding deity of demons, whereas lord of the sign is Jupiter, the presiding deity of devtas. Both the planets Venus and Jupiter stand out among the hierarchy of the planets because of their own greatness. Venus leads the individual into indulgence due to its oversensitivity. Jupiter on the other hand is a planet of spirituality. The extreme conflict of materialism and spiritualism can also be seen here. If an individual gets carried away by Venus’ nine impulses then he brings about his downfall. When ego becomes self-centered then it blinds the person so he cannot see the higher or spiritual possibility of himself.


Your Strengths: The Purva Ashadha – Venus – Jupiter combination means that you want to remain unbeatable in the midst of adversities because you believe that you belong to an unconquerable class. You have an imbedded pride and apparent attraction that compels you to influence and emphasize the masses at large. There is an inner desire in you to either be a part of cosmic energy or rule it by being identified with it. You want to spread your name and fame throughout the world. Inertia may prevail on a superfluous level but with the support of a suitable environment you are capable of courageous deeds. At times, you externalize your inner capabilities to achieve something almost non-achievable. You are blessed with an intuitive wisdom which helps you at the speed of light at appropriate times.

You have the divine ability to externalize your inner strength and work on the purification of your ego throughout your life. You can produce logic and reasons with immaculate perfection and your arguments become undefeatable. You want to learn, therefore, you are willing to experiment at various levels. This is why you appear complicated to others, but you believe it is important to gather different existing opinions and philosophers to form your own. You find such experiences to be extremely unpleasant, but you also realize that there are no shortcuts. Contradictions and parallel paths open up the floodgates of your discriminating faculties and intuition takes from that point.

Your Drawbacks: There is constant danger of becoming obstinate and getting caught in the web of an inflated ego. You may have undue pride and live in self-deception without any rhyme or reason. Sometimes you display your negative traits and magnify them unnecessarily. You over-estimation of yourself creates a very poor picture in other people’s mind.

Mula : [0°00’ – 13°20’ Sagittarius]


Mula is the nineteenth nakshatra of the zodiac which extends from 240°00’ to 253°20’ of the zodiac and completely resides in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. The sign has the capacity to make the paradigm shift from animal man to spiritual being. The meaning of the word mula is root, the lowest edge. It is also portrayed as the tail of a lion, located in a group of stars that forms the Scorpion tail. The asterism is ruled by a shadowy planet, Ketu which is considered a spiritual planet. Mula marks the point where galactic centre intersects the zodiac, which further emphasizes its spiritual influence. Mula is also assigned two symbols, one is an elephant’s goad and the other a lion’s tail which plays an important role in the path of spiritualism. The ruling deity of mula is Niritti, the goddess of destruction. Niritti also means disaster and is capable of destroying anything which is creating problems in the path of realizing the real nature of the soul. Niritti is also depicted as Goddess Kali who is capable of destroying ignorance. The basic attribute is sattva, lightness with rajas, action at secondary and tertiary level. The primary motivation of mula is kama or desire.


Mula means root of spiritual awakening but that cannot happen till ignorance is not destroyed completely. The accumulated karmic past has to be destroyed completely only then one can see the real self or the soul. That is why mula is considered quite a deadly one. The presiding deity Niritti, the goddess of death and destruction personifies the same.

It is believed that Ravana and Kansa, two deadly kings of ancient times were born in Mula nakshatra. Ravana was a very learned king who was well-versed in scriptures and Vedic rituals. He was extremely powerful and overpowered many gods. It is also mentioned in ancient literature that Agni, the fire god was a cook, Varuna, the regent of the sea, supplied water to his palace. Vayu, the god of wind swept his palace and Kubera, the celestial treasure supplied him money and so on. Ravana’s ego was so inflated that he thought he was the ultimate person on earth. Power intoxicated him fully and he dared to abduct the wife of Lord Rama who was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Due to his utter ignorance he made Lord Rama his enemy and when Rama killed him immediately Ravana’s ignorance vanished like lightening and he became a pure soul and was liberated by Lord Rama. The other demon king Kansa met the same fate by making Krishna, another incarnation of Vishnu his enemy and was killed by Krishna.

The two symbols of this asterism are very significant. The first symbol of the asterism is Elephant’s ankus which is used to control and guide this animal. When the mahout who sits atop the elephant and spurs him with the ankus it inflicts a lot of pain in the animal’s body. Due to this pain the animal starts following the instruction and learns discipline. In the same way, the lion’s tail is very sensitive and if it is disturbed then the lion becomes ferocious and can easily destroy everything around it. The same phenomenon was seen in the behaviour of Ravana when he was told by wise people in his court that he had not done a good thing by abducting Sita. He would get very angry and at times uncontrollable also. The same way when Kansa was reminded of his atrocities on his sister and her children he also reacted in the same way. Mula is motivated by kama, the desire for sensuous pleasures. The over involvement with senses brings the downfall of the person and if person does not stop himself then he is bound to face the consequences of his wrong doings; that is the message of Mula.


Your Strengths: The Mula – Ketu – Jupiter combination indicates that the person born under this configuration is motivated by materialism. Nevertheless, he aspires to be spiritual. These individuals may possess a rational nature and a curious mind that relishes exploring the basics of any subject. Their primary aim in life is to experience riches and luxury through intelligent means. More often than not, they lose what they earn at one point of time. They undergo a total paradigm shift in their lifetime. They find the foundation from where desirable results sprout, but lose all interest in those activities later n life. Their tamsik (negative) proclivity has to be diminished completely in order to create space for the spiritual forces. Destructive impulses have to be eliminated completely from the system so that a new beginning can take place which eventually gives shape to their real self.

You are blessed with a powerful spirit and when aroused, it is capable of expressing itself in many ways. If it appears in anger then it could be quite dangerous, however, if it is well directed then it gives wonderful results. It is very important for you to be focused or committed, which is difficult at times but you know how to achieve the desired results when the situation arises. You possess a reservoir of energy within you, but take long to realize its true worth.

Your Drawbacks: Many a time, you are not receptive to new ideas and criticism and tend to react inappropriately without realizing the pros and cons of a situation. If you can differentiate between ego and spiritualism, then most of your problems can be sorted out. You need to understand your kama (lust) process and go beyond it to reinvent yourself properly. Obstructions in your path are just intolerable and it works as a double-edged sword for you. If instigated wrongly, you can be absolutely ruthless.

Jyeshtha : [16°40’ – 30°0’ Scorpio]


Jyeshtha is the eighteenth nakshatra of the zodiac which extends from 226°40’ to 240°0’ of the zodiac in Scorpio ruled by Mars. The three stars forming the nakshatra look like an umbrella or an ear ring. These are also the symbols of the asterism. The prime star is the brilliant red star at the heart of Scorpion Antares. The ruling planet of the nakshatra is Mercury. Tamas is the basic attribute of the nakshatra but sattva flows at the secondary and tertiary levels. The primary motivation of nakshatra is arth directed activities. The presiding deity of the asterism is Indra, the king of gods. The meaning of jyeshtha is eldest or the senior most. However, here jyeshtha represents elder sister or the middle finger of the hand. Elder sister is given the utmost honour and respect in the family and she is considered next to mother. Asterism functions like a female angel who is protecting and guiding the growth and development of our children on the earth. Pranayam is a yogic kriya and middle finger is used to do this exercise with perfection.


Indra, the king of gods has attained a lot of importance in Puranic stories because he controls all the pleasures of life. He has achieved all this power after performing great austerity and penance. Indra is a very powerful king of gods because he owns the Sudarshan Chakra, the invincible disc which can consume the world instantly, remains balanced on his fore finger. It was a reward of great sacrifice. He annihilated many demons with this disc. This circulatory disc also resembles the symbols of umbrella and ear ring. Jyeshtha has also earned a lot of status due to its symbols ear ring and umbrella.

In the ancient civilizations of many countries including India, the kings who have attained the spiritual power were given special ring to recognize their efforts in the spiritual world. Those who have attained noble status in the society were given umbrella as a symbol in those times. At this stage the soul qualifies itself to embark upon in a new direction. An individual starts transforming at this stage. One needs to withstand a lot of psychological upheaval before one starts becoming one with the spiritual energies. Mercury is the lord of nakshatra which indicates that mental capacities have to increase immensely to know the real power of the spiritual energies. Indra, the presiding deity of the nakshatra also denotes illuminated mind.


Your Strengths: The Jyeshtha – Mercury – Mars combination indicates an earnest desire for prowess, freedom, but there is also fear that exists at a subconscious level. The person works to achieve seniority as compared to others, becomes the eldest in many ways and looks for absolute power and respect. He conceives himself to be glorious, courageous, powerful and daring. He has the knack and the power to rise and become invincible and wants to remain courageous in the midst of crisis. At times, he does not mind being cunning, if desired ends are achieved. In a nutshell, we can say a drop has the dream to become an ocean.

You have a keen desire to be noble as well as aristocratic in the social hierarchy. You are full of energy and use your special talent faculty for growth and development. You work at an inner level and evolve yourself to achieve great heights in life. However, materialism never leaves you. You firmly believe that a solid bank balance is very important if one wants to understand proper meditation. You keep a perfect balance between have and have-nots. You belong to the first category where you want everything in abundance and there is no room for scarcity. Yet, you have love, affection and kindness towards the have-nots and are always willing to help them to the best of your ability. You are always ready to move on and experience a deeper level of existence.

Your Drawbacks: There is a constant inner conflict going on in you about your self-image and self-esteem. Your secretive and hypocritic nature will bring your downfall. You demand total surrender from your friends and well-wishers. Do not give too much importance to materialism. You need to check your irritable nature, arrogance, pride and ego. Self-discipline could be the best policy for you.

Anuradha : [3°20’ – 16°40’ Scorpio]


Anuradha is the seventeenth nakshatra of the zodiac which extends from 213°20’ to 226°40’ of the zodiac in the sign of Scorpio ruled by Mars. It consists of three stars in the body of Scorpio. In the same constellation another star Alpha Centauri also lies that is the closet star of our solar system. The lord of the asterism is Saturn whereas the lord of sign is Mars. Both the planets belong to opposite poles and when they come together then the churning of an individual is bound to happen. The same phenomenon can be seen when we notice the attributes of the asterism. It is tamas, inertia, negativity at basic and tertiary level, however it is sattva at the secondary level. In other words, sattva, truth and harmony attribute is hemmed between tamas. The symbol of Anuradha is Lotus and presiding deity of nakshatra is Mitra, the deity of friendliness and cooperation.


Great mystery is attached with the symbol of Anuradha which is Lotus. The Sanskrit meaning of Lotus is Padma. The seed of lotus is sowed in the mud therefore its initial growth takes place in the mud only which indicates the individual’s total involvement with materialism. The manifestation of the seed of lotus happens at various levels. It takes root in the mud which represents total ignorance. Its stems grow in water and water represents the emotional side of a person. It gets attracted by the sun rays and starts blossoming on the surface of the water. This also represents the growth pattern of a soul. The other meaning of Padma refers to sexual intercourse. Another meaning of Padma is Laxmi, the consort of Vishnu, who follows Lord Krishna in the form of Radha. According to mythological story the macro cosmic lotus rises from the navel of Vishnu and on which Brahma, the creator of cosmos was seated. Lotus also refers to the entire process of the creation.

Another meaning of Anuradha asterism is the ‘Smaller Radha’ or one who follows Radha. Radha is the beloved of Lord Krishna who was deeply attached to him. The story of Radha is also very significant. She was the consort of Lord Krishna but due to her circumstances she longed more that she lived with Krishna. Although both were not leaving an opportunity to be together when they get chance but the constant struggle was there. It looks as soul is longing to meet the divine but circumstances are creating the problem to do so. The same pattern can be seen from the opposite lordship of nakshatra, Saturn and sign lord, Mars. The deity of nakshatra is Mitra who is eternally friendly and cooperative towards man. According to Rig Veda, there are two powerful deities, one is Varun, light of the night. Mitra is light of the day which begins with the dawn. The Atharva Veda says whatever light was concealed by the Varun in the night, Mitra brings it back with the dawn. The night represents the ignorance of the soul due to influence of Maya and with the dawn divinity takes over.


Your Strengths: The Anuradha – Saturn – Mars combination creates paradoxical situation. As Mars and Saturn are inimical to each other, one is considered fiery and the other is cold by nature. Therefore, inherent conflicts remain mostly at the psychological level where a person has to understand the dark and bright side of his being and make timely adjustments. Ego, ignorance, jealousy and attachment start losing connectedness with the inner self once you learn to synchronize both the natures. Once this phenomenon occurs, the person becomes open and has empathy and compassion for one and all. No doubt, the initial struggle remains there, but once flowers begin to blossom, fragrance and beauty can engulf the entire world.

You have a great ability to create and maintain good relationships without losing your focus. Once you understand your latent power, you can do wonders with this unused energy. You have the ability to overcome the difficulties which come your way. Many times, it seems, especially to your close ones, that you have given up and lost the battle. But you are one of those who can lose at the initial level to achieve final victory. You help people without them coming to know that you are helping because you believe that dignity and honour should be maintained.

Your Drawbacks: There are certain issues which need to be addressed in earnest otherwise they can cause your downfall. Sometimes, rigidity in thoughts and vehement jealousy can create a lot of problems for you. You are low on tolerance and anger takes a centre stage. Selfish motives can bring you a bad name.

Vishakha : [20°00’ Libra – 3°20’ Scorpio]


Vishakha is the sixteenth asterism of the zodiac which extends from 200°00’ to 213°20’. Most of the nakshatra resides in the constellation of Libra and consists of four stars making a shape of scales which extends towards the sign of Scorpio. First three quarters of nakshatra falls in Libra ruled by Venus and the last quarter lies in Scorpio ruled by Mars. The asterism is ruled by benevolent planet Jupiter. Its primary motivation is dharma or principle. Its basic attribute is tamas, inertia while sattva, harmony at secondary and it is rajas, activity at tertiary level. This is the only asterism of the zodiac which has two Vedic deities – they are Indra, the lord of gods and Agni, the god of fire. The two symbols are assigned to this nakshatra, one is the potter’s wheel and the second is an archway.


The meaning of Vishakha word is ‘readiness’, getting prepared to get into action. Vishakha is capable of total transformation. At this stage the individual is looking forward to discover his hidden qualities. There is an urgent need to make the necessary changes to achieve something new altogether. The divinity starts taking place under this asterism. The individual starts realizing with this contentment within himself and he looks for answers from higher being.

The symbol of the asterism, potter’s wheel is very relevant in this regard. Potter’s wheel moves on the centre of axis. The clay is put on this very axis. The shape of the pot depends on the expert and whatever shape the expert wants the clay does not resist and follows suit. At this stage of Vishakha the soul is in a state of readiness and if right kind of environment is created then the real shape can come out of nothingness. Due to influence of divine will there is an urge to explore one’s inner self. Sometimes if soul is governed by illusions, then it takes a different route of pleasure and enjoyment. If an individual is not satisfied with his environment and takes a negative route on impulse then it leads to infidelity or getting involved in sensuous pleasures. This invariably happens due to reactionary attitude rather than the real need of indulging in this sort of activity. There is a sense of insecurity, unhappiness, dryness which leads the person to seek shelter in sensuous activities. This sort of complexity is also visible under the influence of Vishakha.


Your Strengths: The Vishakha – Jupiter – Venus combination stands for transformation. Vishakha creates an environment for the native to look inside to discover the source that lies within. A unique urge arises to change the course of things, to accomplish something totally unknown. There is a bit of discontentment which is heightened with the existence of life and the person works very hard to transform his surroundings. Such a person suddenly becomes very keen to explore his inner self and emerge with the real answers to make a difference.

The Vishakha – Jupiter – Mars combination denotes tat one who grows slowly bears the sweetest fruit once ripened with time and age. People with this combination are imbibed with great strength, force and potential energy to influence and transform existence around them. They are full of faith, hope, and are enthusiastic about the future. They believe in themselves and achieve whatever they desire in life. They do not mind going through the process of pain and tribulation if the desired target could be achieved one day. They plan very systematically and put all their energy to see their goals turn into reality. Those born under this combination are courageous, confident and do not lose sight till they reach the goal.

One can depict you as a potter who is very keen to give a desired shape to the pot. In this case, you play both the roles – of the potter and the pot. You are willing to make changes in your behavior and attitude to get the desired results once you have made up your mind. To an extent, you act like a yogi who is ready to go through all the penance if enlightenment is assured. Being exceptionally kind and generous, you are keen to help those who you feel are not able to find their path.

You are very hard right from the beginning and bring yourself to the stage of readiness from where real action of life can take place. You are very attentive and ready to grab the opportunity whenever it comes your way. You could be easily depicted as an archer who focuses all his energy on the target. Perhaps, there is a keen desire in you to transform or make a paradigm shift in this life. If you feel that you need to change your attitude, understanding and behaviour to achieve your goal, then you will leave no stone unturned. You always help those who follow you or accept your dominance.

Your Drawbacks: You are very temperamental and sometimes it gets the better of you. Pursuing wrong agendas can take you off your track and lead to unnecessary delays. Try not to be dictatorial in nature and avoid quarrels as much as you can.

Sometimes, you want to fulfill too many ambitions which creates a lot of problems in life. Do not be envious and jealous of other’s success. Sometimes, your social networking is very poor and you may suffer on this account. Your temperament and strong sexual appetite can put life out of gear.