ASTROSYMBOLS : Vedic Astrology Made Simple

Astrology is an important part of Indian life. The Vedas, the oldest scriptures in the world, have called it the eye through which man can gain knowledge of his worldly life and spiritual self. A knowledge of astrology is essential to understand the real meaning of the Vedas, which basically deal with culture and the civilized life of a man.

Astrology exists in signs, symbols and stories, which need unraveling. I have tried to demystify the coded language of astrology. The 12 houses (or divisions) of the zodiac are known as the signs ranging from Aries to Pisces.


The zodiac is a never-ending yet constant concept. But, when observed from the earth, certain imaginary measurements are made to establish a relationship between the two. According to this imaginary measurement, the zodiac is of 36- degrees and is further divided into 12 parts. Each of these parts is of 30 degrees each. These divisions are known as the signs, ranging from Aries to Pisces. Each of these comprises of two-and-a-quarter constellations and there are 27 constellations in all. The constellations are made of different but definite stars. The perfect blending of two-and-a-quarter constellations in a sign makes it unique, represented as it is by the shape of animals, reptiles, marine creatures and human beings.

For astrological purposes, we undertake a study of 27 constellations although there are more constellations present in the zodiac. It is strongly believed that the zodiac and the stars, which can be seen from a particular point on the earth, have had a real impact on human beings and Nature.


Most of us are familiar with the word ‘elements’. This vast Universe is made up of five major natural elements in all. But the science of astrology uses only four elements. These are fire, earth, air and water. The fifth element ‘space’, is left out, because all the other elements get energy from space. Every human being is directly influenced by a particular element according to one’s zodiac sign. At the same time, it is difficult to remain completely unaffected by other elements, since they are all so fascinatingly interwoven into each other.

Elements reveal the real nature of the Universe and as we human beings are a part of the Universe, certain universal qualities also reflect in us. So, elements reveal our nature too. Each person belongs to a particular sign, from Aries to Pisces, and each sign is governed by an element, which provides us a clue to the nature of that sign.

The zodiac is divided into 12 signs and each sign represents a particular element, be it fire, earth, air or water.


Astrology is one of the oldest sciences and has been widely studied and understood by all the ancient civilizations. There are references to astrology in almost all civilizations – from the Sumerian to Sumatran. The journey of astrology down the ages gives an indication that there is something compelling about it. Astrology is based on astronomy, which is purely a mathematical science. The core of astrology exists in signs, symbols and anecdotal stories, with many of them having a mythological basis. Seen at glance, some of these stories may seem absurd to us, but if viewed with insight, they reveal certain psychological messages within them. Upon further demystification, they throw up very concrete ideas. Signs and symbols are one way by which human beings have always left the footprints of their work behind.

We shall confine ourselves to decoding and analyzing the hidden meanings of various astrological signs and symbols. We will cover all the 12 signs from Aries to the Pisces and planets, i.e. the Sun, Moon, Mars, etc.

Signs and symbols have a special place in the evolution of human communication and consciousness because the subconscious mind is similar in all races. A comparative study of different signs and symbols from different cultures and civilizations reveals peculiar similarities which speak almost the same universal language.


The reference to nakshatras is found in the Rigveda. However, the complete list of nakshatras is found in both the Yadurveda and the Atharveda. In both the Vedas, the listing begins from Krittika. Nakshatras name are based on their ruling Vedic deities; they reflect the ancient gods like Vayu (wind), Agni (fire) and Surya (Sun) etc. Vedic nakshatras have a deeper spiritual meaning of the cosmos. The nakshatras are also considered the abode of our karmas, good or bad. Primarily, nakshatras are considered the mansions or asterisms of the Gods. They are fully capable of projection – positive and negative divine force – just like the planets. Nakshatras are also considered fixed stars.

The term nakshatras has a deeper meaning. According to one interpretation, naksha + tra is naksha or effort and tra meaning worship. The root naksha behind the term nakshatra means effort, worship or achieve. Tra suggests instrumentality. In other words, nakshatra has the capacity to connect the human mind with the cosmic mind. Another meaning of nakshatra is something that which never decays. This name is given to a constellation or mansion of the Moon, and the Moon resides in each of these asterisms for one day. There are 28 nakshatras but for astrological purposes only 27 are considered.

All these nakshatras can be found in Arabian and Chinese astrology too. However, the same does not hold true for western astrology. The zodiac is made of 12 houses and each house is of 3- degrees. Therefore the total zodiac is of 36- degrees; and it further consists of 27 constellations. The length of each constellation is 13.20 degrees. Each constellation is further divided into four parts 3.20 degrees. Each sign is made up of two and a quarter constellations.


There is a deep relationship between cosmic signs and the fixed stars. Signs and fixed stars are considered the passive energy fields that provide the perfect environment for planets that are considered active cosmic creative forces. The Moon and the constellations or the fixed stars have a special relationship for Man as well as the Universe. The presence of Moon in a particular constellation establishes the relationship between the good and bad deeds of the person, personality, behavior, attitude, etc. all attributes connected to that constellation come to play their cosmic role throughout a person’s life. Each constellation provides a certain amount of freedom and possibility to the person to fulfill his hopes and aspirations in this birth. At the same time, every constellation poses challenges and impediments in the growth of the inner as well as outer personality. The world is a manifestation of Purush and Prakriti, that is, matter and spirit. Purush or spirit is the ultimate magnetic force; the world comes into existence when he unites with Prakriti or matter. The imprint of this great evolution is evident on the entire cosmos. The intelligence of the cosmos can be studied through the solar system. This is how astrology came into being: to know through the movement of luminaries and planets the effect on signs and stars, i.e., nakshatras. The Sun represents the soul of the universe and individuals too: the Sun is considered a masculine force. Moon represents the feminine source of energy of the entire universe. The Moon gets light and energy from the Sun. human beings, karma, actions, deeds, feelings, emotions and attitudes, possibilities, impediments, all are connected with the Moon, and the constellations are the source of this. This is why their study is so important. This is what helps one know the possibilities and drawbacks. The nakshatras are the keepers of the consciousness according to past birth deeds. They provide individuals with infinite possibilities to evolve themselves. Needless to say, many people have transformed themselves and become enlightened.

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