Uttara Bhadrapada : [3°20’ – 16°40’ Pisces]


Uttara Bhadrapada is the twenty sixth asterism of the zodiac which extends from 333°20’ to 346°40’ and completely resides in the constellation of Pisces, i.e., the fish. It consists of two stars. Purva Bhadrapada is also made of two stars and when they join together consist of four stars and represents the legs of a cot. But the two stars assigned to Uttara Bhadrapada are set to be symbolized as twins as well the number two. The sign Pisces is ruled by Jupiter where as the asterism itself is ruled by Saturn. The presiding deity of the asterism is Ahir Budhnya, the dragon of the deep sea. The primary motivation of the asterism is kama, desire. Sattva, harmony attribute operates at primary and secondary levels but at tertiary level it is under the influence of tamas, inertia.


The presiding deity Ahir Budhnya, the dragon of the deep sea is connected to Ahi-vritra, the dragon of primordial ignorance which hides himself in primeval darkness. These are known as dual principles of existence, i.e., light and darkness, heat and cold are emphasized by Aja Ekapada and Ahir Budhnya. Cosmic creation is based on these two fundamental principles of eternal conflict. They rule over fire and water, heat and cold and are personified by Agni and Soma. They are also known as two primary rudras which are known as manifestation of Lord Shiva. These two rudras are presenting the unity between Uttara and Purva Bhadrapada, are the four legs of the cot.

The sign Pisces is itself ruled by Jupiter whereas the asterism Uttara Bhadrapada is governed by Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn are poles apart from each other where character and tendencies are concerned. Jupiter being a benevolent planet believes in growth and expansion of the individual as well as the soul. Saturn is just contrary and represents the opposite of Jupiter. Saturn believes in constraints, curtailing, squeezing and putting a lot of trial and tribulation in the process of spiritual growth. Initially Saturn is a spiritual planet but it looks after the practical side of spiritualism. It believes that one cannot achieve oneness with the ultimate unless and until one goes through the path of penance, austerity and develops deeper understanding of humanity. The individual moves between the two basic polarized forces which constitute the universe and if it has to transcend this duality then he has to make a quantum leap to be one with the ultimate.

The deity of the asterism has a very deeper meaning. Ahi is a serpent, a demon and darkness personified. Due to this very darkness an individual remains ignorant even after taking many births on this planet. His bondage with materialism or ignorance is so deep-rooted that it does not get eliminated even after the suffering of many births. It is also believed even if the darkness of ignorance ends there still remains the darkness of wisdom. The symbol of asterism is dragon and all wisdom emanates from him through this nakshatra. It helps the individual to comprehend the knowledge hidden in all forms of manifestations.


Your Strengths: The Uttara Bhadrapada – Saturn – Jupiter configuration give rise to a very conflicting situation. There is an unfriendly atmosphere between Saturn and Jupiter or tamas and sattva, fire and water. The symbol also assigns a dual personality. You are capable of demonstrating quiet restraint and control over your aggression. Saturn, being a disciplined planet helps you control your feelings and provide self-control. Many a time you prefer to live with pain and agony than to exhibit it. There are two basic principles of cosmic evolution and they are governed by fire and water, heat and cold. That is the reason contradictory tendencies rule, because of the nature of the two planets Saturn and Jupiter, in the end, Jupiter takes over and you become cool, calm, and understanding and the negativity of Saturn is left behind forever.

You put all your energy right from the beginning to establish yourself in whatever field you are. You work very hard and prepare yourself for eternal rest where you are totally detached from material influence and try to attain internal peace. You exert a certain kind of discipline and self-control on your emotions and behaviour. You are quite cheerful, comfortable, kind and generous towards others. However your strong determination, resolve and persuasiveness enables you to reach your goals without much difficulty. There is a tremendous psychic ability in you which helps you throughout. You are caring towards your family, children and spread happiness wherever you are. You believe in giving freely without expecting anything back.

Your Drawbacks: The darker side of your personality could be passion and temper. You may be secretive, lazy, careless, irresponsible and cunning without any reason. Overindulgence in desire and some sort of addiction can create an upheaval in your life. Sometimes your ruthlessness can create a very dangerous situation for you. You need to cultivate patience and exercise utmost control on your negativity.

Purva Bhadrapada : [20°0’ Aquarius – 3°20’ Pisces]


The twenty fifth nakshatra of the zodiac is known as Purva Bhadrapada which extends from 320°0’ to 333°20’ of the zodiac and consists of two stars. The nakshatra is associated with cosmic stability and imparts fearlessness. The first three quarters of the asterism fall within Aquarius sign ruled by Saturn which extends from 20°0’ to 30°0’ in Aquarius sign and the last quarter lies in Pisces sign ruled by Jupiter. The nakshatra itself is ruled by Jupiter. Its primary and secondary attributes are sattva, harmony while at tertiary level it is rajas, activities. The presiding deity of the asterism is Aja Ekapada, the one-footed goat. The astrological symbol of asterism is a sword. The primary motivational impulse of the asterism is arth or goal directed.


A lot of significance has been attached to the presiding deity of the asterism which is Aja Ekapada, the one-footed goat in the formation of cosmos. According to Vedic literature, deity Aja Ekapada denotes the unborn, transcendent cosmic energy. The goat is a docile, domesticated animal which gives milk and takes almost nothing for its own sustenance. However the role of Vedic deity is tremendous, he is infinite, an entity without motion and speech. Aja Ekapada is the unborn and worshiped as a form of Shiva and a transport vehicle of Agni, the god of fire.

According to Atharva Veda, Aja Ekapada is deeply connected with Rohit, another deity associated with cosmic evolution. The main job of Rohit was to produce heaven and earth where the thread of the sacrifice is extended. In this scheme of things Rohit was created and Aja Ekapada established himself as the Sun and made the heaven and earth firm with his strength. Aja Ekapada functions as the Sun which provides life and light and becomes a source which provides existence to the entire creation. In this scheme of things the role of Aja Ekapada is to cement this essence of manifestation. As a transport of Agni, fire which energizes all life forms Aja Ekapada takes the abstract image of Rohit, differentiates it, and then provides warmth and nourishment so that it can succeed in completing its journey.

Aja Ekapada, one of the early Vedic deities denotes the stage in cosmic evolution where fire has not taken an active role in creation, though the area of creation has been well-defined. The fire is still on the vehicle and has not been established as energy by itself. It is infinite and within it neither motion nor speech exists. The subject or objective attributes has not taken birth as yet. Manifestation cannot operate unless and until the polarization takes place and only then interplay of different forces start operating. Primarily Aja Ekapada is like a Sun which provides life and light to every form of creation but takes nothing itself. The same way the Lord Shiva in his cosmic dance arouses each and every cell and energizes the whole universe but within himself he is completely still and no activity is operating at any level.


Your Strengths: The Purva Bhadrapada – Jupiter – Saturn combination is connected with cosmic solidarity and teaches the person fearlessness. You are blessed with creative intelligence and it reflects in your nature early in life. There is an unchannelled latent creative force which starts creating an entirely different persona out of you. There is an ever-changing process of impulses which manifests but remains abstract for quite sometime. There is a live force within that is eager to start its journey to reach the ultimate as soon as possible. Once you gain momentum in your mission, you are unstoppable till you achieve your objectives. In your sojourn, you do not want to break the rhythm. You want to make it a continuum process.

The Purva Bhadrapada – Jupiter – Jupiter makes you extremely passionate, spontaneous and idealistic. You are shy and undemonstrative in the beginning but gradually come to terms with life. You are focused and committed and make sure that whatever task you have is not left undone. Your primary motivation is materialism as you firmly believe that worldly comforts are essential to do something meaningful in this life. You are future oriented and make the best use of the present. You are humane and want to work for the upliftment of humanity. You are non-interfering in others’ life and also make sure that nobody intrudes in your personal affairs. You are confident and follow your own ideology which is different from others. You believe in karma (efforts) and leave no stone unturned to achieve your target.

Success does not come easily and you have a share of failures in the beginning. Every failure fills you with a new resolve and you make sure that the same is not repeated. It takes quite long for you to understand your rare potential and once you have attuned yourself with the cosmic energy, you are unstoppable. You are quite a rebel and this helps you become a pathfinder for others. Your personality could be symbolized with a double-edged sword. When it is directed outwards, it can remove all sorts of obstacles which come in life. If it is the other way, it can be harmful. The real job of the sword is to ignite courage, provide perfect vision and help to unite all the disintegrated forces into a single unit. There is an inner urge in you to work with a missionary zeal to achieve your targets.

There is a desire to stand on your own, without any support and at times, it gives an impression of being eccentric and revolutionary. Perhaps you want to keep your originality intact which is why you do not heed the advice of others and adopt an attitude of ‘couldn’t care less’. There is a belief in you that you are already ahead and are fully capable of managing your show. The basis of this confidence is tat you feel strongly connected with the universal force giving you the needed energy to achieve your goals without any interference. The complete self-reliance of the inner and outer force energy synchronizes so beautifully that every dimension looks easy and possible. The motivational force is so strong that it makes you believe that nothing will come in your way once you are focused. This attitude enables you to transform life in this birth itself.

Your Drawbacks: The negative side of your personality is that you are temperamental, restless and anxious. Your eccentric behaviour and acidic tongue can leave people aghast. Sometimes you could be too self-opinionated and over-idealistic in your principles. You can be very nervous and fearful if confronted by adverse situations. You need to work on your wavering and unstable mind.

Sometimes you become too individualistic and follow the path of materialism which could be termed fanatic and anti-social. If greed sets in you can fall from the path of grace. You need to curb anger, aggression and being over-passionate about things of little consequence. Being too secretive, shrewd or irresponsible can cause a lot of pain and anxiety to you. Be wary of addiction and overindulgence in sex.

Dhanishtha : [ 23°20’ Capricorn – 6°40’ Aquarius]


Dhanishtha is the twenty third asterism of the zodiac which extends from 23°20’ to 30°0’ Capricorn and from 0°0’ to 6°40’ Aquarius. Dhanishtha Nakshatra extends from 293°20’ to 306°40’ of the zodiac. Dhanishtha consists of a group of four stars located in the head of Delphinus, the Dolphin. First half of the nakshatra falls in Capricorn and the latter half of the constellation comes under Aquarius. Both the signs Capricorn and Aquarius are governed by Saturn. The asterism itself is ruled by Mars. Its primary attribute is sattva, lightness but the secondary and tertiary levels are controlled by tamas, inertia. The presiding deities of the nakshatra are eight Vasus, the epitomes of cosmic energy. The symbol of the nakshatra is a Drum, also known as Mridanga. The motivational impulse of the nakshatra is Dharma, i.e., honour or principle.


The symbol of Dhanishtha is drum which is very significant. Lord Shiva’s musical instrument is damroo or a miniature drum. The drum is hollow and covered by stretched leather which is systematically tied with tiny knots of two ropes. These small ropes are used to stretch the leather so it can produce the desired sound. The drum is played by tapping rhythmically on either side. When Shiva takes the form of Nataraja, the divine dancer then this cosmic music is played by himself. It is believed that the whole universe starts dancing with the beat of his divine drum. The music has inherent divinity within itself which can connect each and every particle of this universe with oneness. The same divinity was created by Lord Krishna when he was playing a bamboo-cane flute while sitting in an isolated place under the tree. The sound of the flute was so lovely and alluring that all the gopis and cows surrounded him within no time. Dhanishtha also shows the preparedness of the soul for higher ascendance.

The drum as a symbol of Dhanishtha connects the individual soul to its roots of manifestation which starts echoing on its own. Cosmic void emits sound waves which cements cosmic ideas. Mahashunya or cosmic void is the basic necessity from which the perception of all sound arises. When the world is filled with noise and agitation then beneath it one can see the great silence which rules the real nature of things. This process automatically leads towards the soundless sound which is the main aim of the meditation. All forms of manifestation are born out of void with certain divine purpose. However at this stage the individual may experience a great sorrow, suffering, difficulties and at times maladjustments with the environment. Because bipolarity of personality is reflected by the symbol of the asterism – drum also plays a big role at this stage. One needs a divine strength to make a quantum jump across the realm of bipolarity. The presiding deity of the asterism are the Vasus, the cosmic gods who are there to provide the necessary help.


Your Strengths: The Dhanishtha – Mars – Saturn combination indicates that the basic impulse is to empty out your inner self or soul from all the past experiences and ready yourself for some bigger transfusion. Living with past experiences and regression will not help you learn something new or perceive something extremely beautiful which has the capacity to transform you completely. It is true that this stage can be attained only after going through stress, pain, frustration, depression and loneliness at a greater level. A temporary hell-like situation automatically opens a door to heaven through which you can walk freely. Dhanishtha’s basic role in this sign is to prepare you for something big after touching the lowest ebb of your being. Through the passage of a lonely path, darkness and deep silence, one can prepare himself for divine music or greater harmony within. The basic job of the sign Lord Saturn is to go through all sorts of discomforts and stress in order to lift you from the ordinary experience to the greater heights of your being.

The Dhanishtha – Mars – Saturn combination will generate a very different and unifying magnetic current due to the influence of the sign Aquarius. Aquarius is considered a sign of humanity and its symbol of an overflowing pitcher speaks volumes for its kindness, generosity and compassion. Rain is eager to fill the pond to the optimum with its fresh shower provided it is already emptied out in the same way if one is to create Mahashunya or cosmic void; it can only then be filled by sound waves to energize the whole atmosphere.

This combination also enables you to discard the past and look for new ideas to create a congenial world where one can easily float. You may experience acute stress and agony but then it is the only way to transform yourself completely. One cannot experience the inner divinity until and unless one has gone through the process of suffering. Your greatness lies in that you do not give up but fight till the end to achieve your mission. Once that is accomplished, you are in a comfort zone.

You are gifted with insight, are a perfect listener and have great admiration for truth. The search for unity and connection with one and all takes you places. You are aware o the ground realities, and therefore, start working with limitations keeping unlimited goals in mind. You are a visionary, and believe in moving step by step. You are a born fighter and blessed with a never-say-die spirit till the goals are met.

The global ideas are very appealing and they can unify people for a common cause. The humanitarian side of your being is so charming that it attracts others towards you even as become a focal point. You are very forceful and a great explorer of the truth. These basic traits help you gain fame and recognition. You are resourceful and it helps you to explore unknown areas. Your search for knowledge or newness never ends and this puts you ahead of others. Primarily you have a great desire to acquire wisdom which can be used for the benefit of self as well as others.

Your Drawbacks: You may have tremendous lust for materialism. Sometimes you can be over ambitious, insatiable and miserly and may eye another’s wealth. You can be extremely jealous, aloof and insensitive, callous and exceptionally revengeful. Your selfish attitude can cross the limits if this combination is afflicted at the time of birth.

On the negative side you could be cruel, selfish and callous and mindlessly striving to acquire everything for your own selfish satisfaction. Your over-ambitiousness and narcissist attitude could put off many. You can be stingy and extremely revengeful. If you do not change your attitude, you will suffer and repent for long.

Magha : [0°0’ – 13°20’ Leo]


Magha is the tenth asterism of the zodiac which extends from 120°00’ to 133°20’ and the entire nakshatra resides within the sign Leo. Magha’s main star is Regulus, the brightest star of Alpha Leo. Magha means the great or the mighty one. The presiding deity of the asterism is Pitris, the fathers or the great is palanquin he humanity. The symbol of nakshatra is palanquin (palki) on which a king, or a pilgrim or a new bride is carried by the bearers from one place to another. The ruling planet of Magha is Ketu whereas the sign Leo is ruled by the mighty planet Sun. The primary motivation of Magha is Arth, seeking specific goals. Its basic attribute is tamas or inertia and it has rajas, activities at secondary and tertiary levels.


The presiding deity of the asterism is the father of humanity. The ancestors of humanity have been given a special responsibility of providing the proper guidance to their families on this planet. They are the guiding force and live in Pitri’s Lok (Ancestor’s abode) and when they find that their progenies are in dire trouble or deviating from the righteous path, then they help them. If their progenies are progressing on the defined path then they just oversee the progress and enjoy. They are also known as guardian angels who keep on protecting their progenies from disasters. Due to their influence many rituals and traditions are being followed by their progenies.

At this stage the individual increasingly become self-centered. He wants to grow rapidly and achieve everything in an isolated manner. His ego is inflated and he wants to carve a niche for himself and prove to others his superiority. For him the self-respect, family pride, racial superiority, class status etc. takes a centre stage and he works for that. If any restriction or boundaries are put against him then he becomes restless and a rebel to an extent. The other meaning of the word – Magha is an island. He wants to create his own world or an island and uses all his energy, force to achieve his desires. At times he isolates himself from the group and suffers in isolation also. Ketu is the lord of the asterism and is a highly spiritual planet. A soul needs that kind of environment where it has to be separated from the whole to understand its own limitations and restrictions. Unless and until that has not been understood the soul cannot advance further.

In this reference the symbol of Palanquin is very important. Palanquin is carried by people and the person who sits on it, either a king or a pilgrim or a bride holds a special status. The same way when due to the influence of spiritual planet Ketu, the Tamsik attributes of self are overcome then lift is available to move toward the higher destination.


Your Strengths: The Magha – Ketu – Sun combination sets the stage for an individual to ready his mind to take decisions and direct all the energy at his disposal to attain desired goals. Evolution is ready to take place as the soul carries forward the divine mission. There is tremendous courage and energy to accomplish any task once the person gets started. This configuration makes people highly ambitious and bestows them with leadership qualities. You are magnanimous in your attitude and totally devoted to those you love. You have the ability to express your ideas, doctrines and philosophy in a beautiful way.

You believe you are indebted to take care of humanity and act as a father figure. Perhaps this element of responsibility enables you to become a guiding force for your family, nation, etc. Although your ideas remain quite contradictory, you overcome the situation with efforts. One part of your being is very keen to get into action while the other part does not want to come out of inertia. With constant action and understanding, you are large-hearted and go a step ahead to help the ones you care about.

Your Drawbacks: You can be extremely arrogant and prejudiced about certain ideas and people. Sometimes, it is very difficult for you to achieve your lofty and impractical ideas. Overindulgence in sexual activities can be the main cause of your downfall. Too much materialism or overpossession could also bring your progress to a half.

Rohini : [10°0’ – 23°20’ Taurus]


Rohini is the fourth constellation of the zodiac which extends 40°0’ to 53°20’ of the zodiac. The entire asterism resides on Taurus, the Bull. Five stars of the constellation make Rohini most beautiful in the sky, including the bright red giant Aldebaran Alpha Taurus. Rohini is ruled by Moon whereas the sign Taurus is governed by Venus which represents the creativity of the entire cosmos. The symbol of this nakshatra is a chariot that transports royalty from one destination to another. The primary motivation of Rohini is moksha i.e., liberation. Its basic attribute is rajas, tamas at secondary and rajas at the tertiary level. The presiding deity of the constellation is Brahma or Prajapati, the creator of the universe who works on a cosmic design given to him by superior gods.


We may find many reference points of Rohini in various ancient literatures. According to Atharva Ved, Rohini was the consort of Rohit, the reddish Sun. it has been mentioned in ancient literature that out of the relationship between Rohini and Rohit, the heaven and earth were produced. Rohit was a powerful deity who also made the earth and heaven strong. It is also believed that he established light in the heaven. He had the ability to measure the space and atmosphere and through his grace gods attained immorality. His colour is bright red and deeply connected with the Sun. he is responsible for the very life force which gives shape to the entire manifestation. This shows that Rohini has huge creative energy which is totally dedicated to total creativity. Rohini is a centre of feminine energy which attracts male energy towards her for the purpose of procreation. It is also believed that through this constellation the fruit of ones actions are also realized.

There is another puranic story connected with Rohini and Moon. Out of 10 Prajapatis Daksha was the one. The king Daksha fathered 60 daughters out of which 27 were wedded to the Moon. Rohini was the most beautiful and sensuous among all her sisters. The Moon was hugely attracted towards her and started living with her only and ignored his all other wives. The other sisters of Rohini did not like the hostile attitude of the Moon and became very jealous and angry. They all approached Prajapati who in turn cursed the Moon and he started becoming ill (black). After seeing the precarious condition of the Moon all the sisters felt very bad and approached the father once again to pardon Moon. Once the curse was cast it could not be taken back therefore some amendments were made and from that day onwards Moon started waxing and waning in the sky.


Your Strengths: Rohini – Moon – Venus all three are associated with huge reserves of creative power. The Moon – Venus combination is one of the best poetic combinations from where the poetry of life starts taking new shape. This is a unique configuration which creates most suitable conditions from where the fruit of ones efforts starts ripening. It does not take very long for people belonging to this combination to connect with the world. Rohini functions at a universal conscious level which is beyond all rationality and reasoning. The transcendental consciousness also starts flowing through Rohini for world manifestation. It is noted that Lord Krishna was born when the Moon and its ascendant were in Rohini.

You have tremendous confidence in your potential. You work religiously to create an environment from where you can gain strength. There is a strong belief deep inside you that your efforts will bear fruit. This belief helps you set very high standards and prove your worth. An element of divinity is rooted in your psyche which helps you to achieve a higher awareness of your being; this inspires you to help humanity at large.

Your Drawbacks: You need not get too indulgent with your possessions as well as pleasures. A deeper involvement in sexual relationships can lead you to cross all social limits. Getting intoxicated with your success and the use of chemical substances can lead to your downfall.

Jupiter: The Source of Wisdom

The glyph of Jupiter is extremely important in the parlance of astrological symbolism. The pictogram of Jupiter can be divided into three parts. The upper part which is like a crescent is connected horizontally to the left side. In the second part, just below the arc, there is a cuplike shape and the third part is of a prominent cross which we have noticed earlier in Mercury’s glyph too.

In astrology, Jupiter stands for knowledge, wisdom, justice, compassion, nobility, kindness, growth and development. The glyph of Jupiter depicts all the wonderful qualities of its magnanimous self in such a beautiful way that it does not need any lengthy description. If we divide the geometrical symbol of Jupiter into three parts, each part speaks volumes about the greatness of the guru. The first part of this pictogram is an arc, which resembles the glyph of the Moon. While understanding the glyph of the Moon, we have noticed that it was independent and free from all liabilities. Whenever the mind enjoys total freedom, there is a possibility of revolution as well as destruction. On most occasions, the mind will settle down for the latter because it is easier. In the glyph of Jupiter, we notice that the crescent is beautifully connected with the cup. The cup is extremely significant for various reasons and represents life, because it can hold nectar. The very nature of the cup is to provide life and energy to others and serve humanity. The arc which represents the glyph of the Moon is firmly connected with the cup, indicating that the mind is busy with the concerns of others. In the initial stage, Jupiter needs to gain knowledge, wisdom and use his mind completely. It is very important that all thought and imagination should be with a purpose, and have a long-lasting impact.

Interpreting the third part of this glyph gives a different meaning altogether to this pictogram. We have already explained earlier the importance of the cross and its universal appeal. The significance of the cross keeps on gaining importance with every new situation and circumstance. Basically, a cross stands for experiencing whatsoever is good or bad in this world. To acquire a certain knowledge and experience of life at different levels, one needs to learn a lot. There cannot be any hesitation if the path is full of thorns or one faces obstacles at each step. Nor can one stop until the goal is achieved. The cross suggests that once something significant is achieved, whether it is knowledge or material gain, then it has to be distributed among fellow-beings without any discrimination. Material gains are insignificant if one is not spiritually enriched. The real as well as the hidden meaning of the cross is to achieve enlightenment, be it in this birth or in future reincarnations.

Three things stand out in the glyph of Jupiter. To acquire worldly knowledge and spiritual understanding, one needs the intuitive understanding of the Moon. If the Moon (mind) has a purpose, it can fill all the empty cups and reach higher state of consciousness. The cross connected with the cup indicates that whenever your cup starts overflowing, you become the endowed one and the only alternative is to distribute the nectar freely.

Mercury: The Source of Communication

The geometrical symbol of Mercury can be divided into three parts. In the centre is a circle. On these circles are two spectacular antennas, coming from different directions. Below the circle is a perfect cross.

This glyph provides ample food for thought and it can be interpreted in many ways. While interpreting the unparalleled authority of the Sun, we have realized that the dot which represents atom, has given unassuming power to the Sun. The same atom has also bestowed Mars with tremendous energy. In the glyph of Mercury, one notices that the atom remains large as in the case of Mars, but with a radical difference. It is very important to keep in mind that through the symbolic science of different signs and planets, the aim is to understand universal impulses of the different signs and symbols and the latent energy involved therein. Here the atom has become large and taken the shape of a circle and on top of it the two antennas are attached. It is believed, right from time immemorial, that all ideas, plans, schemes, thoughts and imagination are directly connected with the sky. If one has to catch the waves, vibrations or electromagnetic currents from space, the perfect receiver is the antenna. It is very strange that even in this age of scientific temper, antennas are the primary source of communication as they were in ancient times.

Basically, Mercury, the planet of logs and reasoning, has taken the burden of carrying out all communication that happens in this universe. The two antennas which are marvelously synchronized in their sizes and shapes, represents two different patterns of logic and reasoning: the positive and the negative. The glyph of Mercury depicts this phenomenon through these two different antennas.

Another important factor of the Mercury glyph is the cross which is attached just below the circle, right in its centre. The cross has a spiritual meaning. The importance of the cross has been realised by mankind right from the beginning and it is being used by many religions and civilisations with minor but subtle differences in size and shape. There are two different, universally binding factors in mankind – one which belongs to sound and the other which belongs to symbols. The sound of Aum and the cross are universally recognised and accepted. The greatest example is of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ and the cross are so interwoven that by just looking at the cross, one feels peace within and a sense of deeply imbedded spirituality. The cross represents humanity, compassion, kindness, completeness, and if one delves deeper, then also salvation. In temples as well as mosques, the same symbol is used but with a slight difference. Other religions of the world have also used the cross in various, often subtle ways. It has been used as a sign of distress and help. Ambulances have used this symbol and so have the doctors and health institutions. Whenever man is in distress, either physically or spiritually, the cross can help regain lost energy and faith. In a war situation, a cross is used as a symbol of cease-fire as well as a force to fight a fatal epidemic. The attachment of the cross below the circle provides great value to the entire glyph of Mercury since the cross has a multifaceted significance. Whenever somebody gives importance to his views and airs them, he is defending himself or wants to be heard by others. This is because he understands the finer points of his own logic. Perhaps, at the deeper level of his being, he thinks that his understanding shall not contradict that of others. If logic and reasoning are used, arguments may cease at some stage or the other, and wisdom will take over the reins in a conflict-ridden mind.

Pisces – Duality of Water

The last sign of the zodiac is Pisces and the element here is water. This is a dual sign. Water as an element is present in Cancer and Scorpio too. In Cancer, water means emotion. In Scorpio we imagined a huge pond and in Pisces it is water of the ocean, but with duality.

The lord of this sign is Jupiter. When the water is in dual form, what does it mean? How and why could water be dual? What is the psychic phenomenon implied here? Is there water or it isn’t? Water is a nectar as we know and when the water is dual, it refers to the emotions present in Cancer with tremendous force, because the sign is a moveable one; that tremendous force goes deep down in the system in Scorpio, but in Pisces it becomes dual, because all the emotions which get transformed in due course of time is very much related with Pisces. Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, also teaches us that nothing remains constant and we must not remain in one kind of situation or emotion because emotions are bound to change from time to time.

The ocean of Pisces enables all humanity to submerge in water everything that is ruled by the heart. The heart is the ultimate destination of all relationships, achievement, research of evolvement. However, with emotion, the difficulty is that it is governed by the Moon, which is constantly changing; that is what we understood in Cancer. The Moon is the lord of Cancer. In the second water sign, Scorpio, the emotion goes deep down. Bad feelings, good feelings, these are very intense in Scorpio whose ruler is Mars which gives very deep-rooted feelings, whether of hurt or of triumph. The Mars of Scorpio makes a person an extremist. But in Pisces, the water is dual and the lord of this sign is Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet of wisdom. Here the element water teaches that whatever the feelings may be, they need to be synchronized. In Scorpio, the emotions can get dangerous and very complicated too, but when we come to Pisces, judgment is clear. There is honesty in situations and one understands the meaning of ‘forgiving and forgetting’.

Aquarius – Air Beyond Self

The eleventh sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. Here the element is air; it is fixed and the lord of this sign is Saturn. In Gemini, the air has duality where thought being created in space and remaining dual and in Libra, thought or imagination is very balanced. Aquarius being a global sign, takes care of the humane element of a human being, helping him to cross all the boundaries of self. A feeling of selflessness starts taking place and nothing remains personal. As a matter of fact, all personal agendas lose their meaning when the real meaning of life starts unfolding. The air element of Aquarius, which has no boundaries, suddenly makes his approach universal and the element of humanity opens up new horizons within. A beautiful state of selflessness starts setting in, deep in his being.

The Aquarius sign is full of abundance and fulfillment. Development and growth take place. This is also the Age of Aquarius. This Aquarian Age is of science on one hand and spirituality, on the other. So we find both science and spirituality get wedded to each other. When we analyze the element air in Aquarius, it is fixed. Aquarius is a sign which rules over huge space. It looks fixed from the outer boundaries but within itself, it is on the move and everything is well connected.

In Aquarius, the planet is Saturn is very pleased, happy and in a good mood because Saturn is the planet for mankind, for the masses, where everything should be in abundance. It is a slow-moving planet; it is rather stingy, giving very little in the beginning but once it starts showering, then there is no limit. In that sense, the element air is very useful, very meaningful when we talk of Aquarius. People born in the Aquarius sign have a fertile mind, openness and globalization is their mantra. They live up to the optimum, but sometimes they get jittery; sometimes they get worried about others and even themselves, and, when it comes to themselves, they do not know how to cope. However, on the whole, this is a beautiful sign and the element air is on its zenith.

Scorpio – Still Waters Run Deep

Scorpio is a watery, fixed sign. Water has a lot to do with our emotion, feelings, pleasure and pain. In the Scorpio sign we can imagine a huge pond full of water, which in the surface looks very quiet, but deep down contains all the mysteries of the world. Water and growth are interwoven. Growth of human beings, plants and animals is not possible without water. A child also develops in the womb which comprises amniotic fluid. There is mystery in the creation of child. It needs darkness, warmth, and water. The element water also deals with our deep-rooted emotions and in this sign, we start understanding the joys and sorrows of relationships. Another beautiful characteristic of water is that it makes us aware of our hidden potential. In astrology, Scorpio is the eighth sign, which also rules over genitals. Anatomically, the genitals are in the middle of the human body, hidden to a certain extent by Nature. Creation maintains its secrecy that is the way child grows in the womb and remains a secret till it starts taking shape. In the same way, a seed grows in darkness and an element of secrecy is maintained.

In Scorpio water remains quiet on the surface but moves intensely in the layers deep down. Mars rules it and Mars is a fiery, hot planet. In Scorpio we come across a different kind of heat. In Aries it is apparent heat but in Scorpio it is latent heat. This fire is mysterious. Therefore, if you are born under this sign you are honest, straightforward, kind, full of humanity, gentle like water, but once provoked there is no limit that you will not cross because of the latent heat.