Ashlesha : [16°40’ – 30°00’ Cancer]


Ashlesha is the ninth asterism of the zodiac. It extends from 106°40’ to 120°0’ and completely resides within the sign of Cancer. It consists of a circle of six stars in the constellation of Hydra, the female water snake. The meaning of Ashlesha is entangle the person or object completely. The nakshatra is ruled by Mercury and the sign Cancer is governed by the Moon. The motivating force of the nakshatra is Dharma, principle. Its basic attribute is rajsik, however, it is sattva at secondary and tertiary level. The deity of nakshatra is Naga, the serpent king and it presents Kundalini or serpent fire which is located in the base of spine in the coil form. One can experience the enlightenment when Kundalini Shakti is awakened.


The serpent symbol is deeply associated with the man’s psyche right from the time immemorial. All ancient religions of the world had used this symbol in many different allegories. In Indian ancient literature, serpent symbol has been used widely. Although reptile snake is the most feared one because it can kill the object with its fatal bite, that happens only when it is provoked, does not matter whether intentionally or not. Otherwise he follows his own path. Kundalini Shakti is a mystic knowledge which is directly connected with spiritual awakening. There are three things connected with this symbol – one is snake, second is poison and third is mysticism. This energy is generally understood to be quite dangerous but if one can awaken the Kundalini energy then he can liberate himself within one birth.

According to Christianity the beginning of the world happens due to the presence of snake. Had the serpent not induced Eve to eat the apple in the Garden of Eden perhaps the beginning of the world would not have taken place. In Indian literature serpent energy is used in various forms. All our gods and goddesses have had serpent as one of their ornaments. It is also believed the world is balanced on the head of Sheshnaga, the huge serpent. According to another fable, Vishnu floats in the Kshira-Sagar, the ocean of milk on the bed of a huge snake. When the churning of the ocean took place at the beginning of the cosmic creation by the gods and demons the Sheshnaga was used as the churning rope. Lord Shiva and serpent are synonymous to each other. Serpent energy or Kundalini Shakti is considered the most electrifying energy in the world of spirituality. Besides, snake is also deeply connected with sex, power, money, wealth and hidden knowledge. In India snakes are worshiped widely.


Your Strengths: people born under the Ashlesha – Mercury – Moon combination are highly intelligent, clever and understand human psyche perfectly. They possess a great potential for mental development. They are intellectually very sharp and understand the nuances of whichever art they take up seriously in life. Their latent knowledge of understanding new challenges is terrific and they have the ability to become masters at whatever they do. Their personality remains mysterious and they are unpredictable in their behavioural pattern also. They carry some sort of split personality which is why they could be extremely good or bad according to the situation.

You are active, willing to take initiatives and capable of putting all your energy behind it. You are a keen observer of your surroundings and learn at the speed of light. You cannot tolerate any form of personal humiliation and if you are provoked by somebody or even by a situation, you make sure you prove your worth convincingly. Many times, you become aware of your real potential only after facing trauma in life. You also have a phenomenal ability to rise from the ashes. You are quite reclusive, self-reliant and happy with your isolation. You are very kind and gentle, and willing to help those who seek help from you.

Your Drawbacks: You are not completely aware of your temper; many times it takes you by surprise. Sometimes, your worries; fears and even mental instability create a chaotic environment for you. Your restlessness and self-deception can lead to psychic ability.

Rohini : [10°0’ – 23°20’ Taurus]


Rohini is the fourth constellation of the zodiac which extends 40°0’ to 53°20’ of the zodiac. The entire asterism resides on Taurus, the Bull. Five stars of the constellation make Rohini most beautiful in the sky, including the bright red giant Aldebaran Alpha Taurus. Rohini is ruled by Moon whereas the sign Taurus is governed by Venus which represents the creativity of the entire cosmos. The symbol of this nakshatra is a chariot that transports royalty from one destination to another. The primary motivation of Rohini is moksha i.e., liberation. Its basic attribute is rajas, tamas at secondary and rajas at the tertiary level. The presiding deity of the constellation is Brahma or Prajapati, the creator of the universe who works on a cosmic design given to him by superior gods.


We may find many reference points of Rohini in various ancient literatures. According to Atharva Ved, Rohini was the consort of Rohit, the reddish Sun. it has been mentioned in ancient literature that out of the relationship between Rohini and Rohit, the heaven and earth were produced. Rohit was a powerful deity who also made the earth and heaven strong. It is also believed that he established light in the heaven. He had the ability to measure the space and atmosphere and through his grace gods attained immorality. His colour is bright red and deeply connected with the Sun. he is responsible for the very life force which gives shape to the entire manifestation. This shows that Rohini has huge creative energy which is totally dedicated to total creativity. Rohini is a centre of feminine energy which attracts male energy towards her for the purpose of procreation. It is also believed that through this constellation the fruit of ones actions are also realized.

There is another puranic story connected with Rohini and Moon. Out of 10 Prajapatis Daksha was the one. The king Daksha fathered 60 daughters out of which 27 were wedded to the Moon. Rohini was the most beautiful and sensuous among all her sisters. The Moon was hugely attracted towards her and started living with her only and ignored his all other wives. The other sisters of Rohini did not like the hostile attitude of the Moon and became very jealous and angry. They all approached Prajapati who in turn cursed the Moon and he started becoming ill (black). After seeing the precarious condition of the Moon all the sisters felt very bad and approached the father once again to pardon Moon. Once the curse was cast it could not be taken back therefore some amendments were made and from that day onwards Moon started waxing and waning in the sky.


Your Strengths: Rohini – Moon – Venus all three are associated with huge reserves of creative power. The Moon – Venus combination is one of the best poetic combinations from where the poetry of life starts taking new shape. This is a unique configuration which creates most suitable conditions from where the fruit of ones efforts starts ripening. It does not take very long for people belonging to this combination to connect with the world. Rohini functions at a universal conscious level which is beyond all rationality and reasoning. The transcendental consciousness also starts flowing through Rohini for world manifestation. It is noted that Lord Krishna was born when the Moon and its ascendant were in Rohini.

You have tremendous confidence in your potential. You work religiously to create an environment from where you can gain strength. There is a strong belief deep inside you that your efforts will bear fruit. This belief helps you set very high standards and prove your worth. An element of divinity is rooted in your psyche which helps you to achieve a higher awareness of your being; this inspires you to help humanity at large.

Your Drawbacks: You need not get too indulgent with your possessions as well as pleasures. A deeper involvement in sexual relationships can lead you to cross all social limits. Getting intoxicated with your success and the use of chemical substances can lead to your downfall.