Hasta : [10°0’ – 23°20’ Virgo]


Hasta is the thirteenth asterism of the zodiac which extends from 160°00’ to 173°20’. The entire nakshatra resides within the sign Virgo, ruled by Mercury. The symbol of Hasta is hand. One can locate it in the sky as a hand looks giving blessings to the mankind. The lunar mansion is governed by the Moon, the main receptacle of cosmic energy whereas the lord of sign Mercury operates as a link between the man and the divine. Mercury gets exalted here. Virgo and Mercury put together stands for clarity of thoughts, deeds and absolute concentration. The primary motivation of the asterism is moksha, liberation. Its basic attribute is tamas, inertia at both primary and secondary level, with rajas activity at a tertiary level. The ruling deity of the asterism Hasta is Saviter, the Sun god who is the reservoir of all generated forces in the universe.


The symbol of the asterism is Hasta or human hand. The hand is the most powerful instrument given to man which makes him stand apart from the entire animal kingdom. The difference between animal and man is only of the grip. Man can use his grip the way he wants but no other animal has got this ability. It gives him prowess and enables him to stand any kind of confrontation. If man is self-reliant in all departments of life then the credits goes to hand and he knows how to use it in different situations. Saviter is the presiding deity of the asterism and in the form of Sun god who imparts creative and regenerative energy. With the support of this energy multi-faceted growth of life has taken place.

Under the influence of this nakshatra, the individual wants to bring many changes and keen to give new shape to his imagination all the time but he is constantly faced with external resistance therefore conflict and crisis become the main impediments. Hasta also represents duration, the time itself. All activities can fructify only in a time and space realm, whereas the consciousness crosses all the boarders of time and space or for it time and space make no difference. On a worldly level field of action is determined and Hasta produces action in that field. Therefore action is directly related to the duration which is the combination of time and space. On the worldly level hand is used for personal gratification and if selfish motives take a centre stage the hand can become the worst enemy of the entire mankind. On the spiritual plane hands can be used in the form of mudra, yoga and meditation.


Your Strengths: The Hasta – Moon – Mercury combination brings out an individual who is very keen to change the world, to give a new shape and keep growing. There is a tremendous urge inside you to march ahead without bothering about external resistance. The laws of paradoxical nature operate fully but you look for a paradigm shift. Difficulties and obstructions are faced at every level but this does not deter you to achieve the desired results. This combination also makes one self-reliant and one who can influence the energy pattern with his will and optimism. They approach life as a natural phenomenon and do not defer their plans because of various reasons.

You are mentally very strong and there is a keenness to express your creative intelligence in whatever you undertake. You are very clear about your thoughts right from the beginning which is why you work with utmost self-control to realize all your dreams. You are quite sure of your abilities and go all out to achieve your goal. There is a tremendous regenerating power within you which is why you almost always help those who seek help. On a higher level of your existence, you are very keen to make a difference in the lives of mankind as a whole, rather than work on an individual.

Your Drawbacks: You may face hard times, difficulties, ill-health and constraints early in life. You can be over-critical, impatient and perturbed. At times, your merciless attitude could begin to tell on your relationships. Your tendency towards self-indulgence can be detrimental.

Uttara Phalguni : [26°40’ Leo – 10°0’ Virgo]


Uttara Phalguni is the twelfth nakshatra of the zodiac and it is also the later part of Purva Phalguni. Uttara Phalguni extends from 146°40’ to 160°0’ of the zodiac. The asterism resides in two fixed stars at the tail of the lion but nakshatra itself extends in the next constellation of Virgo. The first quarter of the nakshatra from 26°40’ to 30°00’ resides in Leo sign governed by the Sun, which provides the native with tremendous possibilities of growth, development and creative expression. The remaining three quarters of the asterism which extends from 0°0’ to 10°0’ in sign Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Virgo and Mercury put together create a wonderful environment which enables the native to develop his/her latent potential including yogic powers. The lord of nakshatra is the powerful planet of the zodiac is the Sun. its basic attribute is tamas, inertia with rajas at secondary and sattva at tertiary levels. The primary motive of the asterism is moksha, i.e., liberation.


It is noted the Phalgunis are twin cousins. One is Purva and second is Uttara Phalguni. Therefore some features, symbols and activities are somewhat identical. The symbol of Uttara Phalguni is also four legs of a coat which connect them with each other. Uttara Phalguni represents the two real legs of the coat which have the ability of healing others. The presiding deity of the asterism is Aryaman. Aryaman, a Vedic god is known for his leadership and noble qualities. The unity of Phalguni needs a deeper insight to know the multi-faceted approach of a four-legged cot. On the lower plane the utility of cot is well-known and understood. On the higher plane the unity of four legs makes the world complete itself because the entire Universe is enclosed and creates an environment where four natural forces can operate easily. The quarternity can be interpreted in many ways. The beginning of universe is related with the four heads of Brahma, the four dimensions of the space and the four Vedas. There are four stages of human life and there are four duties one needs to perform to live life comprehensively. The world is also made of four walls as is the house where man lives. The number four provides the basic environment from where life or understanding starts happening or taking place. The fifth dimension is space or absolute reality known as Brahma.

The first quarter of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra falls in Leo sign which provides a very secure environment for the native and without any restriction. The opportunities are available in abundance to the native for his growth and development. The last three quarters fall under Virgo and ruled by vibrant planet Mercury. Virgo sign is deeply related with the mysteries of the nature. This sign also bestows the native with hidden powers. The planet Mercury is fully capable of exploring the hidden qualities of brain. The sign Virgo represents the nature at large and Mercury provides the needed intellect to understand the hidden forces which control the nature. Therefore the possibilities of spiritual growth and mental expansion are tremendous under this asterism. If one takes keen interest then mystery of nature and space can be understood to a great extent. This asterism is also provided with tremendous energy so one can gaze at the vastness of the Universe. Whenever one tumbles in his mission or feels isolated then there is Aryaman, the presiding deity who assures the success in mission because he himself is a superman and does not like his people, those born under this asterism, to face permanent blockade in life.


Your Strengths: Uttara Phalguni – Sun – Sun combination provides immense activities to the people born under this nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni bestows tremendous basic power, hidden urge and restlessness which could become the driving force to attain something meaningful. Before they achieve something important, they must go through the process of chaos. Unless and until courage, confidence, endurance and an ability to fight is instilled, they cannot achieve their desire. Since you are aware of your potential, perhaps this is why you fight with all your might to achieve something extraordinary. This combination is a mixture of ambition, fight, difficulties and righteous struggle. Persons born under this nakshatra are bestowed with a tremendous force to overcome constraints and restrictions.

The Uttara Phalguni – Sun – Mercury combination possesses latent potentiality that could be used in various yogic powers. Uttara Phalguni also indicates that the creative energy is ready to bestow the native with the best in every possible way. A person born under this combination possesses an inherent power which constantly pushes restless energy to take a concrete shape under any circumstance. This constellation also enables the person to fight with all his might until he achieves his desired goal. There is an inherent urge to fulfill aspirations through righteous means and it does not bother the person if, in the process, he or she faces tremendous difficulties.

You are eager to fight your way to achieve leadership in your desired field. You also believe very strongly that if efforts are righteous, then the desired are not very far off. You can bear all sorts of difficulties and hassles once results are assured. You have no problem in standing alone or in isolation, but once you decide to get into action, then you focus all your energy to achieve laurels. You have a self-belief that safety, peace and comfort can only be achieved while engaged in meaningful actions. You are very kind and generous to people you feel deeply associated with.

You are extremely hopeful about your abilities. There is a tremendous positive belief in you that possibilities will never shut their doors on you. You cannot be tied down with limitations and always want to explore the vastness of the universe. You prefer to stand alone and live in isolation but once you have decided to engage in action, your commitment is unbelievable. As achievements make you feel secure and confident, you direct all your energies to achieve worldly things. You have the ability to explore the hidden aspects of your nature and utilize them to your benefits.

Your Drawbacks: On the other side of your personality, loneliness can create a great void in your life. You know you grow in meaningful relationships or in co-dependency. If you can overcome your loneliness then you can do wonders; being lonely is the most difficult state of your being. At times, your resentment and ingratitude towards others creates problems for you.

Self-centredness could bring your morale to its lowest ebb. You could sometimes isolate yourself too much and too deeply. It can reduce your confidence to a very low level and then it will take very long to bring it back. Do not indulge in black magic or left-handed tantra to control others. Sometimes, you hold an inner resentment towards your friends and even those who have helped you.

Rohini : [10°0’ – 23°20’ Taurus]


Rohini is the fourth constellation of the zodiac which extends 40°0’ to 53°20’ of the zodiac. The entire asterism resides on Taurus, the Bull. Five stars of the constellation make Rohini most beautiful in the sky, including the bright red giant Aldebaran Alpha Taurus. Rohini is ruled by Moon whereas the sign Taurus is governed by Venus which represents the creativity of the entire cosmos. The symbol of this nakshatra is a chariot that transports royalty from one destination to another. The primary motivation of Rohini is moksha i.e., liberation. Its basic attribute is rajas, tamas at secondary and rajas at the tertiary level. The presiding deity of the constellation is Brahma or Prajapati, the creator of the universe who works on a cosmic design given to him by superior gods.


We may find many reference points of Rohini in various ancient literatures. According to Atharva Ved, Rohini was the consort of Rohit, the reddish Sun. it has been mentioned in ancient literature that out of the relationship between Rohini and Rohit, the heaven and earth were produced. Rohit was a powerful deity who also made the earth and heaven strong. It is also believed that he established light in the heaven. He had the ability to measure the space and atmosphere and through his grace gods attained immorality. His colour is bright red and deeply connected with the Sun. he is responsible for the very life force which gives shape to the entire manifestation. This shows that Rohini has huge creative energy which is totally dedicated to total creativity. Rohini is a centre of feminine energy which attracts male energy towards her for the purpose of procreation. It is also believed that through this constellation the fruit of ones actions are also realized.

There is another puranic story connected with Rohini and Moon. Out of 10 Prajapatis Daksha was the one. The king Daksha fathered 60 daughters out of which 27 were wedded to the Moon. Rohini was the most beautiful and sensuous among all her sisters. The Moon was hugely attracted towards her and started living with her only and ignored his all other wives. The other sisters of Rohini did not like the hostile attitude of the Moon and became very jealous and angry. They all approached Prajapati who in turn cursed the Moon and he started becoming ill (black). After seeing the precarious condition of the Moon all the sisters felt very bad and approached the father once again to pardon Moon. Once the curse was cast it could not be taken back therefore some amendments were made and from that day onwards Moon started waxing and waning in the sky.


Your Strengths: Rohini – Moon – Venus all three are associated with huge reserves of creative power. The Moon – Venus combination is one of the best poetic combinations from where the poetry of life starts taking new shape. This is a unique configuration which creates most suitable conditions from where the fruit of ones efforts starts ripening. It does not take very long for people belonging to this combination to connect with the world. Rohini functions at a universal conscious level which is beyond all rationality and reasoning. The transcendental consciousness also starts flowing through Rohini for world manifestation. It is noted that Lord Krishna was born when the Moon and its ascendant were in Rohini.

You have tremendous confidence in your potential. You work religiously to create an environment from where you can gain strength. There is a strong belief deep inside you that your efforts will bear fruit. This belief helps you set very high standards and prove your worth. An element of divinity is rooted in your psyche which helps you to achieve a higher awareness of your being; this inspires you to help humanity at large.

Your Drawbacks: You need not get too indulgent with your possessions as well as pleasures. A deeper involvement in sexual relationships can lead you to cross all social limits. Getting intoxicated with your success and the use of chemical substances can lead to your downfall.

Aquarius – Air Beyond Self

The eleventh sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. Here the element is air; it is fixed and the lord of this sign is Saturn. In Gemini, the air has duality where thought being created in space and remaining dual and in Libra, thought or imagination is very balanced. Aquarius being a global sign, takes care of the humane element of a human being, helping him to cross all the boundaries of self. A feeling of selflessness starts taking place and nothing remains personal. As a matter of fact, all personal agendas lose their meaning when the real meaning of life starts unfolding. The air element of Aquarius, which has no boundaries, suddenly makes his approach universal and the element of humanity opens up new horizons within. A beautiful state of selflessness starts setting in, deep in his being.

The Aquarius sign is full of abundance and fulfillment. Development and growth take place. This is also the Age of Aquarius. This Aquarian Age is of science on one hand and spirituality, on the other. So we find both science and spirituality get wedded to each other. When we analyze the element air in Aquarius, it is fixed. Aquarius is a sign which rules over huge space. It looks fixed from the outer boundaries but within itself, it is on the move and everything is well connected.

In Aquarius, the planet is Saturn is very pleased, happy and in a good mood because Saturn is the planet for mankind, for the masses, where everything should be in abundance. It is a slow-moving planet; it is rather stingy, giving very little in the beginning but once it starts showering, then there is no limit. In that sense, the element air is very useful, very meaningful when we talk of Aquarius. People born in the Aquarius sign have a fertile mind, openness and globalization is their mantra. They live up to the optimum, but sometimes they get jittery; sometimes they get worried about others and even themselves, and, when it comes to themselves, they do not know how to cope. However, on the whole, this is a beautiful sign and the element air is on its zenith.

Gemini – Airy Duality

The third sign is Gemini which is a dual sign. The lord of this sign is Mercury and the element is air. Air is the element that helps you to fly. The first flight of mankind is through thought. First you fly through your thoughts, then you fly physically. In the Vedas it has been said that the word shabd took its birth in space and travelled through air. The word is the core of our communication. In the sense, Gemini is an important sign because it enables the person to express himself, which is a basic need of every human being. Without statement, our life seems meaningless, futile and directionless. Communication gives us an aim and a purpose.

In the beginning of civilization, communication took place through air. Now in the 21st century, there are many ways to communicate – one can communicate through sea, through the ground, through the mountains. However, basic communication through the air still remains very valid and will remain so for centuries to come. Gemini’s element of air is directly connected with thought or communication and since there is an inherent desire in all of us to express ourselves through some form of communication or the other, this sign is very important. Now, one thing, which is happening here, is very, very relevant. The nature of this sign is duality. As said earlier, thought is created in space and travels through air. From there it comes to the ground and become reality, with its duality intact. The inbuilt duality does not disappear. Each thought contains something good, and something bad. If there is a day, there has to be night. Duality sustains both in thought and in reality. This sign plays a big role in the communication we have had for the last 2000 years. As this is the sign of logic, reasoning and thought. When thought takes place in space, it is of dual nature and even when the same thought is brought to earth, the duality does not disappear. Hence, all thoughts in this world are of dual nature. Until and unless they are refined and judged, they have to go through a process. Duality helps in growth, because if the answer is one, you stop questioning. We keep on questioning because answers could be different and moreover, there could be more than one answer. In the nature of thought, duality is inbuilt and is very important for the growth of mankind. But one big hazard of this thought and logic is that logic creates many miseries. Moreover, thought has its own attendant problems too. With thoughts come rigidity, because the moment it becomes somebody’s thought, another person starts objecting. People who are born under this sign are rigid and sometimes they lose the sight of reasoning and logic, thus becoming stubborn in their approach. A drawback of this sign is rigidity and an inability to move away from motives.