Revati : [16°40’ – 30°0’ Pisces]


Revati is the twenty seventh and last nakshatra of the zodiac which consists of 32 stars in the Southern Tail of Pisces. It extends from 346°40’ to 360°0’ of the zodiac sign of Pisces ruled by Jupiter. The asterism itself is ruled b Mercury. According to mythological belief Saturn was born under this nakshatra. It is noted that Venus becomes exalted in this sign. The symbol of fish is assigned to the sign. The presiding deity of the asterism is Pushan, a name given to the Sun for measuring the sky. The symbol of the asterism is a drum or mridanga which is used for measuring time. Sattvas are the attributes of the asterism at all three levels. The primary motivation of the asterism is moksha, i.e., liberation.


Revati nakshatra is considered a huge womb in which the Sun remains dormant until the impulse for the next creative cycle begins. The lord of Revati asterism is Mercury who is the messenger of god to the human world and matter immerses here in the pure essence. It is also known as a Great Deluge where the seed for future creation incubate until the next cosmic dawn. Revati is also known as the wife of Balrama, elder brother of Lord Krishna. Revati functions in the realm where one cycle of evolution enters into completion and rest until the next beginning takes place. The fish is the symbol of the sign, an indicator of auspicious creative influence. Fish is known for fertility and rapid growth. A new life begins for an individual under this asterism. Due to the influence of this asterism a new cycle keeps on emerging while the old one ceases.

Revati is the twenty seventh and last asterism of the zodiac which also falls in the last sign of the zodiac, i.e., Pisces. Most of the important planets are deeply connected with this sign and nakshatra. Sign Pisces is ruled by Jupiter which is considered the Jeevatma, the soul of humanity. Saturn was born in the asterism of Revati. Sun is the father of Saturn and Saturn was born to the mother Chhaya, the shadow of real wife of Sun i.e., Sangya. Saturn is also known as the god of boundless time. The lord of Revati constellation is Mercury who gets debiliated in this sign indicating when the worldly logic and reasoning ceases to exist only then one can have a union with ultimate or when atma (soul) meets the paramatma (ultimate). Venus is the planet of procreation and gets exalted in this sign indicating when the one cycle of creation comes to an end then the second is ready to happen after a certain gap. The symbol of the sign is fish which is considered auspicious. One of Lord Vishnu’s avatar was of a fish, Matasya-avatar also indicates the beginning of a new cycle of evolution. The presiding deity of the asterism is Pushan, also known as nurturer. All these symbols are deeply related with this sign indicating the mystery attached with the sign which also indicates a subtlety of endless evolutionary cycle.


Your Strengths: The Revati – Mercury – Jupiter configuration demonstrates gifted creative intelligence which helps to attain mastery in any chosen field. It looks as if some sort of divinity operates at an apparent level which is why achievement becomes just a matter of time, though necessary assistance is provided when the need arises. This combination also enables the fructification of nature’s secret energies. One gets an impression of one evolution cycle being completed while the other is ready to begin. You are here to experience many changes almost at regular intervals which make your existence more vibrant and lively.

You are born genius. You could be extraordinary in dance, music, literature and other forms of creativity. You are bestowed with abundant talent and growth that helps you in your sojourn of achievements. You like to protect your creativity as a mother protects her child. Great wealth and material property come to you automatically, although there no craving for the same. Your sincere efforts never go waste. Your knowledge and wisdom helps you at every step and others admire it too. You are a constant support to your family, friends and peers and want nothing in return. You have energy similar to cosmic energy, which does not want to stop till exploration is complete.

Your Drawbacks: The darker side of your personality is that you are quite temperamental. At times a feeling of inferiority or low esteem goes so deep in your system that it starts disturbing your equilibrium. Your over-sensitivity is the other cause of anxiety which invites unnecessary troubles. You so overdo generosity that you yourself become empty. You try to be co-dependent on others, which becomes a futile experience.

Shatabhisha : [6°40’ – 20°0’ Aquarius]


Shatabhisha is the twenty fourth nakshatra of the zodiac which is located in a large group of dim stars in the constellation of Aquarius, the water bearer. Shatabhisha nakshatra extends from 306°40’ to 320°0’ of the zodiac in Aquarius sign ruled by Saturn. Shatabhisha is also known as the physicians of the gods. The literal meaning of Shatabhisha is hundred physicians or hundred healers. The other meaning of Shatabhisha is hundred stars. Shatabhisha is ruled by the planet Rahu who is known as a shadowy planet which brings karmic rectification. Rahu, the most mystical planet of the zodiac is further highlighted by assigning to it a thousand-petalled flower representing the hundred stars constituting the constellation. Its primary and tertiary attributes are sattva, harmony while on the secondary level it is tamas or inertia. The deity of Shatabhisha is Varuna, the bestower of wisdom. The primary motivation of the asterism is Dharma or honour, i.e., principle.


Flower is the most auspicious symbol which appears after completing the efforts which are required to achieve the goal. In this sense the flowering of Shatabhisha represents the achievements of the purpose for which the manifestation came into its being. It indicates that the creation is blossoming at the optimum. The flowering of the thousand-petalled flower is referred to for the ultimate in the multi-dimensional evolution process. For us mortals or human beings it is directly connected to the thousand-petalled lotus or the Crown Chakra. This energy or shakti is known as Kundalini Shakti. When the Kundalini Shakti arises then a person becomes liberated from the process of birth and death.

Another meaning of Shatabhisha is hundred physicians or hundred healers, pouring the secret pot containing the divine nectar of immorality. These reference points indicate that Shatabhisha has a powerful influence which is capable of transforming the entire human being. Its influence is such that an individual is fired with missionary zeal and enthusiasm. He can easily sacrifice all kind of worldly attainments to fulfill his spiritual objectives. The presiding deity of Shatabhisha is Varuna, earlier Vedic god. He is bestowed with unlimited cosmic knowledge. It has been mentioned in the Vedas that with his knowledge he can hold together mankind and the earth. He is also known as the god who had made the golden sunshine in the heavens. The wind which fills the atmosphere is his breath. He can weigh ‘True’ and ‘False’ correctly. He taught the rishi Vashishtha the mystery of the world which no ordinary man can understand. Varuna controls and directs all mysterious powers of wisdom and compassion so that the individual under the influence of Shatabhisha can readily transform and become a new ray of light himself. Rahu is the lord of the asterism who also controls all the six mysterious powers which surrounds his crown.


Your Strengths: The Shatabhisha – Rahu – Saturn combination will produce harmony despite initial hiccups and difficulties. You are blessed with mysterious powers of wisdom which are capable of transforming you completely. The basic impulse of your personality is to get into the revolutionary process and after achieving secret knowledge, you dedicate your energy for the upliftment of others. You are fired with a tremendous zeal and you cannot rest till you express and communicate your vision to others. More often than not, you are born with futuristic ideas of the world. You are always motivated to create a new life out of the old one and you consider yourself a thinker in your own right. You are extremely practical and work first for duty and later for personal satisfaction or glorification. You are like a flower whose beauty and fragrance is for others, and not for self.

Being a practical person, you are concerned about your personal image, socializing patterns and are ready to adjust to the changing patterns of the world. You understand that a strong body possesses a strong mind, one which can be used effectively in this world. You try to work for the development of your consciousness because you believe that the tuning of the mind, body and soul can create wonders. Sometimes you can put voluntary restrictions on yourself to be more proper and dutiful. Your missionary zeal and enthusiasm helps you to achieve your targets easily. You are a firm believer that the infinite cosmos is full of knowledge and energy and is ready to shower this on anyone who is willing to accept it. You have the bona fide right to utilise it for yourself and for the benefit of others. This very attitude will single you out among others.

Your Drawbacks: On the other side of your personality is isolation and depression. Sometimes you feel life is nothing but a duty and one has to do it under certain restrictions. If you allow yourself more suffering and apathy, you can create major problems for yourself. Invariably, you have a difficult and unstable childhood and these impressions live long in your memory. You can be harsh and your acidic tongue can create problems for you.

Shravana : [10°0’ – 23°20’ Capricorn]


Shravana is the twenty second nakshatra of the zodiac which extends from 2800’ to 29320’ in the sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn. Its main star is Altair, Alpha Delphines. The lord of nakshatra is the Moon. Lord Vishnu is the presiding deity, the preserver of the universe. With the help of Vishnu one can perceive the truth of manifestation hidden by the world of Maya, i.e., illusion. The symbols of the asterism are an ear and arrow. Its basic attribute is sattva, harmony with tamas, inertia at secondary and rajas, action at tertiary level. Its primary motivation is artha directed activities. Sharavana’s basic direction is towards the Great Silence which provides the background to survive the entire scheme of manifestation. The power of nakshatra is that it can lead the person to deeper meditation. However if he still choose to be materialistic then he gets involved in it also.


The word Shravana is derived from the Sanskrit verb shru which means to listen and it symbolizes the ear. Vedas as well as Upanishads were full of praise of Shravana to hear. Shravana is the only sense of human being which is most active when it is absolutely passive. One can hear without making any effort. As a matter of fact all kind of noises of the world keep attacking your ear drums all the time without your even being aware of it. However if you have to see something then you have to make an effort and focus your entire attention on that object if it is not clearly visible. Without effort one cannot speak and if you want to speak louder, then your efforts have to increase accordingly. When you want to smell something of your choice you have to again make some sort of efforts but listening is the only action which happens when there is no action at all.

Perhaps that is the reason that Upanishads gave so much importance to the Shravana. It has been said in Upanishads that the master and the disciple should listen together to what is really listenable. During the time of Vedic culture all the teachings were dependent on two instruments – one is Shravana and another is Shruti, to remember. Whatever one has heard from the masters and out of that whatever he can reveal at a given time comes under the area of Shruti, remembrance. Silence and Nada sound were the two primordial sources of manifestation. Nada is known as Nada Brahma also the first sound of the universe (god’s voice) which appeared out of the Great Silence. When one starts listening and understands the meaning of listening then one can hear the eternal sound or Nada Brahma. That is the reasons that Upanishads were full of praise of Shravana.

The symbols of the asterism are ear and arrow. The ear is directly connected with the Shravana; voice synchronizes to the ears only. Another symbol of the asterism is arrow. The arrows have been used widely in Vedic culture to explain that energy was directed to yield certain kind of results. The archer is standing at one point but aiming somewhere else with his arrow which is more significant than his presence at a particular point. In present reference arrow and ear are interconnect which enables the person to hear what is really worth hearing. The presiding deity of asterism is Vishnu, the preserver of the universe. With his support one can come out from the clutches of Maya or the illusionary world.


Your Strengths: The Shravana – Moon – Saturn combination denotes that every impact under it should stimulate a profound insight into the harmony that exists around oneself. This situation arises out of personal discontentment that you feel when confronted with life’s problems which are then set aside. Probably from this point onwards, you develop an attitude of complete rebellion against the existing situation and set yourself free from the past with non-expectations of any perceived results. This could only be possible when you go deep into the silence of your being and start listening to the inner voice in an uninterrupted way. When you are connected with yourself, then communicating with others is no longer an issue. However it is very hard in the beginning to connect with one’s umbilical cord, but the moment you succeed and the connection is made then from that point you are transformed person. The beauty of life unfo0lds in front of you and divinity can be felt at this stage.

You are extremely active, hard working and focused on your projects. You do not believe in leaving work half done and this trait helps you to achieve your targets. There is a keen desire to develop your skills and share your ideas with others. This makes you quite famous and you can shine as a writer, teacher, philosopher or a scientist. You also love solitude and it helps you to get connected with yourself and that is the magic of your entire personality. Financial security is also very important to you. And it helps you to achieve your goals. Success comes to you after an initial struggle. Sometimes you suffer pain and unhappiness due to your own commitments.

Your Drawbacks: You can be quite rigid and obstinate in your behaviour. Do not waste your time in gossip. You are very sensitive and can get hurt easily. You can face a lot of disillusionment in the early part of your life. You can have enemies because of jealously, suffer from an inferiority complex but as you grow older things improve.

Anuradha : [3°20’ – 16°40’ Scorpio]


Anuradha is the seventeenth nakshatra of the zodiac which extends from 213°20’ to 226°40’ of the zodiac in the sign of Scorpio ruled by Mars. It consists of three stars in the body of Scorpio. In the same constellation another star Alpha Centauri also lies that is the closet star of our solar system. The lord of the asterism is Saturn whereas the lord of sign is Mars. Both the planets belong to opposite poles and when they come together then the churning of an individual is bound to happen. The same phenomenon can be seen when we notice the attributes of the asterism. It is tamas, inertia, negativity at basic and tertiary level, however it is sattva at the secondary level. In other words, sattva, truth and harmony attribute is hemmed between tamas. The symbol of Anuradha is Lotus and presiding deity of nakshatra is Mitra, the deity of friendliness and cooperation.


Great mystery is attached with the symbol of Anuradha which is Lotus. The Sanskrit meaning of Lotus is Padma. The seed of lotus is sowed in the mud therefore its initial growth takes place in the mud only which indicates the individual’s total involvement with materialism. The manifestation of the seed of lotus happens at various levels. It takes root in the mud which represents total ignorance. Its stems grow in water and water represents the emotional side of a person. It gets attracted by the sun rays and starts blossoming on the surface of the water. This also represents the growth pattern of a soul. The other meaning of Padma refers to sexual intercourse. Another meaning of Padma is Laxmi, the consort of Vishnu, who follows Lord Krishna in the form of Radha. According to mythological story the macro cosmic lotus rises from the navel of Vishnu and on which Brahma, the creator of cosmos was seated. Lotus also refers to the entire process of the creation.

Another meaning of Anuradha asterism is the ‘Smaller Radha’ or one who follows Radha. Radha is the beloved of Lord Krishna who was deeply attached to him. The story of Radha is also very significant. She was the consort of Lord Krishna but due to her circumstances she longed more that she lived with Krishna. Although both were not leaving an opportunity to be together when they get chance but the constant struggle was there. It looks as soul is longing to meet the divine but circumstances are creating the problem to do so. The same pattern can be seen from the opposite lordship of nakshatra, Saturn and sign lord, Mars. The deity of nakshatra is Mitra who is eternally friendly and cooperative towards man. According to Rig Veda, there are two powerful deities, one is Varun, light of the night. Mitra is light of the day which begins with the dawn. The Atharva Veda says whatever light was concealed by the Varun in the night, Mitra brings it back with the dawn. The night represents the ignorance of the soul due to influence of Maya and with the dawn divinity takes over.


Your Strengths: The Anuradha – Saturn – Mars combination creates paradoxical situation. As Mars and Saturn are inimical to each other, one is considered fiery and the other is cold by nature. Therefore, inherent conflicts remain mostly at the psychological level where a person has to understand the dark and bright side of his being and make timely adjustments. Ego, ignorance, jealousy and attachment start losing connectedness with the inner self once you learn to synchronize both the natures. Once this phenomenon occurs, the person becomes open and has empathy and compassion for one and all. No doubt, the initial struggle remains there, but once flowers begin to blossom, fragrance and beauty can engulf the entire world.

You have a great ability to create and maintain good relationships without losing your focus. Once you understand your latent power, you can do wonders with this unused energy. You have the ability to overcome the difficulties which come your way. Many times, it seems, especially to your close ones, that you have given up and lost the battle. But you are one of those who can lose at the initial level to achieve final victory. You help people without them coming to know that you are helping because you believe that dignity and honour should be maintained.

Your Drawbacks: There are certain issues which need to be addressed in earnest otherwise they can cause your downfall. Sometimes, rigidity in thoughts and vehement jealousy can create a lot of problems for you. You are low on tolerance and anger takes a centre stage. Selfish motives can bring you a bad name.

Hasta : [10°0’ – 23°20’ Virgo]


Hasta is the thirteenth asterism of the zodiac which extends from 160°00’ to 173°20’. The entire nakshatra resides within the sign Virgo, ruled by Mercury. The symbol of Hasta is hand. One can locate it in the sky as a hand looks giving blessings to the mankind. The lunar mansion is governed by the Moon, the main receptacle of cosmic energy whereas the lord of sign Mercury operates as a link between the man and the divine. Mercury gets exalted here. Virgo and Mercury put together stands for clarity of thoughts, deeds and absolute concentration. The primary motivation of the asterism is moksha, liberation. Its basic attribute is tamas, inertia at both primary and secondary level, with rajas activity at a tertiary level. The ruling deity of the asterism Hasta is Saviter, the Sun god who is the reservoir of all generated forces in the universe.


The symbol of the asterism is Hasta or human hand. The hand is the most powerful instrument given to man which makes him stand apart from the entire animal kingdom. The difference between animal and man is only of the grip. Man can use his grip the way he wants but no other animal has got this ability. It gives him prowess and enables him to stand any kind of confrontation. If man is self-reliant in all departments of life then the credits goes to hand and he knows how to use it in different situations. Saviter is the presiding deity of the asterism and in the form of Sun god who imparts creative and regenerative energy. With the support of this energy multi-faceted growth of life has taken place.

Under the influence of this nakshatra, the individual wants to bring many changes and keen to give new shape to his imagination all the time but he is constantly faced with external resistance therefore conflict and crisis become the main impediments. Hasta also represents duration, the time itself. All activities can fructify only in a time and space realm, whereas the consciousness crosses all the boarders of time and space or for it time and space make no difference. On a worldly level field of action is determined and Hasta produces action in that field. Therefore action is directly related to the duration which is the combination of time and space. On the worldly level hand is used for personal gratification and if selfish motives take a centre stage the hand can become the worst enemy of the entire mankind. On the spiritual plane hands can be used in the form of mudra, yoga and meditation.


Your Strengths: The Hasta – Moon – Mercury combination brings out an individual who is very keen to change the world, to give a new shape and keep growing. There is a tremendous urge inside you to march ahead without bothering about external resistance. The laws of paradoxical nature operate fully but you look for a paradigm shift. Difficulties and obstructions are faced at every level but this does not deter you to achieve the desired results. This combination also makes one self-reliant and one who can influence the energy pattern with his will and optimism. They approach life as a natural phenomenon and do not defer their plans because of various reasons.

You are mentally very strong and there is a keenness to express your creative intelligence in whatever you undertake. You are very clear about your thoughts right from the beginning which is why you work with utmost self-control to realize all your dreams. You are quite sure of your abilities and go all out to achieve your goal. There is a tremendous regenerating power within you which is why you almost always help those who seek help. On a higher level of your existence, you are very keen to make a difference in the lives of mankind as a whole, rather than work on an individual.

Your Drawbacks: You may face hard times, difficulties, ill-health and constraints early in life. You can be over-critical, impatient and perturbed. At times, your merciless attitude could begin to tell on your relationships. Your tendency towards self-indulgence can be detrimental.

Uttara Phalguni : [26°40’ Leo – 10°0’ Virgo]


Uttara Phalguni is the twelfth nakshatra of the zodiac and it is also the later part of Purva Phalguni. Uttara Phalguni extends from 146°40’ to 160°0’ of the zodiac. The asterism resides in two fixed stars at the tail of the lion but nakshatra itself extends in the next constellation of Virgo. The first quarter of the nakshatra from 26°40’ to 30°00’ resides in Leo sign governed by the Sun, which provides the native with tremendous possibilities of growth, development and creative expression. The remaining three quarters of the asterism which extends from 0°0’ to 10°0’ in sign Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Virgo and Mercury put together create a wonderful environment which enables the native to develop his/her latent potential including yogic powers. The lord of nakshatra is the powerful planet of the zodiac is the Sun. its basic attribute is tamas, inertia with rajas at secondary and sattva at tertiary levels. The primary motive of the asterism is moksha, i.e., liberation.


It is noted the Phalgunis are twin cousins. One is Purva and second is Uttara Phalguni. Therefore some features, symbols and activities are somewhat identical. The symbol of Uttara Phalguni is also four legs of a coat which connect them with each other. Uttara Phalguni represents the two real legs of the coat which have the ability of healing others. The presiding deity of the asterism is Aryaman. Aryaman, a Vedic god is known for his leadership and noble qualities. The unity of Phalguni needs a deeper insight to know the multi-faceted approach of a four-legged cot. On the lower plane the utility of cot is well-known and understood. On the higher plane the unity of four legs makes the world complete itself because the entire Universe is enclosed and creates an environment where four natural forces can operate easily. The quarternity can be interpreted in many ways. The beginning of universe is related with the four heads of Brahma, the four dimensions of the space and the four Vedas. There are four stages of human life and there are four duties one needs to perform to live life comprehensively. The world is also made of four walls as is the house where man lives. The number four provides the basic environment from where life or understanding starts happening or taking place. The fifth dimension is space or absolute reality known as Brahma.

The first quarter of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra falls in Leo sign which provides a very secure environment for the native and without any restriction. The opportunities are available in abundance to the native for his growth and development. The last three quarters fall under Virgo and ruled by vibrant planet Mercury. Virgo sign is deeply related with the mysteries of the nature. This sign also bestows the native with hidden powers. The planet Mercury is fully capable of exploring the hidden qualities of brain. The sign Virgo represents the nature at large and Mercury provides the needed intellect to understand the hidden forces which control the nature. Therefore the possibilities of spiritual growth and mental expansion are tremendous under this asterism. If one takes keen interest then mystery of nature and space can be understood to a great extent. This asterism is also provided with tremendous energy so one can gaze at the vastness of the Universe. Whenever one tumbles in his mission or feels isolated then there is Aryaman, the presiding deity who assures the success in mission because he himself is a superman and does not like his people, those born under this asterism, to face permanent blockade in life.


Your Strengths: Uttara Phalguni – Sun – Sun combination provides immense activities to the people born under this nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni bestows tremendous basic power, hidden urge and restlessness which could become the driving force to attain something meaningful. Before they achieve something important, they must go through the process of chaos. Unless and until courage, confidence, endurance and an ability to fight is instilled, they cannot achieve their desire. Since you are aware of your potential, perhaps this is why you fight with all your might to achieve something extraordinary. This combination is a mixture of ambition, fight, difficulties and righteous struggle. Persons born under this nakshatra are bestowed with a tremendous force to overcome constraints and restrictions.

The Uttara Phalguni – Sun – Mercury combination possesses latent potentiality that could be used in various yogic powers. Uttara Phalguni also indicates that the creative energy is ready to bestow the native with the best in every possible way. A person born under this combination possesses an inherent power which constantly pushes restless energy to take a concrete shape under any circumstance. This constellation also enables the person to fight with all his might until he achieves his desired goal. There is an inherent urge to fulfill aspirations through righteous means and it does not bother the person if, in the process, he or she faces tremendous difficulties.

You are eager to fight your way to achieve leadership in your desired field. You also believe very strongly that if efforts are righteous, then the desired are not very far off. You can bear all sorts of difficulties and hassles once results are assured. You have no problem in standing alone or in isolation, but once you decide to get into action, then you focus all your energy to achieve laurels. You have a self-belief that safety, peace and comfort can only be achieved while engaged in meaningful actions. You are very kind and generous to people you feel deeply associated with.

You are extremely hopeful about your abilities. There is a tremendous positive belief in you that possibilities will never shut their doors on you. You cannot be tied down with limitations and always want to explore the vastness of the universe. You prefer to stand alone and live in isolation but once you have decided to engage in action, your commitment is unbelievable. As achievements make you feel secure and confident, you direct all your energies to achieve worldly things. You have the ability to explore the hidden aspects of your nature and utilize them to your benefits.

Your Drawbacks: On the other side of your personality, loneliness can create a great void in your life. You know you grow in meaningful relationships or in co-dependency. If you can overcome your loneliness then you can do wonders; being lonely is the most difficult state of your being. At times, your resentment and ingratitude towards others creates problems for you.

Self-centredness could bring your morale to its lowest ebb. You could sometimes isolate yourself too much and too deeply. It can reduce your confidence to a very low level and then it will take very long to bring it back. Do not indulge in black magic or left-handed tantra to control others. Sometimes, you hold an inner resentment towards your friends and even those who have helped you.

Magha : [0°0’ – 13°20’ Leo]


Magha is the tenth asterism of the zodiac which extends from 120°00’ to 133°20’ and the entire nakshatra resides within the sign Leo. Magha’s main star is Regulus, the brightest star of Alpha Leo. Magha means the great or the mighty one. The presiding deity of the asterism is Pitris, the fathers or the great is palanquin he humanity. The symbol of nakshatra is palanquin (palki) on which a king, or a pilgrim or a new bride is carried by the bearers from one place to another. The ruling planet of Magha is Ketu whereas the sign Leo is ruled by the mighty planet Sun. The primary motivation of Magha is Arth, seeking specific goals. Its basic attribute is tamas or inertia and it has rajas, activities at secondary and tertiary levels.


The presiding deity of the asterism is the father of humanity. The ancestors of humanity have been given a special responsibility of providing the proper guidance to their families on this planet. They are the guiding force and live in Pitri’s Lok (Ancestor’s abode) and when they find that their progenies are in dire trouble or deviating from the righteous path, then they help them. If their progenies are progressing on the defined path then they just oversee the progress and enjoy. They are also known as guardian angels who keep on protecting their progenies from disasters. Due to their influence many rituals and traditions are being followed by their progenies.

At this stage the individual increasingly become self-centered. He wants to grow rapidly and achieve everything in an isolated manner. His ego is inflated and he wants to carve a niche for himself and prove to others his superiority. For him the self-respect, family pride, racial superiority, class status etc. takes a centre stage and he works for that. If any restriction or boundaries are put against him then he becomes restless and a rebel to an extent. The other meaning of the word – Magha is an island. He wants to create his own world or an island and uses all his energy, force to achieve his desires. At times he isolates himself from the group and suffers in isolation also. Ketu is the lord of the asterism and is a highly spiritual planet. A soul needs that kind of environment where it has to be separated from the whole to understand its own limitations and restrictions. Unless and until that has not been understood the soul cannot advance further.

In this reference the symbol of Palanquin is very important. Palanquin is carried by people and the person who sits on it, either a king or a pilgrim or a bride holds a special status. The same way when due to the influence of spiritual planet Ketu, the Tamsik attributes of self are overcome then lift is available to move toward the higher destination.


Your Strengths: The Magha – Ketu – Sun combination sets the stage for an individual to ready his mind to take decisions and direct all the energy at his disposal to attain desired goals. Evolution is ready to take place as the soul carries forward the divine mission. There is tremendous courage and energy to accomplish any task once the person gets started. This configuration makes people highly ambitious and bestows them with leadership qualities. You are magnanimous in your attitude and totally devoted to those you love. You have the ability to express your ideas, doctrines and philosophy in a beautiful way.

You believe you are indebted to take care of humanity and act as a father figure. Perhaps this element of responsibility enables you to become a guiding force for your family, nation, etc. Although your ideas remain quite contradictory, you overcome the situation with efforts. One part of your being is very keen to get into action while the other part does not want to come out of inertia. With constant action and understanding, you are large-hearted and go a step ahead to help the ones you care about.

Your Drawbacks: You can be extremely arrogant and prejudiced about certain ideas and people. Sometimes, it is very difficult for you to achieve your lofty and impractical ideas. Overindulgence in sexual activities can be the main cause of your downfall. Too much materialism or overpossession could also bring your progress to a half.

Ashlesha : [16°40’ – 30°00’ Cancer]


Ashlesha is the ninth asterism of the zodiac. It extends from 106°40’ to 120°0’ and completely resides within the sign of Cancer. It consists of a circle of six stars in the constellation of Hydra, the female water snake. The meaning of Ashlesha is entangle the person or object completely. The nakshatra is ruled by Mercury and the sign Cancer is governed by the Moon. The motivating force of the nakshatra is Dharma, principle. Its basic attribute is rajsik, however, it is sattva at secondary and tertiary level. The deity of nakshatra is Naga, the serpent king and it presents Kundalini or serpent fire which is located in the base of spine in the coil form. One can experience the enlightenment when Kundalini Shakti is awakened.


The serpent symbol is deeply associated with the man’s psyche right from the time immemorial. All ancient religions of the world had used this symbol in many different allegories. In Indian ancient literature, serpent symbol has been used widely. Although reptile snake is the most feared one because it can kill the object with its fatal bite, that happens only when it is provoked, does not matter whether intentionally or not. Otherwise he follows his own path. Kundalini Shakti is a mystic knowledge which is directly connected with spiritual awakening. There are three things connected with this symbol – one is snake, second is poison and third is mysticism. This energy is generally understood to be quite dangerous but if one can awaken the Kundalini energy then he can liberate himself within one birth.

According to Christianity the beginning of the world happens due to the presence of snake. Had the serpent not induced Eve to eat the apple in the Garden of Eden perhaps the beginning of the world would not have taken place. In Indian literature serpent energy is used in various forms. All our gods and goddesses have had serpent as one of their ornaments. It is also believed the world is balanced on the head of Sheshnaga, the huge serpent. According to another fable, Vishnu floats in the Kshira-Sagar, the ocean of milk on the bed of a huge snake. When the churning of the ocean took place at the beginning of the cosmic creation by the gods and demons the Sheshnaga was used as the churning rope. Lord Shiva and serpent are synonymous to each other. Serpent energy or Kundalini Shakti is considered the most electrifying energy in the world of spirituality. Besides, snake is also deeply connected with sex, power, money, wealth and hidden knowledge. In India snakes are worshiped widely.


Your Strengths: people born under the Ashlesha – Mercury – Moon combination are highly intelligent, clever and understand human psyche perfectly. They possess a great potential for mental development. They are intellectually very sharp and understand the nuances of whichever art they take up seriously in life. Their latent knowledge of understanding new challenges is terrific and they have the ability to become masters at whatever they do. Their personality remains mysterious and they are unpredictable in their behavioural pattern also. They carry some sort of split personality which is why they could be extremely good or bad according to the situation.

You are active, willing to take initiatives and capable of putting all your energy behind it. You are a keen observer of your surroundings and learn at the speed of light. You cannot tolerate any form of personal humiliation and if you are provoked by somebody or even by a situation, you make sure you prove your worth convincingly. Many times, you become aware of your real potential only after facing trauma in life. You also have a phenomenal ability to rise from the ashes. You are quite reclusive, self-reliant and happy with your isolation. You are very kind and gentle, and willing to help those who seek help from you.

Your Drawbacks: You are not completely aware of your temper; many times it takes you by surprise. Sometimes, your worries; fears and even mental instability create a chaotic environment for you. Your restlessness and self-deception can lead to psychic ability.

Ardra : [6°40’ – 20°0’ Gemini]


Ardra is the sixth nakshatra of the zodiac and it consists of a star, the bright star Betelgeuse, in the constellation Orion. Ardra extends from 66°40’ to 80°0’ of the zodiac. The entire asterism is within the sign of Gemini ruled by Mercury. The symbol of asterism is human head where mind presides and all thinking takes place. This symbol also looks like a precious gem. Its deity is Rudra, the lord of destruction and its planetary ruler is Rahu, also known as North Node of the Moon. Kama or desire is the primary motivation of the asterism. Its basic attribute is rajas, action, tamas at the secondary and sattva at the tertiary level. The Sanskrit meaning of Ardra is wet, soft, fresh, green, moist, shining like a gem.


Ardra represents the human head, which is endowed with the capability to think Primarily mind operates on duality. On one level it is very obedient, systematic, organized and used his intelligence very discreetly to make it extremely powerful or potent. When the mind is on its righteous side then all kinds of construction and creativity take place. However, when it becomes self-righteous and governed by the ego and acts on impulse then it brings down its own destruction. Ardra also stands for freshness, newness and believes in direct perception of reality.

Ardra also derives its huge strength from its presiding deity god Rudra. Rudras are hugely powerful and are the energy centre of Lord Shiva. Human head is related to Ardra and has many more hidden meanings in it. It is also believed that the brain is formed according to the past karmas of the man and whatever he does in this birth his future is decided accordingly. That is why the possibility of man doing good or bad is unlimited. When he is on the constructive path then he can build empires and liberate himself forever and if he follows destructive ways then he is capable of destroying everything including himself. Hence meditation or yogic way of life is important to understand this jewel – mind.


Your Strengths: Ardra – Rahu – Mercury’s basic inspiration is of kama: intense passion or desire. Ardra also stands for freshness and delicacy, and it provides a gem like shine to the entire personality. Ardra also represents the huge reserves of the mind which are capable of converting clear plans into action. There is a tremendous enthusiasm, action-orientation and inherent urge for expansion. However, there is a danger of crossing the line and missing your power.

For you, self-identification is very important. Though, in the beginning, your energy is totally focused to give meaning to yourself, you also understand the mysteries of this world to a great extent. Your intuitive wisdom works towards demystifying the whole process. Intelligence is used to understand the mechanism of materialism and decode it. You do not seek help from outside, but are willing to extend a helping hand to those with whom you feel connected. Although you are very kind, a snobbish attitude remains a part of your persona in some form or the other.

Your Drawbacks: There are chances of your getting intoxicated with power and facing constant ups and downs in life. Abuse of power and too much attachment to materialism can cause a lot of problems. Sometimes your actions can cause a lot of pain to others. You can be quite volatile and egoistic which can complicate things in your life.

Rohini : [10°0’ – 23°20’ Taurus]


Rohini is the fourth constellation of the zodiac which extends 40°0’ to 53°20’ of the zodiac. The entire asterism resides on Taurus, the Bull. Five stars of the constellation make Rohini most beautiful in the sky, including the bright red giant Aldebaran Alpha Taurus. Rohini is ruled by Moon whereas the sign Taurus is governed by Venus which represents the creativity of the entire cosmos. The symbol of this nakshatra is a chariot that transports royalty from one destination to another. The primary motivation of Rohini is moksha i.e., liberation. Its basic attribute is rajas, tamas at secondary and rajas at the tertiary level. The presiding deity of the constellation is Brahma or Prajapati, the creator of the universe who works on a cosmic design given to him by superior gods.


We may find many reference points of Rohini in various ancient literatures. According to Atharva Ved, Rohini was the consort of Rohit, the reddish Sun. it has been mentioned in ancient literature that out of the relationship between Rohini and Rohit, the heaven and earth were produced. Rohit was a powerful deity who also made the earth and heaven strong. It is also believed that he established light in the heaven. He had the ability to measure the space and atmosphere and through his grace gods attained immorality. His colour is bright red and deeply connected with the Sun. he is responsible for the very life force which gives shape to the entire manifestation. This shows that Rohini has huge creative energy which is totally dedicated to total creativity. Rohini is a centre of feminine energy which attracts male energy towards her for the purpose of procreation. It is also believed that through this constellation the fruit of ones actions are also realized.

There is another puranic story connected with Rohini and Moon. Out of 10 Prajapatis Daksha was the one. The king Daksha fathered 60 daughters out of which 27 were wedded to the Moon. Rohini was the most beautiful and sensuous among all her sisters. The Moon was hugely attracted towards her and started living with her only and ignored his all other wives. The other sisters of Rohini did not like the hostile attitude of the Moon and became very jealous and angry. They all approached Prajapati who in turn cursed the Moon and he started becoming ill (black). After seeing the precarious condition of the Moon all the sisters felt very bad and approached the father once again to pardon Moon. Once the curse was cast it could not be taken back therefore some amendments were made and from that day onwards Moon started waxing and waning in the sky.


Your Strengths: Rohini – Moon – Venus all three are associated with huge reserves of creative power. The Moon – Venus combination is one of the best poetic combinations from where the poetry of life starts taking new shape. This is a unique configuration which creates most suitable conditions from where the fruit of ones efforts starts ripening. It does not take very long for people belonging to this combination to connect with the world. Rohini functions at a universal conscious level which is beyond all rationality and reasoning. The transcendental consciousness also starts flowing through Rohini for world manifestation. It is noted that Lord Krishna was born when the Moon and its ascendant were in Rohini.

You have tremendous confidence in your potential. You work religiously to create an environment from where you can gain strength. There is a strong belief deep inside you that your efforts will bear fruit. This belief helps you set very high standards and prove your worth. An element of divinity is rooted in your psyche which helps you to achieve a higher awareness of your being; this inspires you to help humanity at large.

Your Drawbacks: You need not get too indulgent with your possessions as well as pleasures. A deeper involvement in sexual relationships can lead you to cross all social limits. Getting intoxicated with your success and the use of chemical substances can lead to your downfall.